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Random Terrain's Tetraternarium - Probably Losing Internet for a Couple of Months (Time-Warner Won't Make a Deal)


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Everything got behind because of the car needing to be fixed. Time-Warner wants $273 by the 26th of October and they won't take half now and half on November 1st. They say it's their 'policy' to turn everything off if they don't have what they're asking for by the 26th. Unless something magical happens, I probably won't have phone, TV, or Internet for a couple of months since it will cost too much to have it all turned back on. My family has been paying Time-Warner for 24 years, and they can't wait 5 days? If an affordable alternative existed where I live, we'd never go back.


If I don't answer your PMs or e-mails, it's not because I don't like you, it's just because you smell funny. Oops, I mean it's because I won't be online for a couple of months until enough money can be saved to get on the Internet again. I should be back online by January or February of 2011.




Random Terrain




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