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Planet Bob - Playing Ishido (Amiga)


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Hi there!


Trying some Zen gaming, following the Way of the Stones:




Well, this one is pretty easy to explain. It's basically a Shanghai variant - only in reverse. (As far as I know, the original Shanghai creator was actually involved in making this one as well!)


The standard game is played with a set of six stone shapes and six colors. You start on a mostly emtpy board, trying to fit in more and more stones according to a small set of rules.


In short the main rule is that you have to match either color or shape of adjacent stones. Unlike Shanghai, it is very easy here to complete the task as such.


The interesting part is to get a good score, which is depending on the number of adjacent stones you connect when making your move. Achieving a 4 ways connection is obviously hardest and scores the most.


Not much more to say about this game. I've just been playing a good dozen of rounds and I must say it already started to get boring. Definitely not my type of game

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