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blatant shiller on ebay australia


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Yes from Ipswich and no I don't bid up my own stuff, never have never will. It's that good it sell's itself lol. Also I have bought stuff from jeanie4moejoe only becouse it was something I wanted and I set my price and thats it with him. I've missed out heaps of times only becouse he or someone else keeps on biding which also drives me nuts.

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Yes from Ipswich and no I don't bid up my own stuff, never have never will. It's that good it sell's itself lol. Also I have bought stuff from jeanie4moejoe only becouse it was something I wanted and I set my price and thats it with him. I've missed out heaps of times only becouse he or someone else keeps on biding which also drives me nuts.



I don't think Dino (or I) was trying to connect your to Jeanie4mojo.

This is a guess... but he may have been trying to locate some hi-score games.

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He's at it again, got someone to go up to $900

Ebay seller:jeanie4moejoe Item number: 220711689587

Lucky m**2 in the lead with $1000



Welcome to AA George.

Yes Welcome. You're not from Ipswitch are you?


"please explaaaiiin"


I believe you might be on to something there Dino

I just had a hunch about George's ebay handle ;) Turns out I was right, and no, I wasnt implying that he is a shiller....

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yes from Ipswich and no I don't bid up my own stuff, never have never will. It's that good it sell's itself lol. Also I have bought stuff from jeanie4moejoe only becouse it was something I wanted and I set my price and thats it with him. I've missed out heaps of times only becouse he or someone else keeps on biding which also drives me nuts.



I'm hoping you keep yourself and those carts up on higher ground in Ipswich!

Seriously - hope all is fine with you.

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No worries where I am since my P.O.Box postal is only Ipswich. Got any v-case doubles? I've started to get into them a little bit quite fun, addictive and challaging.

Seen your "show us your collection" and i've got about a third of your v-cases, so quite a lot of catching up to go.

Got a v-case condor attack the other day and it had a space ship label (so thought to be a zellers game) but pulled it off as I could make their was a different label under. It had a spaceman with people behind it so thinking it must of been a relabeled zellers game? On the down side it doesn't work.

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No worries where I am since my P.O.Box postal is only Ipswich. Got any v-case doubles? I've started to get into them a little bit quite fun, addictive and challaging.

Seen your "show us your collection" and i've got about a third of your v-cases, so quite a lot of catching up to go.

Got a v-case condor attack the other day and it had a space ship label (so thought to be a zellers game) but pulled it off as I could make their was a different label under. It had a spaceman with people behind it so thinking it must of been a relabeled zellers game? On the down side it doesn't work.



Interesting. I'd love to see some pics of the v-cases you have - pm me if you want.

As far as i am aware, I'm pretty sure Zellers did not do v-cases.

Did the condor attack have a scull island top label? edit: read your post again

Edited by nofrills100
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No not expecting anymore games for a while, might even delay sending stuff that sells on ebay and just message buyers to wait a little while. With regards to the game no it didn't have a skull picture but the same picture that's on you know your hi-score box the big space ship and then under was the spaceman. Never had a double label before quite exciting.

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No not expecting anymore games for a while, might even delay sending stuff that sells on ebay and just message buyers to wait a little while. With regards to the game no it didn't have a skull picture but the same picture that's on you know your hi-score box the big space ship and then under was the spaceman. Never had a double label before quite exciting.


this sort of spaceman?


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  • 1 month later...

Ever thought of reporting them? I do it all the time when I see shills or Buy It Nows for 1c but $200 shipping for an item they could ship for the cost of a few postage stamps.



I reported him months ago.

Do you really think ebay would actually do anything about it...?

The funny thing is that it is soooo obvious... all some pen pusher at ebay would have to do is look at any two of his items and bingo! but nooooo... that would require actually completing some forms and filing them~!

He's at it again


Bidding Details

Bidder Information

Bidder: m***4( 2 )

Feedback: 100%Positive


Bids on this item: 1

30-Day Summary

Total bids: 6

Items bid on: 3

Bid activity (%) with this seller: 100%

Bid retractions: 0

Bid retractions (6 months): 10






30-Day Bid HistoryCategory No. of Bids Seller Last Bid


Video Games > Sega Master System 1 Seller 1 2d 21h

Video Games > Super Nintendo 3 Seller 1 2d 21h

Cars, Bikes, Boats > Passenger Vehicles 2 Seller 1 <1h















To keep eBay a safe place for buyers and sellers, member-specific information is not displayed in the bid history. Review the rules for buyers - opens in a new window or tab.

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