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atari2600land's Blog - Maybe I should just give up...


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OK, I'm done. I've had it. If everyone thinks my games suck, then I simply won't make them any more. No use wasting Al's server space with stupid games nobody enjoys. And if everyone thinks I suck, then maybe I should just put a gun to my head and pull the trigger like I've been wanting to do ever since I was about 13 years old. Now I know many of you will ask "well, how come you didn't do that sooner?" Well, there are stupid, foolish people like my family (and apparently doctors, whom I think ACTUALLY would care less whether I shot myself or not, and are just saying things their textbooks tell them to.) who have not yet seen the light and actually WANT me around. I've been on this forum for almost 5 years now, and apparently, many of you think that I'm some weirdo fool troll guy or something that makes stupid games. I wish I could just buy a gun through the internet and get it in the mail so I don't have to tell my stupid family who...



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