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Safety glasses for soldering


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I'd like to get some new safety glasses for soldering. The main problem I have with the ones I have now is that they are blurry. They use plastic lenses and it cuts down on my vision a bit. I find myself having to lift them up constantly to check my work when working with tiny components. So does anyone have a pair they can recommend?

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I go to Harbor Freight and buy several pairs of the safety goggles there for a buck each. When one breaks (and they always do somehow) then I have several others there ready to take the place.


There ae a ton of options for safety equipment, it has become its own industry. If you want non-blurry and tough get ready to pay 100+ bucks for them.


Or go get a bucket full of Harbor Freight ones.

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"Safety goggles" for soldering?!? Are you f-in kidding me? May as well wear a gas mask so you don't breathe in the fumes while you're at it. :lol:


Now that we've gotten over the tech humor, there have been one or two times (literally, that's all its ever been) where solder splashed up anywhere near my face. Been soldering several times a week for over 30 years now, so ummm.... yeah.


Joking aside - screw goggles. You're not welding, right? Just soldering? As in: printed circuit board or the occasional light duty wire here and there using an iron or a gun? Best bet I've found lately are good old fashioned reading glasses. $10-$20 a pair helps you see better AND protects your eyes in one fell swoop :)

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"Safety goggles" for soldering?!? Are you f-in kidding me? May as well wear a gas mask so you don't breathe in the fumes while you're at it. :lol:


Now that we've gotten over the tech humor, there have been one or two times (literally, that's all its ever been) where solder splashed up anywhere near my face. Been soldering several times a week for over 30 years now, so ummm.... yeah.


Joking aside - screw goggles. You're not welding, right? Just soldering? As in: printed circuit board or the occasional light duty wire here and there using an iron or a gun? Best bet I've found lately are good old fashioned reading glasses. $10-$20 a pair helps you see better AND protects your eyes in one fell swoop :)


Same here. My 40+ year old eyes need the help.

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There you go, I wear glasses normally. Only once in 16 years have I had a little fleck from a desoldering iron hit them. I'm not saying that you shouldn't be prudent, just that being alive is about as dangerous. Paper cuts can be nasty too ;)



In the 80's my father thought it was funny to watch a horror film where these people got trapped in a house and couldn't escape. One fellow was trying to buzz saw his way out the door and was overcome by an evil spirit that forced him to cut off his own hand. Due to that alone I can't use power cutting tools. That flick at age 10 messed me up. :(





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"Safety goggles" for soldering?!? Are you f-in kidding me? May as well wear a gas mask so you don't breathe in the fumes while you're at it. :lol:


I just got around to buying a fume extractors with the carbon filter from Circuit Specialists :)

I think I'll try some reading glasses and see how they work out.

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I just got around to buying a fume extractors with the carbon filter from Circuit Specialists :)

Yeah, that's the one thing I hate about detailed soldering jobs. Seems those fumes are always attracted to the face and nose. Just how cigarette smoke always drifts towards the non-smoker. lol


I remember in shop class, waaaaay back in H.S., my teacher coming over and explaining how its not good to breathe that stuff in (I was already accustomed to soldering by then). Joked about how lead drove the Romans to insanity... :lol:


I guess some still contain the stuff, but there are also lead free solder as well.

Edited by save2600
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"Safety goggles" for soldering?!? Are you f-in kidding me? May as well wear a gas mask so you don't breathe in the fumes while you're at it. :lol:


Now that we've gotten over the tech humor, there have been one or two times (literally, that's all its ever been) where solder splashed up anywhere near my face. Been soldering several times a week for over 30 years now, so ummm.... yeah.


Joking aside - screw goggles. You're not welding, right? Just soldering? As in: printed circuit board or the occasional light duty wire here and there using an iron or a gun? Best bet I've found lately are good old fashioned reading glasses. $10-$20 a pair helps you see better AND protects your eyes in one fell swoop :)

I'd lol if you got solder in your eye tomorrow.


The fumes irritate my eyes and the risk of jumping flux or solder isn't one I want to take, wearing goggles for soldering isn't very silly at all. I use some old welding goggles with clear lenses in, I know a good glass cutting place too where you can have any size lenses made :)

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