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Intellivision Ebay Roundup

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@ mojo


I am sure many people just dont know about the re-release. Its a sellers advantage to know about that. I also paid a lot of money for Space Patrol and ONE DAY after I bought it, it was re-released!!! That was the point where I decided to skip these Ebay-prices for homebrews.

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I understand the side deal for Stonix given the recent auction price but isn't Space Patrol going to be re-released soon? I guess some people don't want to be patient.. :?


I haven't heard anything recent on the re-release of Space Patrol. I'm sure it's hot on the heals of DOTC, The Rocketeer, a multicart, and Super Pro Funbags ;-) Either way, I'm sure the buyer needed both and just made an offer. BTW, this is all speculation. I had just noticed that most of the games were still listed, but those two were ended early.

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"rolled your own". :)


Steve, the label came with the CC3, did you not get one?


(Apologies for the necro-post...)


Found the labels! Yay! They were in a binder w/ a couple other things swiftly stashed when spiffing the office for an in-laws visit a few years ago.

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Hands off everybody! This one's all mine! I mean it!


wow! That's CHEAP! Order ten icon_surprised.gif

I just bought this http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?ff3=4&pub=5574883395&toolid=10001&campid=5336500554&customid=&mpre=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fitm%2Festate-sale-vintage-intellivision-console-lot-%2F321171115367 but not sure if I should have... icon_biggrin.gif Been saving up for Groovy Bee's MultiCart, and Video Mod.


Would it be a shame if I painted the Sears unit a nice black? Or would purists be up in arms with pitch forks at my door?

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wow! That's CHEAP! Order ten icon_surprised.gif

I just bought this http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?ff3=4&pub=5574883395&toolid=10001&campid=5336500554&customid=&mpre=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fitm%2Festate-sale-vintage-intellivision-console-lot-%2F321171115367 but not sure if I should have... icon_biggrin.gif Been saving up for Groovy Bee's MultiCart, and Video Mod.


Would it be a shame if I painted the Sears unit a nice black? Or would purists be up in arms with pitch forks at my door?


Paint it!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


Nice pick up!!

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Is that real? Its very easy to reseal it that way, I would be very careful with versions like this one. The label looks damaged too. I have to admit that I was born long after the games were sold in stores, but this looks strange for me. I would like to open it and take a close look ^^ Of course there are games in a bag, but this is just a shrinkwrap foil.


What does cmart think?

Edited by Ignorama
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I bid on it but I just wanted the Sears Unit.


wow! That's CHEAP! Order ten icon_surprised.gif

I just bought this http://rover.ebay.co...t-/321171115367 but not sure if I should have... icon_biggrin.gif Been saving up for Groovy Bee's MultiCart, and Video Mod.


Would it be a shame if I painted the Sears unit a nice black? Or would purists be up in arms with pitch forks at my door?

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Is that real?


Yes, Imagic (or then Activision) liquidated the stock in such packaging, same for Atari.


I saw the listing but I don't consider the lackaging to be interesting enough to demand that kind of money.


For $30 I would have bought it, but not $125.


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Yes, Imagic (or then Activision) liquidated the stock in such packaging, same for Atari.


I saw the listing but I don't consider the lackaging to be interesting enough to demand that kind of money.


For $30 I would have bought it, but not $125.


Totally. Awesome. :grin:

Even if it was a typo... I'm gonna start using that!

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