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7800XM Update - High Score Cartridges

Curt Vendel

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This is kind of a dual update, the new High Score portion of the XM is done, I essentially gutted the original GCC design, it is now using nvRAM and I've redone some of the chip select logic and eliminated the entire original battery and switching logic.


I've modified 6 original High Score cartridges for testing purposed and they've all been going through major testing. What I am going to do sometime this weekend is run off some new labels and I'll be posting these up for sale on the Legacy Engineering store. They will be limited to one per person only and please do not buy these as Ebay fodder, buy them if you plan to use them...


I know the first thing about 120 people are asking right now... "Hey, I own the original High Score cart with the old GCC design that drains the battery, is there a way for Curt to do an upgrade to my High Score Cart or could he sell an upgrade instruction kit"


1. The Upgrade is ugly as all sin, I don't wish it on anyone, so I'm not going to sell some kind of kit.

2. Yes, I will do upgrades, I have the procedure down, I also have a rework station that will allow me to do these upgrades a heck of a lot easier then some with a desoldering iron, jumpers, trace cutters, and soldering iron. I think everyone will understand, I'm bogged down with the XM project right now, so I can't be an upgrade jockey on the side and also produce joysticks too... My Dr. Octopus Exo-arms are in the shop ;-)

3. Yes, upgrading will be available after Christmas/New Years. They will be around $17 or so for the upgrade, the NvRAM are very expensive and I've gotta make a few bucks for the work and you have the option of having the new nvRAM labels put onto the cart as well...


Here is the new Label btw...





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