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What is the worse atari game ever made?


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Aside from the usual suspects (ET, Pacman, or other games considered comercial flops) what game do you personaly think is the worse game ever made?



maybe it should read ' what popular game do you hate'


for a long time i hated the 2600 version of qbert. it's just terrible compared to other versions.


(obligatory IMO)

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Out of my collection, I'd vote Vulture Attack as number one bad game. Very poor Phoenix/Demon Attack clone with really glitchy graphics and gameplay. Just awful. I'd say many of the data age games like SSSnake, Warplock, Bugs, Airlock, are just horrible. How about Sneak n Peak and Word Zapper?


I'd also vote "Mangia" as the most disturbing concept for an Atari game ever, yes even more so than the "adult" games.

Edited by AtariLeaf
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Riddle of the sphinx by imagic, i prefer E.T. more then that.

awwww....I love that game, course I also like the music of "atom and his package" so maybe i dont have the best taste.

I never cared for "Venture"... never played the origonal though. US games made some steaming piles... but I never knew bout the company till recently cause I was collecting games out of the Goodwill and only ever found atari,activision,colico, and Imagic carts. My parrents didnt like the atari back in the day and wouldn't buy one (don't be too hard on em...they wanted the NES more than I did) and didnt get into the atari till the late 80's-early 90's

Edited by Syntaxerror999
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Karate is completely unplayable. That gets my vote.

You get the prize, not just for your post, but for the awsome code monkeys reference above your avitar.


Hehe, I love that show, the gf and I watched all of season 1 this past week. I really wish G4 would bring it back...

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Well, opportunists like Apollo and Froggo deliberately set out to make a quick buck selling crap, so picking one of their games would almost be too easy.


Limiting myself to first-party titles, I'd say that a large percentage of Atari's own 2600 games from the late 70s and early 80s were mediocre to awful, so it's difficult to pick just one. An Atari marketing exec (in)famously said that he "could put s*** in a box and sell a million units," and I think their output reflects that: titles like Star Ship, Human Cannonball, Miniature Golf, Flag Capture, Slot Racers, Codebreaker, and Home Run come to mind. I have issues with some of Activision's and Imagic's 2600 games, too, but there's a reason why they ate Atari's lunch in the video game market in the early 80s.


If I had to pick one from that era, I'd say Home Run deserves the "honor" the most: it was a terrible implementation of baseball, and it actually gave the competition a boost by making the 2600 look laughable in those famous George Plimpton ads for the Intellivision. Mattel's Super Challenge Baseball was a far superior effort, and at only 4K in size, it was within the technological range of what Atari could have done at the time.

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