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If they made a Activision Anthology 2, what would it include


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Well Ghostbusters, Rampage, and Double Dragon were left off due to Copyright issues, but there are a whole slew of prototypes that are apparently out there somewhere. I know some of the Activision alumni were talking about a sequel to Keystone Kapers which took place on a train, a game where you had to patch a leaking dam, and David Crane told me he had a motorcycle game that he never released.



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I think it would be difficult to give it that name since all the popular Activision 2600 games were included. I think if they did something like Imagic Anthology it might work since there are still some Imagic games that they could use and maybe include a few of the Epyx games as well.

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I agree that they did a great job with this one. I think they could have done a better job with how some of the techniques to unlock the extra features but this is about all I would change with the game.


About the only thing that I think that could have been added would have been maybe a history of activision from its early days to current. I know that they have a video on there but I would have liked a page that I could have read.

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I was thinking more along the lines of the...




US Games ... and possibly

Data Age


The interface for it would take place in a Department Store from that era. Complete with all the other consoles surrounding it. That is... "For those of you who grew up during that era, that remember what it was like."


- Ken

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Very interesting. I think nobody has thought of that before. M-Network had some pretty good games.


I would love to see the rest of Imagic's games like Dragonfire, Cosmic Ark and Riddle of the Sphinx.


The title may need changing unless Activision somehow buys up the rights to some of those other long dead companies.


(One thing that would have been good on the current Anthology would be online play and a table with high-score saves).

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Sounds like more than just a line of thinking...and with your previous request for Imagic, Data Age, and M-Network boxes, well...you do the math people.




What is the expected quarterly release time frame for the 2nd Anthology?


I guess Activision is pretty damn pleased with the overall sales of the 1st Anthology?


Congrats on the success of this product and I will add that the 80s department store idea...KICKS ASS!!!


I bought all my stuff at Wal-Marts, TG&Y, and Service Merchandise stores back in the day...hehe...



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  • 6 months later...
IMHO, if they made another Activision Anthology disc, I'd want a different base emulator... why not all the INTV Activision games or the C64 games or 5200..


I suggested 5200 before and it didn't fly, but I think it would be great to emulate since the 5200 had some really neat unique titles (The Dreadnaught Factor, Zone Ranger, an extended Pitfall II, et cetera).

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they should deal with copyright and get the lisences back for it


It ain't that simple. Especially for Rampage. Isn't it owned by Midway, one of Activision's competitors? How much would Midway jack them for if they even agreed to license it in the first place. It would be like Sony asking to relese a Mario retrospective.


People who don't deal with merchandising and contracts think that all there is to it is "legal mumbo jumbo" and "just getting it done." In reality there are actual deals to be made, compromises and issue to settle. And one party can call it off at any time. Sample conversation:


Activision: This is the absolute most we can afford to pay for a re-release of 2600 Ghostbusters? Will you give us the license?


Studio: No. Get out.


Activision: Okay, then. maybe we can get people to pay for Warplock.




US Games ... and possibly  

Data Age


All of them are companies that are currently not in the video game business. That's the key to Activision's licensing. You don't think that they're gonna pay for Frogger, Q*bert, and the other Parkers licenses, do you? For acrcade conversions they must not only pay for the 2600 program but for the original property as well. No movie licenses either. This is a low-budgeted project made to sell to us nostalgic oldsters and promote the Activision brand identity. I hope this edition has more and better features. The last one held no value for me. Our one bonus was commercials? They're not THAT interesting guys. And you can find those on the net as well as ROMs for the emulators. (Tip: emulator fans should grab up these companies' games pronto.)


Now if you give us interviews with designers, reviews and articles from the time, sales chart figures, technological details about the games and things that actually enhance the experience then I'll be sold on this one. To really sell it, make the effort to find several good unreleased games. So far every Activision anthology release dating back to the PS1 has been disappointing and in my opinion a poor value for the consumer. Bad emulation, unsatisfying features and bug-laden. Why should I buy any more of the Activision collections when my Z26 is superior? They have a great opportunity to provide historical context and a deeper appreciation of these games, but so far all that they are doing is making a buck off our memories.

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I don't know if this is true, but from what I read anthology didn't save hiscores. They also had to cut out an internet feature that let you download more atari info and games.


If a new anthology was to be released they should at least allow the save of hiscores. Back in those atari days, having the best score was everything... :)

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I'd want an Anthology made up of all the 8-bit games. I wouldn't care about duplicate titles, just whack them all on.


Or, how about some of Activision's computer games? Although the lack of a keyboard could be a problem...

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Well, Ken has had my contact information if he wants any Stella footage.  

I don't know why interview footage hasn't been in the requirements for Anthology since it's a hallmark of most commercial emulation packages.


Exactly. Such a simple and obvious feature that us old fans would love. Activision could have volunteers collect all the info if they wanted, but again I feel that they don't care about this product: just a cheap quickie release to build the Activision brand identity.


Classic Atari fans should spend their $35 on one of those sweet UA reproductions. The packaging and care taken with those games far outshine anything Activision has pulled off recently. And it didn't take a multi-billion dollar company to accomplish it. Just people who really give a damn.


And, as always, Ken Love bails out on the thread as soon as the criticism starts. I guess this thread wouldn't look good to his supervisiors as an example of proper viral marketing.

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  • 3 weeks later...

How ungrateful can you people be?! Ken shouldn't feel obligated to respond to ANY of this whiny garbage. He did an incredible job with Activision Anthology. What more do you people want?? Okay, there are little things that can be nitpicked, but so what? It's near-perfect, and I am damn glad to have it. As far as I'm concerned, we should all be kissing Ken's feet for making Activision Anthology a reality. I hope any plans for a sequel aren't scrapped because of the needless complaints on this board. We are a hell of a lot better off WITH Anthology on store shelves than without it. Just remember that before you start moaning for no reason.


Ken, if you still post on this board, can you confirm if an Anthology sequel is indeed in the works and when it will be released? Thanks.

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I'm still interested in the idea of having activision/imagic titles from the intellivision. Unreleased prototypes are sweet. Titles from the 5200/8 bit line are also fine by me. Duplicates of titles on other systems shouldnt' a concern, since they don't necessarily play the same.

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