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blatant shiller on ebay australia


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100% activity with the same seller should be an instant red flag for eBay... if they cared...




Bidder Information

Bidder: m***4( 2 )

Feedback: 100%Positive


Bids on this item: 19


30-Day Summary

Total bids: 62

Items bid on: 12

Bid activity (%) with this seller: 100%

Bid retractions: 1

Bid retractions (6 months): 8

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Ever thought of reporting them? I do it all the time when I see shills or Buy It Nows for 1c but $200 shipping for an item they could ship for the cost of a few postage stamps.



I reported him months ago.

Do you really think ebay would actually do anything about it...?

The funny thing is that it is soooo obvious... all some pen pusher at ebay would have to do is look at any two of his items and bingo! but nooooo... that would require actually completing some forms and filing them~!

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Ever thought of reporting them? I do it all the time when I see shills or Buy It Nows for 1c but $200 shipping for an item they could ship for the cost of a few postage stamps.



I reported him months ago.

Do you really think ebay would actually do anything about it...?

The funny thing is that it is soooo obvious... all some pen pusher at ebay would have to do is look at any two of his items and bingo! but nooooo... that would require actually completing some forms and filing them~!

Did you also report yourself for doing side deals. :roll:

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Did you also report yourself for doing side deals. :roll:



Shill bidding is the worst you can do on ebay.........on the other hand we are doing all side deals..........


“Whoever is without sin among us, let him throw the first stone.” ;)

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Ever thought of reporting them? I do it all the time when I see shills or Buy It Nows for 1c but $200 shipping for an item they could ship for the cost of a few postage stamps.



I reported him months ago.

Do you really think ebay would actually do anything about it...?

The funny thing is that it is soooo obvious... all some pen pusher at ebay would have to do is look at any two of his items and bingo! but nooooo... that would require actually completing some forms and filing them~!

Did you also report yourself for doing side deals. icon_rolleyes.gif


perhaps I should.... perhaps i should also report collusion!

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Just for laughs I looked into completed listings for that seller and there are 4 other listings where m***4(2) has placed bids, and in 3 of those 4 has placed multiple bids to boost the price.


Just one more reason to snipe rather than make your highest bid early. Personally, if I saw something I really wanted was being shilled, I'd snipe in a bid ending in .99 cents to max out the shillers bid so they get stuck with it.

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Ever thought of reporting them? I do it all the time when I see shills or Buy It Nows for 1c but $200 shipping for an item they could ship for the cost of a few postage stamps.



I reported him months ago.

Do you really think ebay would actually do anything about it...?

The funny thing is that it is soooo obvious... all some pen pusher at ebay would have to do is look at any two of his items and bingo! but nooooo... that would require actually completing some forms and filing them~!

Did you also report yourself for doing side deals. :roll:


What's wrong with that? I've made offers to people who had items that weren't selling after being listed several times and they were more than happy to do a deal. The thing you have to do is get them to make up a special listing for you with a ridiculous BIN that nobody is ever going to pay and a best offer option. Then when you make your offer, they end the listing and sell it to you for your price. It's good if you also throw them a couple bucks after the item arrives to cover the listing fees so they don't take too much of a loss if the price is far below what the item is worth. You have to have them make up a special listing so you get buyer protection and ebay can't say you circumvented listing fees. Seller is happy because they at least got something for an item nobody else wanted, buyer is happy because they got a good price on the item, and ebay is happy because they collected fees on the transaction. If there was somebody else out there who really wanted the item and would have paid more for it, then they should have stepped up and bid when they had the chance to instead of waiting for the seller to list the item 3 times with no bidders.

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Ever thought of reporting them? I do it all the time when I see shills or Buy It Nows for 1c but $200 shipping for an item they could ship for the cost of a few postage stamps.



I reported him months ago.

Do you really think ebay would actually do anything about it...?

The funny thing is that it is soooo obvious... all some pen pusher at ebay would have to do is look at any two of his items and bingo! but nooooo... that would require actually completing some forms and filing them~!

Did you also report yourself for doing side deals. :roll:


What's wrong with that? I've made offers to people who had items that weren't selling after being listed several times and they were more than happy to do a deal. The thing you have to do is get them to make up a special listing for you with a ridiculous BIN that nobody is ever going to pay and a best offer option. Then when you make your offer, they end the listing and sell it to you for your price. It's good if you also throw them a couple bucks after the item arrives to cover the listing fees so they don't take too much of a loss if the price is far below what the item is worth. You have to have them make up a special listing so you get buyer protection and ebay can't say you circumvented listing fees. Seller is happy because they at least got something for an item nobody else wanted, buyer is happy because they got a good price on the item, and ebay is happy because they collected fees on the transaction. If there was somebody else out there who really wanted the item and would have paid more for it, then they should have stepped up and bid when they had the chance to instead of waiting for the seller to list the item 3 times with no bidders.

Its obvious you don't know what a side deal is .

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Ever thought of reporting them? I do it all the time when I see shills or Buy It Nows for 1c but $200 shipping for an item they could ship for the cost of a few postage stamps.



I reported him months ago.

Do you really think ebay would actually do anything about it...?

The funny thing is that it is soooo obvious... all some pen pusher at ebay would have to do is look at any two of his items and bingo! but nooooo... that would require actually completing some forms and filing them~!

Did you also report yourself for doing side deals. :roll:


What's wrong with that? I've made offers to people who had items that weren't selling after being listed several times and they were more than happy to do a deal. The thing you have to do is get them to make up a special listing for you with a ridiculous BIN that nobody is ever going to pay and a best offer option. Then when you make your offer, they end the listing and sell it to you for your price. It's good if you also throw them a couple bucks after the item arrives to cover the listing fees so they don't take too much of a loss if the price is far below what the item is worth. You have to have them make up a special listing so you get buyer protection and ebay can't say you circumvented listing fees. Seller is happy because they at least got something for an item nobody else wanted, buyer is happy because they got a good price on the item, and ebay is happy because they collected fees on the transaction. If there was somebody else out there who really wanted the item and would have paid more for it, then they should have stepped up and bid when they had the chance to instead of waiting for the seller to list the item 3 times with no bidders.

Its obvious you don't know what a side deal is .


I know perfectly well what a side deal is. It's buying an item from an ebay seller without ebay getting their percentage. It also applies when the seller has something else you might want and he sells you that item in addition to the one you are buying without ebay knowing about it. Either way ebay loses.




a transaction between two people for their private benefit, which is subsidiary to a contract negotiated by them on behalf of the organizations they represent


So the individuals profit while the company either loses or is kept in the dark, which is what I just said.


And like I also said, the only reason I formalize the deal with an actual ebay listing is to get buyer protection if something goes wrong and the goods aren't as described or the seller never ships. Paypal doesn't do refunds without a paper trail. I could just as easily have taken a chance and made a verbal agreement and sent the money without an actual ebay win, which is what I think you're suggesting, but then I'd be screwed if the seller was dishonest.


If you're also suggesting making a higher offer to the seller after the auction has closed, I've tried that in the past as well but none of the sellers was dishonest enough to take me up on it and risk ruining their ebay reputation. That's easily gotten around, too, though. The seller can say that on inspection the item was not as described or was broken and void the sale then we do the deal with a fake listing as described above. I've seen that happen a few times.

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From the context where I've seen it used around here, I thought "side deal" meant pulling out one part of a lot and selling it outside of the listing.


Often, I see the term used when a lot of game cartridges has one or a small number of valuable units in it and a buyer will contact the seller offering them a price for just the specific cartridge(s). The seller would then pull the unit(s) in question out of the lot and sell them outside of eBay to the buyer.


At least that's my impression of it.

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From the context where I've seen it used around here, I thought "side deal" meant pulling out one part of a lot and selling it outside of the listing.


Often, I see the term used when a lot of game cartridges has one or a small number of valuable units in it and a buyer will contact the seller offering them a price for just the specific cartridge(s). The seller would then pull the unit(s) in question out of the lot and sell them outside of eBay to the buyer.


At least that's my impression of it.


Ok then. I wasn't aware that side deal was defined so narrowly here because a side deal can technically be anything that benefits the individual negotiators, so in the context of an ebay sale, anything where the two parties negotiating through ebay benefit and ebay doesn't get their cut would be a side deal in the broadest sense of the term. I can see where culling the best of a lot for individual sale would also fall under that, but by limiting yourselves to such a narrow definition of what a side deal is, you're also limiting your possibilities for some good acquisitions.

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From the context where I've seen it used around here, I thought "side deal" meant pulling out one part of a lot and selling it outside of the listing.


Often, I see the term used when a lot of game cartridges has one or a small number of valuable units in it and a buyer will contact the seller offering them a price for just the specific cartridge(s). The seller would then pull the unit(s) in question out of the lot and sell them outside of eBay to the buyer.


At least that's my impression of it.


Ok then. I wasn't aware that side deal was defined so narrowly here because a side deal can technically be anything that benefits the individual negotiators, so in the context of an ebay sale, anything where the two parties negotiating through ebay benefit and ebay doesn't get their cut would be a side deal in the broadest sense of the term. I can see where culling the best of a lot for individual sale would also fall under that, but by limiting yourselves to such a narrow definition of what a side deal is, you're also limiting your possibilities for some good acquisitions.

(I don't know that I'd go so far as to call it defined, at least not by my definition of defined. Someone may come along and tell me I'm full of prunes. I'm no eBay expert and I've never engaged in anything that matches any of the explanations of "side deal" that I've read here.)

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