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Atari 7800 first impressions


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We were a ColecoVision/NES family when I was a kid, but I just got my first Atari ever (7800) last week, and I am loving it. The graphics are great. However, I don't like the Proline controllers. I took one apart last night and saw how Mickey Mouse the engineering of the Proline controller is. They could have improved it 5x by putting a little extra engineering and maybe spending an extra buck per unit on better parts for it. I need to get some different controllers. Will Sega Master System controllers work? Someone could really clean up if they made some simple NES/SMS type controllers for the 7800.


Why did Atari go with those Proline controllers?! Probably a bunch of people returned their 7800's to the store after using the Proline controllers. The 7800 would have competed better against the NES if they had a better controller.


I have 7800 Ms. Pac Man, 7800 DK Jr., 7800 Winter Games, and 2600 Combat so far. The controllers aren't very precise and are hard to use, especially in a game like Ms. Pac Man where you have to be able to whip around corners quickly and accurately.


Why can't you play the 8-bit Atari computer games on the 7800? They share the same CPU. I guess Atari wanted people to have to re-buy software for both platforms. Also, which games are superior -- 8-bit computer games or the 7800 games? It's a lot of fun playing on the original hardware on your large living room TV. Emulation is alright, but real hardware is more fun.

Edited by gps_trekker
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SMS and Genesis controllers should be fine for the most-part, although you won't be able to play two-button games. You may want to look into the two-button 7800 d-pad controllers. I personally don't care for them myself, but you may find them to be better than the standard joysticks. Some people here really like them.

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The 7800 has crappy controllers, a digital version of the 5200 design. Any 2600 controller works, but as mentioned earlier only one button. I love using the Wico and and tempted to Mod one of them, changing the button on base to 7800 right hand button.


Couple standout games to try. Dual player CENTIPEDE and a Space Wars gameplay in ASTEROIDS. Throw in BALL BLAZER as well. Plus the massive 2600 library!

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Why can't you play the 8-bit Atari computer games on the 7800? They share the same CPU.

There's much more is involved than just the CPU - after all, that's the same CPU that's used in the Commodore PET, VIC 20, 64 (and even the Commodore floppy drives!), the Apple I and II, the NES and many other systems.

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I think the accuracy issue with your 7800 ProLines might be that they are worn out used controllers. I find that newish or properly rebuilt 7800 ProLines are very responsive and accurate. They just tend to be uncomfortable to hold for long periods of time. Bad case/body design. Looks cool but feels terrible.


Modding an SMS or NES pad for 7800 use is really easy.

Edited by Underball
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The 7800 has crappy controllers, a digital version of the 5200 design. Any 2600 controller works, but as mentioned earlier only one button. I love using the Wico and and tempted to Mod one of them, changing the button on base to 7800 right hand button.


If you clear the solder out of the switch in the base, it's actually 'double pole double throw'. You can set it up to switch the order of the buttons. I've done it with mine, it's fun to swap cannons and bombs in Xevious when your thumb gets tired. :)

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The 7800 has crappy controllers, a digital version of the 5200 design. Any 2600 controller works, but as mentioned earlier only one button. I love using the Wico and and tempted to Mod one of them, changing the button on base to 7800 right hand button.

If you clear the solder out of the switch in the base, it's actually 'double pole double throw'. You can set it up to switch the order of the buttons. I've done it with mine, it's fun to swap cannons and bombs in Xevious when your thumb gets tired. :)

Great idea! Does the Wico have extra wires in the existing controller cord or did you make a whole new one to accommodate the extra button?
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Great idea! Does the Wico have extra wires in the existing controller cord or did you make a whole new one to accommodate the extra button?


I used a Sega Genesis controller cord, the Wico cord doesn't include all the conductors. The mod was actually born when I discovered that the cord to that Wico stick had been crimped, wrecking the connection for 'down'.

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One thing to note.Midnight Mutants will NOT work with most or all 3rd party controllers.The game screen will remain black for some reason.Several members here at AA had the same experience.Switching to the proline cured that problem.Why is this?..it's a mystery to me. :?

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