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Looking to buy a 5200, Have many questions

Dr Manhattan

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I am looking to purchase the Atari 5200. I just have a few quick questions. Feel free to answer one, or all of these questions, or you can just share your thoughts on being an Atari 5200 owner. For example: What do you like best about the console? What are some of your favorite games? What do you think I should know before diving in? Etc... I'd love to hear your stories.


Now with that out of the way, let me get right to my questions.


Which do you prefer? The 4 port system or the 2 port system? I'm leaning towards the 2 port model simply because I don't like the power set up on the original model. Honestly, it scares me a little, having that AC adapter plugged in so close to my TV. Are my feelings irrational or does anyone out there agree with me?


Have the controller issues really been resolved? I have found a number of replacement controller parts on the web. Are there any parts you would suggest? And will these upgraded parts eliminate my controller worries? (The 5200 is the only Atari system I don't own and its because I was always afraid of the controllers.)


Where is a good place to buy the Atari 5200 Multi-Cart? I have only found one web site that sells this product. Unfortunately it was not in stock at the time.


Where can I get Atari 5200 Homebrew Games? Especially Adventure II, Combat 2 Advanced, and Beef Drop. I only see one 5200 game in the Atari Age store, and I've only found one auction for Adventure II on the web. Also, what are some of your favorite 5200 homebrew games?


Is there anything else I should know?


And that's it. Thanks in advance for your help.

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I'm looking forward to some of these answers too. My own 5200 was really a stumbled upon find, but I really do enjoy it.


From what I've read, mainly here, the 2 port is more desirable because of the more standard power supply. With the four port, if the switch box goes out, it's something of a pain to replace. I've done some cursory looks online, and the boxes I did find were expensive.


The controller issues haven't exactly been resolved, but they're probably not nearly as bad as they used to be. Best Electronics have some replacements parts for the controller, though some people were saying a fix is an easy as an aluminum dot glued over the carbon dot on the back of the buttons. This thread was helpful for me when I first got my controllers.

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I am looking to purchase the Atari 5200. I just have a few quick questions. Feel free to answer one, or all of these questions, or you can just share your thoughts on being an Atari 5200 owner. For example: What do you like best about the console? What are some of your favorite games? What do you think I should know before diving in? Etc... I'd love to hear your stories.


Now with that out of the way, let me get right to my questions.


Which do you prefer? The 4 port system or the 2 port system? I'm leaning towards the 2 port model simply because I don't like the power set up on the original model. Honestly, it scares me a little, having that AC adapter plugged in so close to my TV. Are my feelings irrational or does anyone out there agree with me?


Have the controller issues really been resolved? I have found a number of replacement controller parts on the web. Are there any parts you would suggest? And will these upgraded parts eliminate my controller worries? (The 5200 is the only Atari system I don't own and its because I was always afraid of the controllers.)


Where is a good place to buy the Atari 5200 Multi-Cart? I have only found one web site that sells this product. Unfortunately it was not in stock at the time.


Where can I get Atari 5200 Homebrew Games? Especially Adventure II, Combat 2 Advanced, and Beef Drop. I only see one 5200 game in the Atari Age store, and I've only found one auction for Adventure II on the web. Also, what are some of your favorite 5200 homebrew games?


Is there anything else I should know?


And that's it. Thanks in advance for your help.


Probably the best 5200 to have is a 2 port with a 4 port bios. It doesnt need the switch box, can use the VCS adapter, and with the 4 port bios those few games, pitfall being one, will work great. Its easy to swap the bios. You can call BEST and ask if they have it. Even without a bios swap unless you must play pitfall, I would recommend a 2 port.


Yes the gold or do it yourself with aluminum foil buttons and a fresh flex circuit will work great for many years. most times the old flex just needs a pencil eraser to clean it up. I did all my controllers with foil years ago and they all still work great.


You don't really need a multicart these days, there are usb carts out there you can dump roms on to play.


Atariage.com and ebay has homebrews. I think adv 2 is in the store here. It is fantastic. So is castle crisis.

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I am looking to purchase the Atari 5200. I just have a few quick questions. Feel free to answer one, or all of these questions, or you can just share your thoughts on being an Atari 5200 owner. For example: What do you like best about the console? What are some of your favorite games? What do you think I should know before diving in? Etc... I'd love to hear your stories.


Now with that out of the way, let me get right to my questions.


Which do you prefer? The 4 port system or the 2 port system? I'm leaning towards the 2 port model simply because I don't like the power set up on the original model. Honestly, it scares me a little, having that AC adapter plugged in so close to my TV. Are my feelings irrational or does anyone out there agree with me?


Have the controller issues really been resolved? I have found a number of replacement controller parts on the web. Are there any parts you would suggest? And will these upgraded parts eliminate my controller worries? (The 5200 is the only Atari system I don't own and its because I was always afraid of the controllers.)


Where is a good place to buy the Atari 5200 Multi-Cart? I have only found one web site that sells this product. Unfortunately it was not in stock at the time.


Where can I get Atari 5200 Homebrew Games? Especially Adventure II, Combat 2 Advanced, and Beef Drop. I only see one 5200 game in the Atari Age store, and I've only found one auction for Adventure II on the web. Also, what are some of your favorite 5200 homebrew games?


Is there anything else I should know?


And that's it. Thanks in advance for your help.



Four port, and I will tell you why. There are a few games that will NOT run on the 2 port model. Mountain King, Pitfall, and K-razy Shootout come to mind. So, getting a 2 port system you must realize that you will not be 100% compatible with the retail collection. I only have 4 port consoles and they hook up fine! The special switchbox actually gives a much cleaner video signal than the standard as well.


For controllers, you will get many mixed answers. Everyone has their opinion on it, but if you want mine I would say to simply bite the bullet and order the Best Electronics gold refurbished controller for $55. It'll arrive to you looking brand spanking new, work flawlessly, and carries a lifetime warranty. Can't beat that.


For a multicart, go to http://www.atarimax.com and get the reprogrammable USB cart. Just plug it in the USB port of your PC, drag and drop roms, and complete. It is the best cart you are going to find today of this type...and Steven really stands behind his stuff too!


Homebrew games are a crapshoot. You can get alot of great stuff at the AA store of course, but for others you'll have to look at ebay, the AA marketplace (or others such as Digital Press) and some store websites online such as Atari2600.com . Expect to pay a good or a bad price for them depending on the weather ;)


Hope that helps!

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For a multicart, go to http://www.atarimax.com and get the reprogrammable USB cart. Just plug it in the USB port of your PC, drag and drop roms, and complete. It is the best cart you are going to find today of this type...and Steven really stands behind his stuff too!



What's the size of the reprogrammable USB cart? How many megabytes or megabits?

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I am looking to purchase the Atari 5200. I just have a few quick questions. Feel free to answer one, or all of these questions, or you can just share your thoughts on being an Atari 5200 owner. For example: What do you like best about the console? What are some of your favorite games? What do you think I should know before diving in? Etc... I'd love to hear your stories.


Now with that out of the way, let me get right to my questions.


Which do you prefer? The 4 port system or the 2 port system? I'm leaning towards the 2 port model simply because I don't like the power set up on the original model. Honestly, it scares me a little, having that AC adapter plugged in so close to my TV. Are my feelings irrational or does anyone out there agree with me?

Well, if you just leave it plugged in, it works fine. If you keep plugging in and out the AC adapter from the switch-box, expect a spark or two. But it's still about 9V..14V DC so it's not like 110VAC.


Have the controller issues really been resolved? I have found a number of replacement controller parts on the web. Are there any parts you would suggest? And will these upgraded parts eliminate my controller worries? (The 5200 is the only Atari system I don't own and its because I was always afraid of the controllers.)

Trackball is one controller that is an attractive feature of A5200. Its fire buttons are much better than the stock A5200 controller.


Is there anything else I should know?


Yes, there's some other things you should know like:


Earth's Circumference at the Equator: 24,901.55 miles (40,075.16 km)


Earth's Circumference Between the North and South Poles: 24,859.82 miles (40,008 km)


Average Distance from the Earth to the Sun: 93,020,000 miles (149,669,180 km)


Average Distance from the Earth to the Moon: 238,857 miles (384,403.1 km)


Highest Elevation on Earth - Mt. Everest: 29,035 feet (8850 m)


But I am getting somewhat different figures for most of the above so I'll stop here.

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Four port, and I will tell you why. There are a few games that will NOT run on the 2 port model. Mountain King, Pitfall, and K-razy Shootout come to mind. So, getting a 2 port system you must realize that you will not be 100% compatible with the retail collection. I only have 4 port consoles and they hook up fine! The special switchbox actually gives a much cleaner video signal than the standard as well.


Thats true, but like I said above, all thats needed is to put a 4 port bios chip in a 2 port.

Also the 2 port doesn't have that glossy finish to it. Its more of a solid matte finish. It may be a matter of opinion but I would say the 2 port has a slightly better look as a result. Especially with these thing being so old, the matte cases seem to look better. That gloss finish of the 4 port shows every scuff.


Dont get me wrong though I love my 4 port. I've modded it for use with the VCS adapter and my 2 port has a 4 port bios. So besides for how they hook up my 2 and 4 ports are equal :)

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I am looking to purchase the Atari 5200. I just have a few quick questions. Feel free to answer one, or all of these questions, or you can just share your thoughts on being an Atari 5200 owner. For example: What do you like best about the console? What are some of your favorite games? What do you think I should know before diving in? Etc... I'd love to hear your stories.


Now with that out of the way, let me get right to my questions.


Which do you prefer? The 4 port system or the 2 port system? I'm leaning towards the 2 port model simply because I don't like the power set up on the original model. Honestly, it scares me a little, having that AC adapter plugged in so close to my TV. Are my feelings irrational or does anyone out there agree with me?


Yes, your feelings are irrational on this. I have a four-port and a two-port. While the power/TV connection on the 2-port is more "traditional" and does not require the unique switch box, I have never had a single problem or issue with using the four-port and its switchbox. Reviewers on YouTube who like to joke about the switchbox causing fire are full of shit.


Have the controller issues really been resolved? I have found a number of replacement controller parts on the web. Are there any parts you would suggest? And will these upgraded parts eliminate my controller worries? (The 5200 is the only Atari system I don't own and its because I was always afraid of the controllers.)


Best Electronics has the controllers and the parts. But even if it's rebuilt and working perfectly, it's still an awkward controller, IMO. I suggest getting a Wico controller, with the Y cable adapter - I have one. All you need then is a 5200 controller with at least a working start button.


Where is a good place to buy the Atari 5200 Multi-Cart? I have only found one web site that sells this product. Unfortunately it was not in stock at the time.


Where can I get Atari 5200 Homebrew Games? Especially Adventure II, Combat 2 Advanced, and Beef Drop. I only see one 5200 game in the Atari Age store, and I've only found one auction for Adventure II on the web. Also, what are some of your favorite 5200 homebrew games?


Get the games from here at AtariAge. Don't bother with eBay. There are more than one game for sale in the store. I recommend Kofi Yellow Kopter.


Is there anything else I should know?


And that's it. Thanks in advance for your help.


I enjoy my 5200. Pac-Man is the best on it.

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I'll leave the questions alone since everyone left plenty of info. Personally, I chose a 2-port and stock controllers. My favorite games are mostly homebrews and 8bit conversions. I'd recommend:

Sinistar, Beef Drop, Castle Crisis, Xevious, & Millipede in addition to the regular titles.

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I'll leave the questions alone since everyone left plenty of info. Personally, I chose a 2-port and stock controllers. My favorite games are mostly homebrews and 8bit conversions. I'd recommend:

Sinistar, Beef Drop, Castle Crisis, Xevious, & Millipede in addition to the regular titles.


Get the vegetarian version of Beef Drop.

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I would definitely get the 2-port, you don't want to mess with that special switchbox. The thing that has always baffled me is this issue of certain games not working with a 2-port, but I've had my 2 port since 1983 and it plays all the so-called non-compatible games just fine.


As for homebrews/reproductions I highly recommend Jr. Pac-man and especially Super Pac-Man, those are my favorite games for the system. Jr Pac has an annoying bug but can be played around with smart play. Super Pac is damn near perfect, albeit lacking in color a bit. It plays awesome though. Atari nailed the sound fx with these also.

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Ok first, I just want to say that this is literally the most helpful community of gamers I have ever met in my life. Seriously, I can't thank you enough. Your posts were so well written and informative. Plus this forum shows nothing but patience when it comes to noobs like myself. I really learned a lot in this topic. (I even took notes.) And I bookmarked many sites that were linked in this thread. Thank you very much for your help.


So here's my status. I'm still torn on whether I want a 4 or a 2 port system. I like the idea of owning the first console with 4 controller ports, but honestly, I'm more confident in the 2 port model because of my worries about the power source. (And as someone already pointed out, the original 5200 RF adapter can be expensive and difficult to replace.)


As for now I'm being offered three different 5200 systems, all with a number of different accessories. One person has a bare bones system for $25. Its a 4 port, but it has no RF adapter. Another person is offering me a 4 port system with 19 games for $50. Unfortunately I've had some difficulty getting ahold of this person so I'm not sure if we'll make a deal. The last system is a 2 port for $99. Its in great shape but the price seems a little high (is it?) If someone wants so suggest a reputable dealer I would really appreciate it.


I am also going to buy two reconditioned controllers as someone already suggested, along with that amazing re-writable 5200 multicart. That thing is amazing! Also going to purchase a ton of homebrew.


You guys rock! I'll be sure to report back once I've made my purchase. Thanks for getting me started in the world of the Atari 5200!

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Hi Doc,


IMO $99 is too high.


I might have overlooked this if you already mentioned it, but where are you? If you're near New Jersey there is a gathering (called NAVA) the last Saturday of each month (usually) at the Digital Press B&M store (in northern NJ) where people congregate to shoot the breeze, play games, & Buy/Sell/Trade videogames. If you can make it there you can probably find somebody with a 5200 and save yourself shipping. There is a similar event in southern New Jersey at Next Level Videogames, but I rarely attend that event and am less familiar with it.


In addition to my main 5200 I have 2 or 3 extras, a mix of 2-port and 4-port. I'd need to take some time to confirm one is in working order and find at least one working controller (and RF box if a 4-port system), but I'm confident I could do that and then bring one with me for you.


As for preference, I prefer the matte look of the 2-port, but I like the possibility of the 4-player functionality with the 4-port, and I like the elegance of the 4-port only having one wire crossing the floor from the console to the TV, so I'm torn as to which I'd recommend.


Regarding price, I'd think $50 for a working console (and RF box) and at least 1 fully working controller seems fair. Maybe a little bit high, but reasonable, in my opinion.


And now, back to work....

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I saw a 5200 that didn't look too nice (missing parts of the casing!) on the floor in the back of the DP store last week. I think the price was $70! No relation to the thread topic, but when you mentioned NAVA I thought of that.


Anyway, $99 is not TOO bad for a two port system as long as it is in pristine condition. Most of the 5200's I ran across really look like garbage. I guess it is due to the sheer size of this console. The bigger it is, the harder it is for the average gamer to keep looking like new I suppose ;)


As for matte vs. non matte finish, I have two 4-port consoles that are of the non-matte fashion. I believe the later four port models matched the two port casing style.

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Hi Doc,


IMO $99 is too high.


I might have overlooked this if you already mentioned it, but where are you? If you're near New Jersey there is a gathering (called NAVA) the last Saturday of each month (usually) at the Digital Press B&M store (in northern NJ) where people congregate to shoot the breeze, play games, & Buy/Sell/Trade videogames. If you can make it there you can probably find somebody with a 5200 and save yourself shipping. There is a similar event in southern New Jersey at Next Level Videogames, but I rarely attend that event and am less familiar with it.


In addition to my main 5200 I have 2 or 3 extras, a mix of 2-port and 4-port. I'd need to take some time to confirm one is in working order and find at least one working controller (and RF box if a 4-port system), but I'm confident I could do that and then bring one with me for you.


As for preference, I prefer the matte look of the 2-port, but I like the possibility of the 4-player functionality with the 4-port, and I like the elegance of the 4-port only having one wire crossing the floor from the console to the TV, so I'm torn as to which I'd recommend.


Regarding price, I'd think $50 for a working console (and RF box) and at least 1 fully working controller seems fair. Maybe a little bit high, but reasonable, in my opinion.


And now, back to work....


Nice thinking-- "Dr.Manhattan" has a good chance of being in NJ/NY area. I never heard of NAVA and I'm in NJ as well. I have a bunch of 4-ports (like 5) but just stock A5200 controllers so if anyone wants it drop me a PM with an offer ($40 w/switch box and tested working). I have about 10 Pac-mans and a few Star Raiders so I'll toss one or two of those in.


I actually use the A5200 4-port system for the HSC but use my own digital joystick adapter mostly or Wico or sometimes the PC joystick interface.

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I am looking to purchase the Atari 5200. I just have a few quick questions. Feel free to answer one, or all of these questions, or you can just share your thoughts on being an Atari 5200 owner. For example: What do you like best about the console? What are some of your favorite games? What do you think I should know before diving in? Etc... I'd love to hear your stories.


Now with that out of the way, let me get right to my questions.


Which do you prefer? The 4 port system or the 2 port system? I'm leaning towards the 2 port model simply because I don't like the power set up on the original model. Honestly, it scares me a little, having that AC adapter plugged in so close to my TV. Are my feelings irrational or does anyone out there agree with me?


Have the controller issues really been resolved? I have found a number of replacement controller parts on the web. Are there any parts you would suggest? And will these upgraded parts eliminate my controller worries? (The 5200 is the only Atari system I don't own and its because I was always afraid of the controllers.)


Where is a good place to buy the Atari 5200 Multi-Cart? I have only found one web site that sells this product. Unfortunately it was not in stock at the time.


Where can I get Atari 5200 Homebrew Games? Especially Adventure II, Combat 2 Advanced, and Beef Drop. I only see one 5200 game in the Atari Age store, and I've only found one auction for Adventure II on the web. Also, what are some of your favorite 5200 homebrew games?


Is there anything else I should know?


And that's it. Thanks in advance for your help.


OK. For starters, I was one of the lucky kids to get an Atari 5200 when it was first introduced. So, for me, the 4-port is the only 5200 I would own. The only advantage I've seen to having a 2-port is for the VCS adapter. But considering a REAL Atari 2600 can be found rather cheap, I don't see why one would want this. But that's just me.


As for the controller issues, bugs are still expected. However, I have found a way to help the controller return pretty close to a dead-center state simply by loosening all the controllers screws between a quarter turn to a half a turn. Loosening it does help take the friction off the joystick so it can try to do what it should. Also keep in mind the 5200 uses what was then a new carbon contact method. Every button on these controllers uses a carbon dot to complete a circuit. And no matter how much care is taken to keep them in tiptop shape, they will start to fail due to build up. However, there are two options to remedy this. Both methods involve taking the controller apart. The first method involves cleaning the contacts with a pencil eraser or a q-tip and rubbing alcohol. The second method is to replace the entire inner circuit and buttons with Best Electronics gold contact upgrade. Also, remember that these are early designs of analog controllers. Playing Galaxian does require some getting used to. If you can find it, the Trak-Ball controller is a great accessory to have and does feel more solid.


My favorite games for the 5200 are Star Raiders, Galaxian, Joust, and Pac-Man. My favorite homebrew, if I were to buy one, would have to be Beef Drop simply because I like Burgertime. I have not been able to find the multicart either so you are not alone. If you do get a 5200, be sure to not leave a cartridge in it when the system is going to be turned off for a long period of time. I lost a Space Invaders game when I left a game in it when I was a kid. I was unaware that the cartridge port was still getting power when the system was turned off and it somehow damaged the cartridge.


What I like best about the console is its overall design. For some reason or another the system is just attractive to me. It has a futuristic look to me. For Atari, it was a step away from the typical woodgrain look that most previous consoles had. I also like the controller storage, but it only holds two controllers. I have small hands as well so the controller was more comfortable to me than the 2600's controller. The carts are unique too having the same rippled edge as some of the features of the 5200 itself. It's actually a shame that the 5200 didn't last due to the '83 game crash. I feel that the system could of received a lot of interesting titles. Considering that the system does have a rather small library also makes it easier to collect for.


My 5200 is still going strong and I've not had to replace anything on it. And it's been heavily used as well. I don't know how many Centipede tournaments my mom and I had on this console. And now my wife and I continue the tradition. It gets played on a daily basis and rarely collects dust. I would have to say that the 5200 is my favorite of all the Atari consoles mainly due to sentimental reasons...besides, it's a blast to play! It does have to be treated like a child to last but it's worth it...and by all means, don't clean the cartridge slot as it is self-cleaning.

Edited by kamakazi
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However, I have found a way to help the controller return pretty close to a dead-center state simply by loosening all the controllers screws between a quarter turn to a half a turn. Loosening it does help take the friction off the joystick so it can try to do what it should.


The 3 on the bottom. That does help take the pressure off and lets the rubber boot around the stick spring back to center easier. Good advise.


In fact when I was heavy in to rebuilding these controllers I had a few boxes full of misc parts. I learned that there were a few types of these sticks made. Some in USA, China, Mexico, some unmarked. There are low rubber boots, high rubber boots, fire buttons that have more square edges and some are a darker color with more rounded edges. Flex circuits with different revisions, but they all seemed very similar except the ones that actually have carbon traces instead of metal.


I found some combination of upper and lower shells you could not tighten those screws on the bottom even a little. The stick would be squeezed and not even able to move. So I had to figure out what 2 halves belonged together and keep them together with a rubber band until I got to that set for rebuild.

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If you do get a 5200, be sure to not leave a cartridge in it when the system is going to be turned off for a long period of time. I lost a Space Invaders game when I left a game in it when I was a kid. I was unaware that the cartridge port was still getting power when the system was turned off and it somehow damaged the cartridge.

I don't see how even if power was still coming when unit was off that it would destroy a cartridge unless the voltage levels are higher than normal when unit is turned off. And I do have a couple of Space Invaders that went bad but can't trace it to them being plugged in when unit was off. Perhaps, Space Invader carts have some inferior components.

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I've never heard of a 5200 frying a game left in when powered down. I've always unplugged mine when not in use anyway. I did have a bizarre incident with the 4port auto switchbox back in the 90's. Back then, I had a string of 4 rf switches from various systems hooked up to the same tv. The 5200 box developed a short of some kind and fried every rf switch I had after it in the series. Since then, I made sure the 5200 box was the first one on the tv.

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My favorite games for the 5200 are Star Raiders, Galaxian, Joust, and Pac-Man. My favorite homebrew, if I were to buy one, would have to be Beef Drop simply because I like Burgertime. I have not been able to find the multicart either so you are not alone. If you do get a 5200, be sure to not leave a cartridge in it when the system is going to be turned off for a long period of time. I lost a Space Invaders game when I left a game in it when I was a kid. I was unaware that the cartridge port was still getting power when the system was turned off and it somehow damaged the cartridge.


What I like best about the console is its overall design. For some reason or another the system is just attractive to me. It has a futuristic look to me. For Atari, it was a step away from the typical woodgrain look that most previous consoles had. I also like the controller storage, but it only holds two controllers. I have small hands as well so the controller was more comfortable to me than the 2600's controller. The carts are unique too having the same rippled edge as some of the features of the 5200 itself. It's actually a shame that the 5200 didn't last due to the '83 game crash. I feel that the system could of received a lot of interesting titles. Considering that the system does have a rather small library also makes it easier to collect for.


My 5200 is still going strong and I've not had to replace anything on it. And it's been heavily used as well. I don't know how many Centipede tournaments my mom and I had on this console. And now my wife and I continue the tradition. It gets played on a daily basis and rarely collects dust. I would have to say that the 5200 is my favorite of all the Atari consoles mainly due to sentimental reasons...besides, it's a blast to play! It does have to be treated like a child to last but it's worth it...and by all means, don't clean the cartridge slot as it is self-cleaning.


Thanks for the great post and the helpful advice. Also, it seems like you and I have very similar taste in games, not to mention hardware. I love the sleek look of the 5200. I've wanted to own a 5200 since I was a kid. When I was young I lived in Upstate NY and I literally never met anyone who owned a 5200. I think I've played it 3 times in my whole life and I'm an Atari freak. I can't wait to finally get my hands on one. (Hopefully very soon.)


Definitely going to pick up the trackball for some Missile Command and Centipede goodness :)


Anyway... you guys rock! *HIGH FIVE*


Right on!

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Where can I get Atari 5200 Homebrew Games? Especially Adventure II, Combat 2 Advanced, and Beef Drop. I only see one 5200 game in the Atari Age store, and I've only found one auction for Adventure II on the web. Also, what are some of your favorite 5200 homebrew games?


I have to admit something rather embarassing. When I posted this comment I did not know how to properly browse the Atari Age store. Basically I feel like an idiot. There are so many games in the AA store that between AA and Good Deal Games I'm going to go freaking broke in the next couple of months.

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Owned the 4 port 5200 since buying it brand new when it came out. Lucky mine works with the 2600 adaptor, something about a * in the model number i think. The Auto switch is the weak point all you have to do is make sure the power plug is the last thing connected. Now if we can get the Tempest cart, has anyone heard how much and when the full cart will be released?



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