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What is the worse atari game ever made?


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You guys ever heard of "Pitfall 2"? Ok Pitfall 1 was bad enough. I don't know why they would want to put us through a 2nd rendition. I mean, if I had the choice between jumping over a lake of hungry alligators or going AROUND the lake ... I sure as hell wouldn't try jumping over the alligators! Rediculous.


Oh, and that game ... what was it ... Berzerk. WTF. The robots look like some 50's wind-up kid's toy knock off with their legs moving straight up and down. Guess they hadn't thought of putting little mechi-knee joints in there. What's the deal with the laser sound? The only cool thing about this game is the neat laser gun sound they make. DEEEEeeeeeooooooo!

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Yeah, I pretty much hate Pitfall II: Lost Caverns, but it's not the worst game. It's just a really, really, really shitty game with better graphics, better music, and a few cool things thrown in.

The problem with the Activision games (particularly David Crane's games, IMHO) is that they usually started with a new technical trick and then tried to build a game around it. Sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn't. I can understand the ongoing appeal of Dragster, for example, even though I'm not very good at it myself yet. Laser Blast, Grand Prix, and Freeway? Not so much. I wouldn't lump the Pitfall! games in with those, but they still don't rank as highly for me as they do for some others. I don't think any of these games belong in the "worst games" category, though, because at least they brought something new to the table, even if it was just a visual effect.


Berzerk was also mentioned earlier, and while I wouldn't count that among the "worst games", either, it lost most of its appeal to me when I found out that the "maze" wasn't a real maze, but just an endless, randomly-generated series of rooms. I think it would seem less pointless to me if the rooms actually lead somewhere.

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How does the shovelware of the VCS and pre-crash era stack up to the crap of today?

One programmer could squeeze out a turd of a game for the Atari 2600 in less than 6 months. Now a whole team of dipshits take a couple of years or more to squeeze out a steaming pile for modern consoles. Seems like there would be less crap, but the shelves are still stuffed with crap I'd never play.

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I'm not knocking bB. I'm not knocking all bB games; jrock, Atarius Maximus, RT, and others have made interesting software with it. I'm hesitant to criticize the people that are just exploring; I like exploration. NERDS I'm quite willing to criticize. Solar Plexus, . . . meh.

Just remember that Solar Plexus was made when batari Basic had fewer features.

I think that's the thing though. It certainly doesn't offend me that Solar Plexus was made. I'm sure it was an interesting experience. (Knowing that it was made so early, kinda makes me curious about the early builds of bB.)


On the other hand, I don't have any desire to really go back and play the game. (or of course buy it) I feel like if the creator (Jess? the author of the game, not batari) had to write the engine, he wouldn't have been able to settle with the game being as simple as it is.


And yeah, experimenting/exploring/learning are great, it just sucks when people want to rush a buggy, unpolished mess to cartridge. Putting it in a pretty box won't make the game any better. They don't have to spend 8 years trying to make the game as perfect as possible, but it would be nice if it didn't look like they slapped it together over the weekend. What godzillajoe said seems to be true for some ("L@@k! I haz made Atari gamez!"). It's as if they don't care about the player and just want the label of "Atari 2600 programmer" to feed their ego or boost their low self-esteem. We need to have higher standards without falling into crippling perfectionism where nothing gets done.

Indeed. Here's to shooting for the stars, landing on the moon, and trying to find a way to appreciate our limited, but impressive, cleverness. :) Edited by R. Jones
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The problem with the Activision games (particularly David Crane's games, IMHO) is that they usually started with a new technical trick and then tried to build a game around it. Sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn't.

I was just thinking about that the other day and came to the same conclusion. Dragster is the best of the bunch.

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By the way I played E.T. for the first time tonight, not exceptionally bad, just hard and not fun.

Did you use any of the tips at my web site:





And did you have a chance to check out any of the videos like these:






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By the way I played E.T. for the first time tonight, not exceptionally bad, just hard and not fun.

Did you use any of the tips at my web site:





And did you have a chance to check out any of the videos like these:







Wow, you have a really nice site! I think E.T. was ahead of it's time. Gameplay wise. That's why so many kids hated it. I also liked the graphics of the characters and it has a real ending...

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At least in sssSnake you visibly made a difference during gameplay. Not to say it was not close to being the worst game on the system, but IMO Karate barely qualifies as a game and is in fact a borderline abstract torture exercise.


I got a migraine from playing Sssnake for 20 minutes once. No game has ever done that to me.

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At least in sssSnake you visibly made a difference during gameplay. Not to say it was not close to being the worst game on the system, but IMO Karate barely qualifies as a game and is in fact a borderline abstract torture exercise.


I got a migraine from playing Sssnake for 20 minutes once. No game has ever done that to me.


Not to say this makes it a bad game, but I was once playing House of the Dead on Dreamcast with a friend of mine and both of us had light guns with high speed auto-fire enabled, causing the screen to flash like mad. One second everything was fine, the next I was running to vomit my guts out in the bathroom. :woozy:

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