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Tickled_Pink's Blog - WTF - Some players are just bad losers


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Tonight, I spent some time trying to refine the handling of my Viper '08 on Forza before unleashing it in multiplayer. It had shown some promise. Its straight-line speed, launch and acceleration are mind blowing when working together. Its handling and braking is also supposed to be pretty good but it was one of those cars which moved like a fish but steered like a cow!


So I played around with the setup and got the cornering improved. Braking can be a bit of a problem. Doesn't take much to lock them up.


Anyway, I unleashed the car onto multiplayer. The first race was around the Catalunia circuit where I'd actually done most of my testing. Two laps in and I was still in the lead after a flying start but the car's problem was that it didn't like long sweeping corners. Short corners are fine and it can take those no problem but constantly fights for grip on long bends, allowing other cars to catch up. Well, there was this one dickhead in a DLC who decided to...



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