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atari2600land's Blog - Transatlantic - "The Whirlwind"


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Here are some notes I made while listening to the entire thing:

Introduction similar to Pink Floyd's "Atom Heart Mother," slowly fading in with horns and samples. Then comes the beginning of the catchy song. Then, the next 6 minutes reminds me of the beginning of Dream Theater's "6 Degrees of Inner Turbulence." Seems fitting, as Mike Portnoy, Dream Theater's drummer, is part of Transatlantic. The first word is sung at almost the 7-minute mark. The main theme, the part that goes "We got caught in the whirlwind, torn by the storms of our lives", is catchy. At about the ten minute mark, the tempo slows down for the second part of the song. By the second verse of "The Wind Blew Them All Away", the tempo picks back up. Seems like they stole part of their own music from part 1, put some new notes in, and played it in a minor key. At the end of this, the tempo slows back down for a little bit, and sets a mellow mood of the first part of...



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