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Beef Drop on 7800 is awesome


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Based on what I've played the most, Robotron 2084. I've only played a few of the homebrews so far(got them last night and didn't git home until 2am) so don't have a favorite of them yet.

rapidly getting off topic of how awesome Beef Drop is but...


_love_ Robotron for 7800, though I've read comments that it's too easy (and it is indeed far easier than the arcade version).

What controller(s) do you use when playing it currently? I've had good luck with two gamepads, twin-stick style. It's much harder if you use just one.

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I NEED I NEEDA this game!!! (Beef Drop)..already have r2084 and I use 2 prolines, seems to work fine if im in the zone. :D

So what you guys are saying is 2084 you can use two joysticks on the stock game? I never knew that. I can only play this game for about 2 minutes then am dead as it gets waqy too hard too fast, but with two controllers might be easier..

Oh to stay on topic "beef drop awesome"

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