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Loved atari 5200 as a kid Gave it away so don't have it anymore. Maybe I'll get a used one if I find a good deal. In the mean time the controllers are a big issue.


The red buttons on the side of the stock 5200 controller always used to stop working after a while. Was impossible to play jungle hunt. And missle command never worked either because of this. Plus the centering problem so this was a bad deal back then. But nobody ever said anything.


However I never knew others existed until recently. So the question is this.


eBay Auction -- Item Number: 3704735583741?ff3=2&pub=5574883395&toolid=10001&campid=5336500554&customid=&item=370473558374&mpt=[CACHEBUSTER]


The description is very vague and no contact link. I saw one 2600 keypad thing on google but I think the keypad was 5200 only mostly if I remember. But want to make sure it is 5200 cuz I don't plan on getting anything else besides 5200. Already have too much junk in my basement.


So does anyone recognize this? Is this 5200 compatible?

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Loved atari 5200 as a kid Gave it away so don't have it anymore. Maybe I'll get a used one if I find a good deal. In the mean time the controllers are a big issue.


The red buttons on the side of the stock 5200 controller always used to stop working after a while. Was impossible to play jungle hunt. And missle command never worked either because of this. Plus the centering problem so this was a bad deal back then. But nobody ever said anything.


However I never knew others existed until recently. So the question is this.


eBay Auction -- Item Number: 3704735583741?ff3=2&pub=5574883395&toolid=10001&campid=5336500554&customid=&item=370473558374&mpt=[CACHEBUSTER]


The description is very vague and no contact link. I saw one 2600 keypad thing on google but I think the keypad was 5200 only mostly if I remember. But want to make sure it is 5200 cuz I don't plan on getting anything else besides 5200. Already have too much junk in my basement.


So does anyone recognize this? Is this 5200 compatible?


That controller is for the Colecovision and won't work on the Atari 5200. They're 2 third party joysticks for the 5200 that are excellent but kinda expensive. The Wico Command has a separate keypad and can be used self centering or non- self centering via switches on the bottom of the stick. It also can be used in conjunction with a 5200 controller to use the keypad via the Y cable (if you buy one these make sure the Y cable is included). The competition Pro is a digital joystick that requires a least a 5200 joystick with working Start, Reset and Pause buttons.

Another option would be the Masterplay Interface (if you can find one) which lets you use a 2600 joystick on the 5200.

Hope this helps and welcome to AA.

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It says "Atari" because it could be used on an Atari 2600 or 7800---or any other system with the standard 9-pin adapter. But, it's really designed for the Colecovision.


You hopes are:


Buy a rebuilt 5200 joystick. Or rebuild your own.


Buy a Wico Joystick with the keypad (kind of expensive)


Buy a Competition Pro joystick (Great for games like Pac-Man, Dig Dug, etc, that don't require analog control). You'll still need a working 5200 joystick to access the keypad functions though.


Masterplay Interface, so you can use a 2600 joystick on the 5200 (again, kind of expensive)


If you can find a Redemption adapter, they are worth it as well. Atariage used to sell them a few years back, but they were a pain to build, so they quit making them. Kind of a shame, but at the time, it was one of the more cost effective methods.


Honestly, I don't mind the 5200 joysticks, now that I have a set of fresh rebuilt sticks. They aren't the greatest joystick in the world, but once you get used to them, they aren't that bad, in my opinion.

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No they were great but when we were kids missle command never worked at all and jungle hunt stopped working all together. Could swim but without working red buttons on the side can't swing the vines and go any further so kinda useless. And I've tried all emulators but none work well and it is not the same thing. Too slow or no joystick support or sometimes not working. KAT5200 works kinds good but the dpad does not work on my pc. Kinda strange. And a tad slow perhaps.


A real atari is the only way to go. But if no good joy sticks then maybe not worth even 15 or 20 dollars.

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