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Austin's Blog - It's that time of the year--It's time for some Castlevania!


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So everyone, it's nearing Halloween... What does that mean for you? Perhaps fall colors, cooler weather and over-indulging on candy, I suppose? Well, for me, it means jamming out on some Castlevania! Seriously, Halloween and Castlevania just seem to go hand-in-hand.


I usually play a CV game or two around this time of the year. Nothing in particular, just anything from the original NES game to the most modern stuff on PS2 and XBOX. This season however, it looks like I'm playing more than I usually do. For starters, I picked up a Game Boy Advance SP last week, and with that, I snagged Circle of the Moon (I am currently already at the final boss as I write this). Second, I picked up the new Castlevania: Lords of Shadow for the XBOX 360. I am only about a third of the way through the game, and while it seems to not have much in common with any Castlevania game prior to it, I am enjoying it. Lastly, I picked up Castlevania Harmony of Despair on XBOX Live Arcade a few weeks...



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