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Kiwi's Blog - Stuck on Text Adventure...


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I kinda knew something would happen at the halfway point. I think one of the toughest problem programming this game, I can't tell where the data are going on the RAM. That's a problem with C language I believe. Therefore, I don't know if the RAM are just floating there or they'll be overwritten, or writing after the used spot. I can send data to a specific spot of the Colecovision video memory, but not RAM. The ROM size is 17KB, so going over that makes the game loops right after the title screen been drawn. If the ROM size is under that, it'll be fine. There's about 12 table for pattern, color, and name table. Sprite table are made seperately because it is difficult to add RLE data to it. Now the functions may be too big. There are about 8 -12 variables in the whole thing just for scripting event. Why would the RAM be filled up even if the function aren't being used. Declaration? Sigh, each void statement is 2 byte, table data are suppose to be...



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