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Space Invaders help needed...


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I friend of mine has suggested changing the "Space Invaders Collection Pack" name to just "Space Invaders Collection". He also suggested me changing the Collection font to something more "ColecoVision-ish". Showing below are snapshots from conceptual artworks to the new name/font and to the original name using a new font. Please note they are just work in progress, so you will see lots of dithering, antialising, etc, which will be removed in the final version. I would greatly appreciate any feedback...


He has suggested another wonderful idea, which I am showing in the next snapshot. Now, depending the option your invader cursor is on, the color pattern for Space Invaders will change. Nice, eh!


Paul Slocum, another good chap, has suggested me including a fourth game "mode", so here it's.


To be honest, he didn't suggest me including the mode, but said like "Hey, it isn't the SI I know! Where is the green overlay?!". Thanks Paul!


Any comments, suggestions, etc?


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I like the last one too.


So Paul wanted the red and green overlay huh? Well, remember when you and I discussed a 5200/8-bit pixel perfect version? The 5200/8-bit can do color for the overlay mode you put in for Paul :!:


That was the idea I had to give the player a color option. Other than that I didn't see a way to do a 5200/8-bit pixel perfect with color.


Take care.

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Maybe I should have placed a number next each option... well... :)


Hey Dennis, how is your 5200 SI port coming along?

I still don't understand... Isn't the 5200 able to generate a b&w screen in high resolution? I saw the background and foreground color must be the same, just different shades from the same color. But if you use the darkest hue, wouldn't it be enough? I mean, wouldn't it be close enough to black? I have no previous experience with the 8-bit Ataris but I am always willing to help. :)

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Hey Dennis, how is your 5200 SI port coming along?


Well, I've put it to the side for now while I focus on finishing my 2600 project. I was sort of working on both at the same time. When I made a break through with the display kernal for Climber 5, I spent most my time on finishing it.


I still don't understand... Isn't the 5200 able to generate a b&w screen in high resolution? I saw the background and foreground color must be the same, just different shades from the same color. But if you use the darkest hue, wouldn't it be enough? I mean, wouldn't it be close enough to black? I have no previous experience with the 8-bit Ataris but I am always willing to help.  :)


Yes, the 5200/8-bit can do a black background with a white foreground. The problem would be getting colors like what you have for your translation. In the highest resolution the 5200/8-bit can do a background color and the forground must be a hue of that background. Sure I could fudge the background and use a real dark green so the invaders could be green when they reached the barriers but I didn't like the look. I actually tried it and thought the background still had too much green in it. Also the colors would display differently based on different TVs. So on one TV it may look black but on another it would have a greenish tint and I couldn't live with that :)


An overlay display is doable though. Using a DLI you can change the color of the background per scan line. So I could split the screen into 3 sections. The top haveing the red overlay, the middle having no overlay (black background and white invaders), and the bottom having the green overlay. That was going to be the option for color if the player choose that.


I would like to pick this back up again. I would have to find my old source code. Hopefully I didn't loose it in my hard drive crash. Maybe I can pick it back up and show you my proof of concept. I'll see shat I can do.


Take care,


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My opinion:


First: I like the name "Collection" over "Collection Pack". Collection Pack doesn't sound right. Collection is just right


2nd. The Word "Collection" should be done in the font from picture #1


3rd. The Words "Space Invaders" should be the green one from the picture on the bottom right :)

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So till this point it looks like we have a draw between the rainbow font and the solid color font... It’s gonna be a difficult choice…

A couple of friends have told me “Collection Pack” doesn’t sound right. So I am thinking about changing it. But doesn’t “Collection” just sound too “plain”? :ponder:


About the Space Invaders logo color scheme, the colors will change in accordance with the option the invader cursor is on. The green version is the color scheme for Space Invaders Part II. Yellow is the color for SI Color, and white is for SI b&w. The first twos mimic the respective arcade logo schemes.


Shipping will depend on plastic cases availability. Right now I am negotiating with several suppliers. Lets see how things work out…


An overlay display is doable though. Using a DLI you can change the color of the background per scan line. So I could split the screen into 3 sections. The top haveing the red overlay, the middle having no overlay (black background and white invaders), and the bottom having the green overlay. That was going to be the option for color if the player choose that.


In Japan there was a different overlay version, using several color strips for the invaders. I think it’s shown on some SI reissues for home consoles. You would also include this version. But I find the idea you described above just great.


Maybe I can pick it back up and show you my proof of concept. I'll see shat I can do.


Please show me that. I am very curious. I am a big fan of Atari, but didn’t have the guts to start programming on Atari machines yet… I would be nice to learn a thing or two. :)

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Quick questions.... bear with me if they've already been addressed (since I'm still in recovery from flirtacious AtariAge gurls) :


Are rainbow bonuses being put in? This was a feature sadly lacking from most home versions.

And how about intermissions (like "engine trouble")?

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Are rainbow bonuses being put in? This was a feature sadly lacking from most home versions.  

And how about intermissions (like "engine trouble")?


Everything you listed above has been put in. Additionally, high scorer name registration, Taito Cop message, shot counting, Preset Mode, “wall of death”, and everything else you remember are in too… 8)


I have ever a Space Invaders specialist certifying the game in this very moment. ;)


You can find some more information at my web site:




By the way: Has Space Invaders Part II (or Deluxe) ever been released for a home console before? You said about a feature lacking from home versions...

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