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Can someone verify that this TV hook up method will work?


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I just watched this video:



And while it helped out a lot I still have some questions. I'll go through the way that I THINK it'll work and you guys can verify that it will. Thanks a lot!!


1) Take the Atari 7800 and plug the Atari 7800 Electricity Cable into it, (It's rare, I'm making sure the one I buy comes with it) and plug it into electricity.


2) This is a part I really need verification on. At 6:40 he says you just take a single RCA cable and plug it into the Atari. OK, so EVERY Atari 2600 and 7800 has a plug for any old "RCA Cable?" And that brings me to my second question, what does he even mean by RCA Cable? RCA are those red, yellow white things that you plug into a TV, right!? For some reason I think it's also called composite, but I don't understand the relationship between the two names at all. What really strikes me though is that he then says that it doesn't matter if it's audio, or video or anything, as long as it looks like the one he uses. Now I really need verification on this: Would THIS:




Work? I searched Audio (He says he uses Audio RCA later in the video) RCA Cable on Amazon and this is what came up. Please just verify if that would work.


3) Plug the other end of the cable into a Coaxial adapter. I'm pretty sure this:




Would work but verification would be nice.


4) Plug the Coaxil adapter into your VCR. I have a DVD/VCR Combo, but there is something I also really need verification on. It's futile to explain what the back of the machine looks like, so I just drew it:




A masterpiece, isn't it? Anyway...


5) Plug the coaxial adapter into the back of the VCR.


6) Now we're talking. I happen to have a regular old Red-White-Yellow RCA to Red-White-Yellow RCA. Obviously one end plugs into the TV (It doesn't matter which obviously) but where do you plug it into the VCR? It's not Coaxial obviously, (And I'm using that anyway) it couldn't be Audio Out because it doesn't have a yellow video slot, it's obviously not S-Video, and I don't THINK it's component, but is it Audio Out or Audio In? I just don't know which...


7) Plug the Red-White-Yellow RCA cables that aren't in the VCR into your TV.


8) Go the channel and video mode on your TV that corresponds to the slots you're putting the RCA Cable into.


9) Turn on the Atari 7800 with a game inserted.


10) Play!


Again, thanks for your help!



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Let me simplify this for you a bit. To use a standard 7800 on a standard coaxial input TV set, you need one of these:




The cable you use should be insulated and SHIELDED. The regular red/yellow/red ones will technically work but it will have interference in the picture.


Okay, the connector shown does NOT have to be gold, it can be the thirty-cents-cheaper one that is silvery metal.




That is a nice choice of cable to get, it's shielded and will reduce a lot of the screen interference.


Welcome to the 7800 club, you're gonna love it.


Hope this helps.

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5) Plug the coaxial adapter into the back of the VCR.


6) Now we're talking. I happen to have a regular old Red-White-Yellow RCA to Red-White-Yellow RCA. Obviously one end plugs into the TV (It doesn't matter which obviously) but where do you plug it into the VCR? It's not Coaxial obviously, (And I'm using that anyway) it couldn't be Audio Out because it doesn't have a yellow video slot, it's obviously not S-Video, and I don't THINK it's component, but is it Audio Out or Audio In? I just don't know which...


It IS coaxial actually. That is what that adapter is for, it allows you to plug a phono style plug into a standard 75-ohm antenna input. That is why you want to make sure to use a shielded cable of some sort, the signal from the 7800 to the TV is not composite, it is RF, so if you just use a standard unshielded cable you will get all kinds of interference.

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Honestly, you're better off with some heavy RG-6 coax cable and the appropriate adapter.


OK, how would that work? No one answered my question about what is on the back of the 7800. Can any old RCA cable just plug into the back of the 7800? If that's the case, I'm GUESSING you plug the "RiteAV - RCA Male to F-type Female Adapter" Into the back of the 7800, then plug one end of the "RCA VH606N Digital RG-6 Coaxial Cable (6 feet)" into the adapter and the other into the TV. Is that what you would do?


If so, then I'm afraid I have some more questions. See, I have two TVs, a large one in my living room and a small one in my room. The large one has its Coaxial port in use, for Cable TV, so messing with that is out of the question. Could I plug the adapter into the 7800, plug one end of the Coaxial cable into the adapter, but then plug the other end into the VCR, and then plug the Red/White/Yellow cable I have into the VCR, and then plug THAT into the TV? Would it work? Would it not? Or would there just be interference? (As long as the Coaxial adapter is shielded, that shouldn't be a problem, right?)


Also, this is a VERY important question that I kind of forgot to ask before...The smaller TV has a free Coaxial port. Could I plug the Coaxial cable into that and play it? How would I go about doing that, what channel would I go to? Would it be the same channel I would go to to get cable?



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Honestly, you're better off with some heavy RG-6 coax cable and the appropriate adapter.


OK, how would that work?


You'd screw one end of the cable onto your TV or VCR, whichever has a screw-on coax input, screw the adapter onto the other end of the cable, and plug it into your 7800.



No one answered my question about what is on the back of the 7800. Can any old RCA cable just plug into the back of the 7800?


There's a female RCA jack on the back of the 7800. Yes, any old RCA cable with male ends can plug into the back of the 7800, but a thin unshielded cable will give you a crappy picture.


If so, then I'm afraid I have some more questions. See, I have two TVs, a large one in my living room and a small one in my room. The large one has its Coaxial port in use, for Cable TV, so messing with that is out of the question. Could I plug the adapter into the 7800, plug one end of the Coaxial cable into the adapter, but then plug the other end into the VCR, and then plug the Red/White/Yellow cable I have into the VCR, and then plug THAT into the TV? Would it work? Would it not? Or would there just be interference? (As long as the Coaxial adapter is shielded, that shouldn't be a problem, right?)


Yes, that would work. Wasn't that the whole point of the article you pasted in your original post? Also, you can use a switchbox if the coax on your TV's being used.


Also, this is a VERY important question that I kind of forgot to ask before...The smaller TV has a free Coaxial port. Could I plug the Coaxial cable into that and play it? How would I go about doing that, what channel would I go to? Would it be the same channel I would go to to get cable?


Yes, you can plug a coax cable into a coax jack. You plug RCA cables into RCA jacks. Coax into coax. There's a pattern beginning here.

I think the 7800 can display to channels 3 and 4. There's a switch on the back. You can flip it left, or you can flip it right. Carts go in the top. Controllers plug in the front.

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Dude, I just printed out your drawing. I am going to frame it and hang it up in my gaming room and I am not kidding. Awesome!


As far as plugging directly into the coax in the back of the TV from the 7800, yes you can do that with the adapter. Just screw the adapter directly onto the coaxial input on the TV, plug in the cord from the 7800 input and voila! You wil need to set the channel on the TV appropriately, of course.

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Honestly, you're better off with some heavy RG-6 coax cable and the appropriate adapter.


OK, how would that work?


You'd screw one end of the cable onto your TV or VCR, whichever has a screw-on coax input, screw the adapter onto the other end of the cable, and plug it into your 7800.



No one answered my question about what is on the back of the 7800. Can any old RCA cable just plug into the back of the 7800?


There's a female RCA jack on the back of the 7800. Yes, any old RCA cable with male ends can plug into the back of the 7800, but a thin unshielded cable will give you a crappy picture.


If so, then I'm afraid I have some more questions. See, I have two TVs, a large one in my living room and a small one in my room. The large one has its Coaxial port in use, for Cable TV, so messing with that is out of the question. Could I plug the adapter into the 7800, plug one end of the Coaxial cable into the adapter, but then plug the other end into the VCR, and then plug the Red/White/Yellow cable I have into the VCR, and then plug THAT into the TV? Would it work? Would it not? Or would there just be interference? (As long as the Coaxial adapter is shielded, that shouldn't be a problem, right?)


Yes, that would work. Wasn't that the whole point of the article you pasted in your original post? Also, you can use a switchbox if the coax on your TV's being used.


Also, this is a VERY important question that I kind of forgot to ask before...The smaller TV has a free Coaxial port. Could I plug the Coaxial cable into that and play it? How would I go about doing that, what channel would I go to? Would it be the same channel I would go to to get cable?


Yes, you can plug a coax cable into a coax jack. You plug RCA cables into RCA jacks. Coax into coax. There's a pattern beginning here.

I think the 7800 can display to channels 3 and 4. There's a switch on the back. You can flip it left, or you can flip it right. Carts go in the top. Controllers plug in the front.


Awesome, thanks, that's everything I need to know, I'll be back to this topic for reference! Again, thanks!!

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The way it's labeled, that "coaxial" port in your picture from the back of your DVD/VCR combo doesn't look like the screw on type RF jack that you need. It's a digital audio RCA jack, useless for the 7800. It's the port your player uses to send audio to an external amplifier. DVD players use that term to distinguish from an "optical" equivalent.

The term "coaxial" doesn't really specify the type of plug or it's function, only the nature of the wire in-between.


A traditional VCR will have the screw on jack RF input that you need, but that DVD/VCR combo looks like it doesn't have it.

I'm not sure the proper term for the screw on jack, I think it's RG6 or something like that but that could be wrong.

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