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(Insert stupid Blog name here) - Tron: Legacy Soundtrack


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I picked up the Tron: Legacy Soundtrack by Daft Punk, and have been giving it a few listens.


It's not bad, although it's far more effective in context during the movie. Most of the soundtrack consists of low, long, rumbling chords driven along by plodding electronic rhythms. Not that that's all that bad... it does set an appropriate mood for the electronic world in the film, and the orchestrations help to add variety and intensity, but overall it just doesn't make for a great album to listen to. It's more of something you'd leave running in the background while doing something else. A lot of the music is very similar, to the point where I'd be hard-pressed to remember which piece went where in the movie. That said, for what it is, it's well-done, and there are a couple of standout tracks on the CD ("End of Line" and "Derezzed").


But what's irritating, are the online-only "exclusive" bonus tracks. I hate...



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