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Hardware gurus, is this possible?


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So I was looking at this recently




Plays NES/SNES and Genesis carts in a single console and it got me to thinking if it would be possible to make one of these with 2600/7800, 5200 and Jaguar slots to play all four.


It even has ports for NES/SNES and Genesis controllers. So having ports for 2600/7800 joysticks, 5200 joysticks and Jaguar controllers would be required.


Can it be done?

Edited by OldAtarian
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In China can imitate and make cheap everything, but if you are not making thousands of it, is very expensive.


I´ve seen that Triple console in my country, but very different, also a Nes clone that is a Keyboard (like a regular one of a computer) with a Cart and Controller port


Also a sort of wii imitation with a port for 300 in one Famicon carts, The publicity says that the controllers had motion controll like the Wii.

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I'm sure it's got some compatibility issues, most consoles do. As for possible, sure. That console just has three PCB's inside of it, one for each system to be emulated (or cloned) A switchbox to control which one is on, and maybe another one to control video out or something. When it comes down to it, it's just several systems stuffed into one convenient package, and you could do that with anything (except maybe jaguar, that thiings just insanely complicated, even for it's time) As for the others, wouldn't be to hard, though you'd have to settle for scrapping some real systems for parts, since (outside of the 2600) no clones are being made of those consoles.

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Yeah the Jag hardware is pretty complex and it would be expensive to clone. Probably not worth it since they would never sell enough of them to make enough money to pay for building the clone ASIC in the first place. So yeah it could be done, but they wouldn't bother. Whoever made the first NoaC probably sold them by the hundreds of thousands when you look at all the original FC clones there were. Same with the Genesis clone hardware. It's in a dozen different size, shaped, portable, clone systems sold all over the world under different names. There's probably 20 different Sega Genesis clones all running the same basic hardware. But I doubt that enough people would pay more to have Jaguar compatibility!

Edited by MN12BIRD
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