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(Insert stupid Blog name here) - Tron: Legacy (spoiler-free review)


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I saw Tron: Legacy in 3D IMAX today, after months of waiting and anticipation.


With much effort, I did manage to avoid spoilers - although some twit in the audience was talking during the film and guessed one during the movie. Here's a suggestion to all of you who are going to movies and like to talk during them... SHUT-UP! You aren't at home watching TV, and nobody wants to hear you talking during the movie they're paying to watch. If you can't stand not hearing yourself talk for the duration of a movie, STAY HOME!


Got that?




Don't got that?


Then just SHUT-UP when at the movies. That's all you need to take away from that.


Stuff your popcorn-hole shut if you can't handle not-talking. :razz:



Now then, onto the movie. :D


Just for those of you who don't want to know anything...</img></img>



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