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Honesty in advertising


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I found this amusing, if overly honest, description for an eBay videogame auction:


eBay Auction -- Item Number: 2706636684541?ff3=2&pub=5574883395&toolid=10001&campid=5336500554&customid=&item=270663668454&mpt=[CACHEBUSTER]


The kids of today spend more of their time in front of the TV playing games and watching shows and movies, than they spend doing anything else. Yes, it’s true, a lot of them probably do NOT know what grass feels like under bare feet or how to skip a rock across a lake, but I guarantee you, little Billy from across the street will kick your butt when it comes to Grand Theft Auto.


As parents, we need to pretend that we actually care that our children’s minds are rotting away with the mindless button pushing and control controlling that they do. Many of you may really believe that you care, but in reality, what makes life simpler than having kids veg in their nooks and out of the way? Who really wants to worry about all those grass stains to take out, those bumps and cuts to heal, those nasty rashes from falling in to giant bunches of poison whatevers? The answer is, probably not a lot of people.


Inevitably, kids are always going to have their way. They’ll always have their games no matter how many times they’re “grounded” or punished, all it takes is a couple tears and a few kicks and they’re right back to stealing cars and gunning down the bad guys. Why don’t we, as adults, make the best of the unavoidable and get all our kids this amazing fun filled gaming console, Infrazone. With 165 games, the kids will be sure to be busy for hours! No more grass stains, boos, or rashes, just relax, they have the rest of their lives to be outdoors, just make the best of their indoors days right now and let them have the best they can possibly get!


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wow I have never read a more brash auction in my entire life. It would be funny if it was like half the stuff I buy on ebay. And it would go like this.

Here is an item which I dont know much about it look fine and sounds fine.You can ask me if it works but I may or may not answer you and if I do your just gonna wonder if I answered your question. I have tried it and it seemed to work I dont care. I dropped it a couple times but that dooesnt matter. I have the hookups but they may work or not but you may find one that you need is missing. Im just trying to make an extra buck here and I dont care if I put you over a barrel if it doesnt work I will give you a hard time if it doesnt and pretend I actually know if it works untill I see that you found out I am a scumbag willing to rip anyone off so I can get some quick cash. I conviently added buy it now so I can rip you off faster. Have a nice time on ebay because you will find I have alot of friends on here just like me. But what choice do you have because ebays the biggest auction site that everyone knows about. Maybe something like that.

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