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I just ordered the AtariMax USB multicart


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I broke down and ordered the Atarimax USB cart. I put it off for a long time. Mostly because of cost. However, I just could not resist anymore! :)


I've searched the forums here and was able to download a lot of rom files. I'm very much looking forward to trying these conversions on my 5200. I am confussed though. Was Demon Attack ever released as a rom? I read posts that said it was going to be, but that was long ago. Did it ever happen?

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I've never been able to find that rom or the one for Atlantis. Classics obviously has them since he put them on his old AtariMax multicart (as well as solid individual carts of them IIRC). Dunno why he won't release them. People have been asking him for years.


Do you think the reason is because he wants to keep selling them as individual carts? I mean, if people keep buying and paying $30 + shipping, I can see wanting to keep that going.... Still, with money so tight, after selling some things to be able to get this USB cart, I'd like to grab up all the roms I can. :)

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I've never been able to find that rom or the one for Atlantis. Classics obviously has them since he put them on his old AtariMax multicart (as well as solid individual carts of them IIRC). Dunno why he won't release them. People have been asking him for years.


Do you think the reason is because he wants to keep selling them as individual carts?


It might. However...I don't believe he owns the IP so I'm sure he isn't profiting on them.

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I've never been able to find that rom or the one for Atlantis. Classics obviously has them since he put them on his old AtariMax multicart (as well as solid individual carts of them IIRC). Dunno why he won't release them. People have been asking him for years.


Do you think the reason is because he wants to keep selling them as individual carts?


It might. However...I don't believe he owns the IP so I'm sure he isn't profiting on them.


So, the $30 would be for the cart creation service?

I'm not against it or anything. I love the fact that people do this sort of thing and you can get a cart for these 20+ year old systems still today.


Seems kinda weird though. Someone sells a rom using device for $130+ and then doesn't make all the roms available. Mostly weird because they were available before as part of a multicart. The new better device gets less...


Anyway, I'm sure there are reasons behind it. I for one would love to have these unreleased roms for my USB cart. Thats basically all I wanted to say. I'm not criticizing anyone. Just voicing I got this product and would like to see the roms :)

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This is the page for Wratchild's Fort Apocalypse XL conversion and this page includes Kid Grid, Claim Jumper, Journey to the Planets, Capture the Flag, Chop Suey, and a WIP Rampage. Wrath worked on the recent AA release of Sinistar for the 5200.


Here's an outdated master list of links to forum pages for almost all conversions. I think the only one classics released since is Chicken.


The still MIA xl converion roms are Atlantis, Attack of the Mutant Camels, Batty Builders, Claim Jumper, Clowns & Balloons, Crossfire, Demon Attack, Desmonds Dungeon, Diamond Mine, Fast Eddie, Ixion, Jawbreaker, K-Star Patrol, Mr Cool, O'Riley's Mine, Pacific Coast Hwy, Pastfinder, Shamus, Turmoil, and Worm War I.

Edited by Greg2600
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Hi Official Ninja. Will you post some impressions of the 5200 USB cart when it arrives? I'd love to hear more about it. I'm planning on buying one myself. Thanks!


Got my AtariMax USB cart for the 5200 over the weekend. I've been distracted from it because I just purchased an Atari 8-bit computer. However, I did find time to set it up. The software installed under Windows XP no troubles at all.

You simply drag and drop ROM files in the app. You can then edit the name as you want it to appear on screen. The nice thing is , I believe the whole ROM is added to the database. So when you save your list it contains the rom files inside. Thats a very nice way to keep everything together and not worry about paths to the files! It looks like you have the ability to save a rom file out of the database too. When you get your list how you want it you plug the cart in and hit sync.


If you take away things like diagnostic carts and other non game demos there is easily room in the 128 slots for all the released games and conversions out there. I think I still have 10 (about) slots free. Besides BBSB, this is all you need to play everything on the 5200. Even MULE fits in the last 2 slots if you wanna play that.


It works great and so far all games have launched for me with no issues. The menu is a little touch with joystick movements. It can jump around on you if you move left and right accidentally and that makes the screen move a whole page. I'd like to see it a little less sensitive. You can also press the numbers to launch a game. That is even more sensitive and you have to type 007 to launch game 7. This is helpful when you use a paddle and cant move the selection up and down.


So, if you can afford it, you should get one. Like I said Its all you need for the 5200. One cart and you have everything. :) I'm loving it.

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