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How to Build your own 4 port Switch Box (Cheap)


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oh i get it the capacitor blocks the dc current from going to your tv

and the coil keeps the rf signal out of your house wiring how many wraps on the bolt?


i mean i figure you need enough to block the radio waves but not so many as you make a giant electro magnet


I just Wrapped the Length of the bolt

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Be sure to use an all metal box, not plastic. My 5200 is the 2-port so I've never needed one of these. If I had the 4-port I'd probably just do the power mod and and A/V mod to skip this box anyway.



Yes I accidently got a 4 port model so I need a switch box look like thanks. But no electrical skills even simple for you guys is not for me. If somebody made a video it would help a lot. Anyhow got a box off ebay for 20 dollars so I'm good. But it says not working and amazon is double the price. But it shouldn't be too hard to fix right?




Just found that but have no idea if its good info.


Anyhow what would one of you guys charge to fix my box if I send it to one of you? Loos good shape so if it is jsut a fuse or something how much? Thansk.

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