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Can Someone Help Me Find a 5200?


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On Ebay. Or any where? I am NOT looking for the cheapest one, but one that is in good condition and works. I also really need to know where to get the joysticks modded or buy some. I have gotten burned about three times finding a ColecoVision that actually works. I have gotten the 5200 bug. Had one when I was a kid, and for some strange reason decided to collect for CV recently. Big mistake as I really was not impressed with most of the games. And it is an absolute must that I find somewhere Space Dungeon and the holder for the controllers. That and Counter Measure were two of my absolute favorite games.


My goal is to get the multicart for fun and start what may seem like an impossible task - CIB/NIB of all 5200 games. This is my collecting bug, and if done right will most likely go up in value over the years, unlike my loose 2600 game collection. (Games that you couldn't touch for $40 five years ago are selling like $10 or less on Ebay now.)


I also have an Atari 65XE and am getting the flash cart for that. So, for A8 gaming I am pretty much covered. Not sure why, but I really like the A8 gaming platform.


Now, I think I may just start selling the 200+ A8 carts that I have to get a start on my 5200 collection.


I REALLY REALLY REALLY want to play a good game of Space Dungeon as soon as possible.... And Counter Measure to.

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I *may* have a working 5200 in a week or so that I will be willing to part with. I just bought a lot of stuff to get some assorted controllers and other stuff. I have to go through and test everything, I'll try and come by when I sort it all out and see whats working.


My advice though, look and make it a "job". I spend a ton of time searching Ebay, thrift stores, local buyback stores etc. I got my first 5200 a few weeks ago for 30 dollars from a buybacks used video/media store. Only one controller was even partially usable after cleaning and the switchbox didnt give out a good video signal (it is a 4 port). I ended up finding a video box at a different local store that i knew had one for 3 dollars bundled with some pong controllers (the owner likely didnt know what it was) I gambled on buying that one and it works perfectly. All in all I am in for 33 dollars for a working 4 port, power adapter, switchbox, 14 games, and one intermittent controller. The only thing i actually need is better controllers, I feel like I am doing pretty decent so far price-wise.


Patience is key, look around and you will be surprised at the stuff you can find around, sometimes at great prices because people just dont know what they have or someone looking for this specific atari stuff comes around only once in awhile. Then again for me part of the experience of collecting is the act of hunting for it. It feels so much better to me knowing I got a "good" price for something or found something rare.


Oh also a comment about the ebay prices. I have only been actively collecting for the past year, adding to a collection I have had since I was little, that being said I may have missed some price fluctuations. I do believe, however, that the prices on ebay are closely related to how the seller presents the product, how well the description is written, and the type of sale. I notice that for instance buy it now sales product a much higher average price than say an auction with a reserve or an auction at all. I feel as though in the past few years people on ebay have gone from willing to bid on things when they first find them to only willing to bid in the last few minutes of the auction. Often I will see a perfectly reasonable item for a low starting bid not bid on at all with say half a day left. I think people are wisening up to the ebay works and they are more willing to buy if they know: 1)They will get the item for sure without competition and 2)They know the ending bottom line to get the item. I believe this is the reason I personally have better success with buy it now auctions with a slightly higher price than I require, and add the best offer option. Often I will get multiple offers and in the meantime someone will come along and just buy it now. I dont know if youre serious about selling off your collection, but I would suggest that method for most types of items, in my experience it seems to lead to higher selling prices.

Edited by anakedg
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On Ebay. Or any where? I am NOT looking for the cheapest one, but one that is in good condition and works. I also really need to know where to get the joysticks modded or buy some. I have gotten burned about three times finding a ColecoVision that actually works. I have gotten the 5200 bug. Had one when I was a kid, and for some strange reason decided to collect for CV recently. Big mistake as I really was not impressed with most of the games. And it is an absolute must that I find somewhere Space Dungeon and the holder for the controllers. That and Counter Measure were two of my absolute favorite games.


My goal is to get the multicart for fun and start what may seem like an impossible task - CIB/NIB of all 5200 games. This is my collecting bug, and if done right will most likely go up in value over the years, unlike my loose 2600 game collection. (Games that you couldn't touch for $40 five years ago are selling like $10 or less on Ebay now.)


I also have an Atari 65XE and am getting the flash cart for that. So, for A8 gaming I am pretty much covered. Not sure why, but I really like the A8 gaming platform.


Now, I think I may just start selling the 200+ A8 carts that I have to get a start on my 5200 collection.


I REALLY REALLY REALLY want to play a good game of Space Dungeon as soon as possible.... And Counter Measure to.

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