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User hit-japan on eBay


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So I find a $15 game gear game I want from user hit-japan. I've never bought anything from them in my life. I go to make a best offer, and it says I can't. So I just try to buy it now. It says they blocked me :? So I go to email and ask why, it says seller doesn't take emails because they are too busy. WTF!? A) Not sure what I ever did to them or if there is some crazy criteria like number of transactions? B) Since when can a seller get out of their responsibility of COMMUNICATION!!?


If anyone would like to help a brother AAer out and get me my game I'd really appreciate it.




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Must be something to do with your eBay account that they are blocking. I just went there and made an offer on one of their items. It want be accepted because it was way too low but it did go through.


What is the item you want and what do you want to offer them for it?

Edited by kheffington
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I'm happy with the price they have on it, but hey it has an offer so I figured why not. I found a direct email for them in "my ebay" and wrote asking. They said "you make bad business must piss off some very good" and went on to say "i sell you direct paypal" Sounds like a scam waiting to happen :(





Well with an English response that is hard to decipher, I would run the other way anyway. If you had a problem you would never get it worked out.


There feedback isn't too bad but has a lot of neutrals in it and has a lot of revised feedbacks (103) but with the type of volume they have going they are bound to have their share of problems with auctions.

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Someone else bought the game I wanted. There is another copy closing in 12 minutes going for $26.. when it got too high ($22) I searched for others. That resulted in the $15 copy from this guy. Guess others had the same idea. Oh well, I can wait. Not like I needed it anyway.




yeah, the sumbich did you a favor. Besides, you still need a mattress for your room, don't you? Don't take eyes off prize!

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Someone else bought the game I wanted. There is another copy closing in 12 minutes going for $26.. when it got too high ($22) I searched for others. That resulted in the $15 copy from this guy. Guess others had the same idea. Oh well, I can wait. Not like I needed it anyway.




yeah, the sumbich did you a favor. Besides, you still need a mattress for your room, don't you? Don't take eyes off prize!



Last night was the first night in a bed for MONTHS. It was good. I'm just one bed short (two little ones are sharing) but it's not because I can't get it anymore, just a delay in processing ;)



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Ax, I am not sure you did this directly to that user, but a lot of people on video game message boards and many on these forums condone sending cheapy Best Offers to people.


Sellers don't like it when they are lowballed on their stuff or counterlowballed as well...I've blocked MANY people that do that to me on stuff. I mean, it's simple etiquette. I am not saying you did this to him, but that would be one of the only other reasons for a seller to block someone...I mean, people try to be funny and offer $1-2 on stuff and I know you can set the parameters to decline those, but hey, I look it as you offer me something that low, it's insulting, not funny...that's why I don't understand why people condone that behavior.


I went off on a tangent, he might have blocked you by accident but that's just my point of view on sellers, LOL

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Ax, I am not sure you did this directly to that user, but a lot of people on video game message boards and many on these forums condone sending cheapy Best Offers to people.


Sellers don't like it when they are lowballed on their stuff or counterlowballed as well...I've blocked MANY people that do that to me on stuff. I mean, it's simple etiquette. I am not saying you did this to him, but that would be one of the only other reasons for a seller to block someone...I mean, people try to be funny and offer $1-2 on stuff and I know you can set the parameters to decline those, but hey, I look it as you offer me something that low, it's insulting, not funny...that's why I don't understand why people condone that behavior.


I went off on a tangent, he might have blocked you by accident but that's just my point of view on sellers, LOL



Not that I am aware, unless it was a long time ago. I have over 6 years of email history and with the unlimited space never trash anything, not even offer declines. I wouldn't offer crazy low amounts. I'd perhaps offer $5 on a $12 item, I generally won't bother if it is quite below half. I hear what you are saying as a seller myself though. I've blocked someone because they make me an offer for $2 on a $100 game, look and see their history of leaving negatives and quibbling over shipping etc. They couldn't tell me why I was blocked, just offer to sell outside eBay. Something about that just seems a bit off. Not sure how why unless it was a user set parameter, like the number of bids I have outstanding, or feedback. A yahoo did neg me this week (was removed) and I did win a few things. The "no communication with seller" thing is a new one on me... seems they have large seller account privileges we may not know about. I can't imagine the day they let everyone ignore their buyers "because the seller is too busy." That was shocking and part of the eBay message displayed when trying to write them.


UPDATE: I wanted to quote the above so I tried to send them a message through eBay messages, and this time it was working. I then tried to bid and I'm not blocked. :? :) I'm a little bit confused. Well the item is gone. Oh well again. :roll:



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Several attempts tonight have been meet with no response eBay pages referring to the announcements page. Ebay is doing site maintenance according to that announcements page. I'm starting to think it was a glitch. I've made an offer on something of theirs just to test it and it works now. I'm still not sure why it happened. Maybe they unblocked me, maybe a glitch. Just won't ever never know.



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I found a ]guy that I'd dealt with before eBay Auction -- Item Number: 1705876435831?ff3=2&pub=5574883395&toolid=10001&campid=5336500554&customid=&item=170587643583&mpt=[CACHEBUSTER] (rather well) and he had me blocked. His listing said that some new software he was using was blocking good bidders, and to just message him. Sure enough I was unblocked. Still not clear why, maybe volume or something else. Anyway all is well that ends well, I can buy from them now if I want to in the future.



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