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Looking to buy a 5200, Have many questions

Dr Manhattan

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Got my 5200, and am excited though I can't seem to get it to fire up - I am hoping I've just got a bad RF switch. RFU to Coaxial on the way in the mail from the AA store.


I've... not hooked up an old system this way for ages, so if anyone has any ideas I'm all ears. I've got a CRT tv, I'm plugging in the RFU adapter, switched to game obviously, and the little pin coaxial looking thing to the cable-in / coaxial input on the TV. When I power it on (TV set to channel 3, have tried 4, no good), it goes from all static to a blank slightly red-orange screen, no static sound or visual. I've moved around the carts (got a couple of them), once in awhile I can get some yellow blocks to appear on screen on one of the carts...

Do I have a bum 5200, or is this likely an RFU adaptor issue?



From what you are describing sounds like you have the two joystick port version. Has separate power and RF cable leads. If this is what you have try running the RF cable directly from the 5200 to the TV Coaxial antennae input. You may need a RCA to coaxial adapter.


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From what you are describing sounds like you have the two joystick port version. Has separate power and RF cable leads. If this is what you have try running the RF cable directly from the 5200 to the TV Coaxial antennae input. You may need a RCA to coaxial adapter.



I do have a 2-port, should've specified. I am eagerly awaiting the RCA to Coax in the mail, I'll give that a shot when it arrives, hopefully in a day or two. I've managed to jimmy the carts around and variably get a bright purple screen, a yellow screen, or a mess of blocks similar somewhat similar to a Yar's Revenge screen. :P I'll try cleaning the carts too, just in case. Grumble. Thanks for the assist, guys!

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I am looking to purchase the Atari 5200. I just have a few quick questions. Feel free to answer one, or all of these questions, or you can just share your thoughts on being an Atari 5200 owner


Even I got a question. What is the 4-port 5200 system worth?


One loose system without any hookups or controllers were sold at ebay for 40$ recently but that might be to high...

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I am looking to purchase the Atari 5200. I just have a few quick questions. Feel free to answer one, or all of these questions, or you can just share your thoughts on being an Atari 5200 owner


Even I got a question. What is the 4-port 5200 system worth?


One loose system without any hookups or controllers were sold at ebay for 40$ recently but that might be to high...


Stay away from listings with bare consoles unless you are picking one up for parts or you already have all the accessories to make it a complete system. Picking up all the accessories on their own will cost you a lot more than buying a complete system. The 4 port switchbox alone will set you back another $40, which may not be a problem if you're handy with a soldering iron and can do the mod to bypass the switchbox but most people aren't so skilled, and then you're already close to what some complete systems with a few games go for. You also have no way of testing for functionality when the console arrives if you don't have all the bits to hook it up and play right away. A 5200 with no hookups, controllers or games is a pig in a poke.

Edited by OldAtarian
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Got my 5200 to work and display properly for... 30 seconds, then it froze and won't get back to anything but a blank screen. Eek. I was looking at the back (this is a 2-port, if it makes any difference), and the power pin and the channel switch were both slightly recessed into the case, to the extent that they're not easily reachable. So I'm thinking it got bent or something in shipping to me. And I'm not very technically knowledgeable, but I'm hoping I might be able to perform a quick and easy fix. Are there easy instructions somewhere on opening up the case, and/or special tips? I'm betting once I get a look inside, it'll just be a matter of gently bending or moving something and putting it back together...

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Got my 5200 to work and display properly for... 30 seconds, then it froze and won't get back to anything but a blank screen. Eek. I was looking at the back (this is a 2-port, if it makes any difference), and the power pin and the channel switch were both slightly recessed into the case, to the extent that they're not easily reachable. So I'm thinking it got bent or something in shipping to me. And I'm not very technically knowledgeable, but I'm hoping I might be able to perform a quick and easy fix. Are there easy instructions somewhere on opening up the case, and/or special tips? I'm betting once I get a look inside, it'll just be a matter of gently bending or moving something and putting it back together...

Just regular phillips on the bottom. You might have to do some soldering, practice on a junk PCB and wires or get an electrician friend.

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It was a pretty easy open, but I didn't see anything useful or immediately noticeably out of place to the untrained eye. Grumble.

Time to bring it to the aforementioned electrician friend, see if he can figure it out. It all looks just fine in there on the motherboard, just a blank video whenever it's powered on. Probably a loose connection to the RFU, I'm just guessing, but it seems intact. I guess the power might be an issue (which would explain why the game froze after 30 seconds instead of going blank, which would've been the video / RFU signal, right?), or something going to the cartridge slot maybe. Ugh.


Rough start to my 5200 ownership. But I do like the system - the case just simply looks awesome, like a star destroyer. And I like the look and feel of the controller. From my 10 seconds of gameplay on Miner 2049er it felt pretty cool. :P

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It was a pretty easy open, but I didn't see anything useful or immediately noticeably out of place to the untrained eye. Grumble.

Time to bring it to the aforementioned electrician friend, see if he can figure it out. It all looks just fine in there on the motherboard, just a blank video whenever it's powered on. Probably a loose connection to the RFU, I'm just guessing, but it seems intact. I guess the power might be an issue (which would explain why the game froze after 30 seconds instead of going blank, which would've been the video / RFU signal, right?), or something going to the cartridge slot maybe. Ugh.


Rough start to my 5200 ownership. But I do like the system - the case just simply looks awesome, like a star destroyer. And I like the look and feel of the controller. From my 10 seconds of gameplay on Miner 2049er it felt pretty cool. :P

It could need a good cleaning. Use some 90% alcohol on a toothbrush and glently cleean the cart slot. Let it dry.

Use a q-tap with alcohol on the game cart contacts.

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I have a question about the Wico Controller Y Cable. Isn't it basically a 2600 controller adapter?

No, because the Wico stick has a different pinout. I think the Wico stick by itself might work as an Apple II joystick, has anyone tried that?


Well the WICO is an analog stick. So even if it was pin compatible to the 2600 stick, there is nothing there to do analog to digital conversion. The only way a 2600 paddle would work is if the pins for analog left/right and the button were the same as the 5200 pins.

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I have a question about the Wico Controller Y Cable. Isn't it basically a 2600 controller adapter?

No, because the Wico stick has a different pinout. I think the Wico stick by itself might work as an Apple II joystick, has anyone tried that?


I have an IBM stick that also works as an Apple joystick (both being analog) and there's some switch to account for some difference. But Wico uses too many different pins and the range of the POT is different as well.

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I have another controller related question. This time its about the Competition-Pro Atari 5200 Joystick.


How does this joystick work without a key pad? Is there a piggy back port for another controller? Or did it also come bundled with a Y-Cable like the Wico Controller?


Thanks in advance for all your help. You guys really know your stuff.

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I have another controller related question. This time its about the Competition-Pro Atari 5200 Joystick.


How does this joystick work without a key pad? Is there a piggy back port for another controller? Or did it also come bundled with a Y-Cable like the Wico Controller?


Thanks in advance for all your help. You guys really know your stuff.


Looks like it has a Y-connection to a DB15 connection built into the main cable coming from the joystick. So you just plug in a standard controller into the DB15 connector for using the keypad or some other keypad (maybe Wico keypad also works).


eBay Auction -- Item Number: 3704443593731?ff3=2&pub=5574883395&toolid=10001&campid=5336500554&customid=&item=370444359373&mpt=[CACHEBUSTER]

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I have another controller related question. This time its about the Competition-Pro Atari 5200 Joystick.


How does this joystick work without a key pad? Is there a piggy back port for another controller? Or did it also come bundled with a Y-Cable like the Wico Controller?


Thanks in advance for all your help. You guys really know your stuff.


Looks like it has a Y-connection to a DB15 connection built into the main cable coming from the joystick. So you just plug in a standard controller into the DB15 connector for using the keypad or some other keypad (maybe Wico keypad also works).




Great find! I don't know why I didn't think of checking ebay.

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I have another controller related question. This time its about the Competition-Pro Atari 5200 Joystick.


How does this joystick work without a key pad? Is there a piggy back port for another controller? Or did it also come bundled with a Y-Cable like the Wico Controller?


Thanks in advance for all your help. You guys really know your stuff.


Looks like it has a Y-connection to a DB15 connection built into the main cable coming from the joystick. So you just plug in a standard controller into the DB15 connector for using the keypad or some other keypad (maybe Wico keypad also works).




Great find! I don't know why I didn't think of checking ebay.


There's a lot more Competition Pros for the 9-pin digital joystick ports out on ebay.

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Stay away from listings with bare consoles unless you are picking one up for parts or you already have all the accessories to make it a complete system. Picking up all the accessories on their own will cost you a lot more than buying a complete system. The 4 port switchbox alone will set you back another $40, which may not be a problem if you're handy with a soldering iron and can do the mod to bypass the switchbox but most people aren't so skilled, and then you're already close to what some complete systems with a few games go for. You also have no way of testing for functionality when the console arrives if you don't have all the bits to hook it up and play right away. A 5200 with no hookups, controllers or games is a pig in a poke


Well I am handy with soldering irons and such stuff and I will modify every 5200 I get so there will be an ordinary PSU on the console itself and AV outputs for connection to a SCART. Newer use RF and no worry about the rare switchbox


But if the system got all it's hookups, what is it worth (only interested in 4 port version, no other)?

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Stay away from listings with bare consoles unless you are picking one up for parts or you already have all the accessories to make it a complete system. Picking up all the accessories on their own will cost you a lot more than buying a complete system. The 4 port switchbox alone will set you back another $40, which may not be a problem if you're handy with a soldering iron and can do the mod to bypass the switchbox but most people aren't so skilled, and then you're already close to what some complete systems with a few games go for. You also have no way of testing for functionality when the console arrives if you don't have all the bits to hook it up and play right away. A 5200 with no hookups, controllers or games is a pig in a poke


Well I am handy with soldering irons and such stuff and I will modify every 5200 I get so there will be an ordinary PSU on the console itself and AV outputs for connection to a SCART. Newer use RF and no worry about the rare switchbox


But if the system got all it's hookups, what is it worth (only interested in 4 port version, no other)?


Like I always say, prices depend on the market. One day one might sell $50 and the next day it sells for $100. If anything, the two port is probably more valuable because you don't have to mod it to bypass the switchbox and they all work with the 2600 adapter. Giving up two controller ports is a small price to pay for that. I bought a 4 port only because the one I found seemed like a really good deal for the price. It was $80 shipped, complete in the box (I'm not sure what should have been included for a CIB, but it also had at least some of the original packing material), the switchbox was still in it's original box and it came with 8 games one of which was Space Dungeon and it had the controller holder. I'm cheap, though, and I try my best to lowball everything I buy so I get outbid a lot. A deal like that probably won't come around again for a long time. More typical for the lot I got would have probably been $110-$120 shipped. I budgeted for a controller rebuild (which it does need) which was why I bid so low. I was surprised nobody outbid me.

Edited by OldAtarian
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Further grumbles from my 5200 inauguration.

Got it off ebay, the seller had offered to either give me a full refund if I packed it up and sent it back, or a half refund and I could keep it and try to fix it. I took the half refund, as for the 30 seconds I got the system to power up it gave me hope and the controllers seemed to be in great working shape.


Had a friend who knows more than I do take the board out of the 5200 to examine it, and he basically said it's toast. Too much rust on bits that aren't easy to replace, running along lines and such. He said that it was clear to him that someone had perhaps attempted some kind of mod on it at one point, as one of the chips was put in backwards. So, I am out $45 or so (I overpaid because the damned thing looked in such great shape, and came with the original box and 2 working controllers). I gave my friend the 5200 to do with what he will, he'll probably harvest some of the bits for parts and such.


And now I'm looking at 4jays or for other options on a good, working, warrantied 5200, preferably 2-port. Anyone have any recommendations or experience with 4jays? After all, I went so far as to get a few games, and now I've nothing to play them on and don't feel like abandoning ship quite yet. I just hate watching the $ to fun ratio get so awful. Grumble.

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Further grumbles from my 5200 inauguration.

Got it off ebay, the seller had offered to either give me a full refund if I packed it up and sent it back, or a half refund and I could keep it and try to fix it. I took the half refund, as for the 30 seconds I got the system to power up it gave me hope and the controllers seemed to be in great working shape.


Had a friend who knows more than I do take the board out of the 5200 to examine it, and he basically said it's toast. Too much rust on bits that aren't easy to replace, running along lines and such. He said that it was clear to him that someone had perhaps attempted some kind of mod on it at one point, as one of the chips was put in backwards. So, I am out $45 or so (I overpaid because the damned thing looked in such great shape, and came with the original box and 2 working controllers). I gave my friend the 5200 to do with what he will, he'll probably harvest some of the bits for parts and such.


And now I'm looking at 4jays or for other options on a good, working, warrantied 5200, preferably 2-port. Anyone have any recommendations or experience with 4jays? After all, I went so far as to get a few games, and now I've nothing to play them on and don't feel like abandoning ship quite yet. I just hate watching the $ to fun ratio get so awful. Grumble.

I have one available if needed, but I'd have to find a suitable box. It's a 2 port but the metal strip across to top is missing. Works great otherwise. You could put the board in your case or just use it as is.

I've bought lots of Commodore items from 4JAYS and had no trouble with anything so I'd recommend them.

Edited by zylon
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How about $30 + shipping with working A5200 stock controller, Pac-man, Star Raiders (since I have plenty of those)? And guaranteed to work and no rust.


So a 4 port version with one controller and 2 games that all works for 30 + shipping... That is a fair price to me. Perhaps I can buy a system from you in a couple of weeks


Was there a powercord provided in that offer?


If you got msn you can add me. Check my profile :)

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How about $30 + shipping with working A5200 stock controller, Pac-man, Star Raiders (since I have plenty of those)? And guaranteed to work and no rust.


So a 4 port version with one controller and 2 games that all works for 30 + shipping... That is a fair price to me. Perhaps I can buy a system from you in a couple of weeks


Was there a powercord provided in that offer?


If you got msn you can add me. Check my profile :)


Yeah, AC power adapter is included. Forgot about that. I don't use MSN, but I usually trust people around here.

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