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ATARI 2600 Repairman wanted. U.K.


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I have received an Atari 2600 in need of TLC. I cannot tune it into any channel, I'm not even sure whether the 3rd party PSU even works, or for that matter is set to the correct polarity or voltage.


Anyone have any links or help they can give me to bring this machine back from the dead.


My location is South Yorkshire, Rotherham: if that is of any help.


Looking to find a doctor A.S.A.P






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The original PSU is 9 VDC, tip positive, 500 mA. You can safely use any voltage from about 7.5 up to 12 or so, and any current rating of 300 mA or higher. Normally, it's best to plug the power supply into the console before plugging it in the wall, but if you plug it in the wall first (and it's working), you should be able to see a small spark as you insert the plug into the jack on the unit.

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