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Seaweed Assault

Random Terrain

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For some reason I thought it was the opposite. I would just keep them as is then. Unless you can come up with something cooler. I wonder what it would be like if after the tones the falling canister did the beep beep beep before a corroded canister launches sound all the way down and if the homing canister did the sound of the launch. You think that would sound right?

I need to keep the corroded canister sounds separate so players will always know what the sounds mean. The first sound that the corroded canister makes is its sensors activating. The dropped health canisters already went through that before being dropped. Your leaders hear that sound, not you.

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It only happened once. I was stuck in seaweed. The tentacle came up. I was shooting. A corroded canister came up. It did the opposite of the tentacle coming up after the corroded canister bug. It interfered and made a sound bug. It went silent or something. I'm not completely sure because it happened so fast but it was an obvious and annoying bug. The solution is simple. If the tentacle is out and seaweed is shot then a corroded canister can't be found.

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It only happened once. I was stuck in seaweed. The tentacle came up. I was shooting. A corroded canister came up. It did the opposite of the tentacle coming up after the corroded canister bug. It interfered and made a sound bug. It went silent or something. I'm not completely sure because it happened so fast but it was an obvious and annoying bug. The solution is simple. If the tentacle is out and seaweed is shot then a corroded canister can't be found.

Thanks. That should be easy to fix.

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It was this version on the first page and happened on my first test. I got a score of 28817 because I tried to play as long as possible to see if I noticed anything instead of doing a quick test.

Thanks. I finally fixed a new bug I introduced last night, but I discovered another problem. Every once in a while the scanline count will go over 262 when the corroded health canister appears. I checked and it also happens in the one in the first post. After I figure out what is wrong, I'll put this latest version in the first post.

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What problems are caused by the scanline count going over 262?

The screen will roll. I use the The Faster, Easier Way with Stella to catch when the game goes over 262:





I have it set up so all I have to do is open and close the debugger by hitting the key above Tab twice, then the game will stop any time it goes over 262. It's an extremely useful feature once you have it set up. You can track down exactly when it happens and get the problem fixed.


I just have to figure out why it only happens once in a while.

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What kind of things can cause that to happen? Why hasn't my screen rolled?

Every once in a while, something is taking a little too long when the corroded canister appears. It only happens for a fraction of a second, so it may not be bad enough to cause screen roll. But every TV is different. Some might be more sensitive than others, so I need to track down the problem and have a steady 262.

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When it happens is there anything that occurs other than the corroded canister appearing? Like maybe the tentacle is triggered for a fraction of a second but is unnoticeable because you moved left or right quick enough that there was no sound or tentacle? Or maybe it happens near when a canister or wrothopod is about to drop? Or maybe somehow another corroded canister is triggered while one is already out and they interfere? Any common correlation like that? Have you fixed the tentacle then corroded canister appearing bug yet? Could that be involved?

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When it happens is there anything that occurs other than the corroded canister appearing? Like maybe the tentacle is triggered for a fraction of a second but is unnoticeable because you moved left or right quick enough that there was no sound or tentacle? Or maybe it happens near when a canister or wrothopod is about to drop? Or maybe somehow another corroded canister is triggered while one is already out and they interfere? Any common correlation like that? Have you fixed the tentacle then corroded canister appearing bug yet? Could that be involved?

I fixed it so the corroded canister won't appear if the seaweed tentacle has been turned on, but it still goes over 262 once in a while and I don't hear the start of a sound effect when it happens. The game goes over 262 as soon as the bit of seaweed is shot, before it disappears. When I go back to the game or move it forward step by step in the debugger using Alt + F, then the bit of seaweed disappears and the corroded canister appears. Now that I described it, the problem may not even be in the corroded canister section. It's probably in the missile/seaweed collision section. Thanks. I should be able to track down the problem now.

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Which section is the trigger for the corroded canister to appear? Is it triggered before the seaweed disappears when the torpedo makes contact with the seaweed or does the seaweed's disappearance trigger the corroded canister? Maybe since the corroded canister is involved and it happens before it then maybe it is the trigger? Could the trigger be moved and the problem vanish?

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Let me know when you track it down. I haven't seen the screen roll but it would suck for someone if theirs does. Would it get stuck in a permanent roll or roll in a flash?

As far as I know, it would just roll once.






Which section is the trigger for the corroded canister to appear? Is it triggered before the seaweed disappears when the torpedo makes contact with the seaweed or does the seaweed's disappearance trigger the corroded canister? Maybe since the corroded canister is involved and it happens before it then maybe it is the trigger? Could the trigger be moved and the problem vanish?

The missile hitting a piece of seaweed and removing it is in the same section. Now that I'm done being called away from the computer every 5 minutes, maybe I can track it down.

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I played to a little over 3,000 points and Stella didn't stop once. It used to stop way before 1,000 points, so I figured if it didn't stop by 3,000, the problem was probably fixed. Looks like the problem was all of the extra code that has been added.


The pfread I've been using to make sure a bit of seaweed is really there uses up a lot of time and it was working OK before I added the new stuff, but will all of the extra code, it was just too much. So I put some of the extra code in vblank.


I guess I'm ready to post the latest version.

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What's been changed in the new version?

The corroded canister can't appear if the tentacle is on, and these things:


Anyway, no matter what you decide on that can you please make a test version with your energy burst as is, only a blinking blue score bar, 100 piece canister randomly has homing or falls, and add your new children? ;)

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Just in case you're waiting around for feedback, I just wanted to let you know I've been testing it since my last post. I have noticed a few things, mostly small, but I'm going to keep on playing to be sure.

Thanks. While I'm waiting, I'm looking over the code to see if anything can be improved.

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I played until I got a score of 57,621 but like always the seaweed won. ;-) I heard a slight bell sound and then paused to see how long I was playing. It happened around 33,274 points and didn't happen again, so it must not happen often. It didn't seem as long and as major as the other bell glitch. It was just a quick "ping".


In demo mode only falling canisters drop. I assume that is intentional to make the AI die but I just thought I would tell you just in case there is something in demo mode you forgot.


Your tip for waiting in the seaweed while shooting and waiting for the tentacle isn't always the best option. Sometimes it can pull you down into more seaweed. If you have health to spare, there are ways to swing yourself back and fourth to put you in a better position for the tentacle to pull you down into a safe spot and sometimes while swinging you can shoot yourself loose. That helped me a lot in this game.


A good tip to escape the wrothopod is to make sure that there isn't seaweed under you that he can push you into. Another good tip is to get into a position that he is coming straight down at you and right when he is about to hit, you quickly move out of his way.


If a player plays with the fire button held down for auto fire then when they try to come out of pause they can't hold down the fire button. When you hold down the fire button to unpause the Manatee doesn't shoot. A player has to release the button then hold it down.


It may be just me but this version seems to run smoother somehow. It made the last versions feel like they have some lag and/or not as responsive to controls. I don't know what it is but it felt different in a good way.


The semi-random canisters worked. They switched roles smoothly as the reproduction rate increased and they were rotating but in a way that I was unsure which was going to fall. It works really well and the blinking blue score bar every time looks really nice.


The new wrothopods look really good. Some of their tentacles have an intimidating appearance that somehow reminds me of the "hair" of the Predator.


When things are silent, especially in pause, if the volume is up high there is static(could be my CRT but also could be the game). I don't know if that can be eliminated but it might be a problem for someone who blasts their surround sound. Maybe an intimidating slow pulsing sound while paused would help and add some suspense. Maybe something like the tentacle sound in slow motion. It might not be a major problem though.


What determines where the wrothopods and canisters fall?


That's all I can think of or remember right now. Anyway, this is the best version you've made. :thumbsup:

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