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mos6507's Blog - My Future in the Hobby


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Well folks, this blog post is a long time coming.


I'm formally announcing that I'm bowing out of the classic gaming scene.


Well, I am kind of describing what I've already done by default. Over the last few years I've become increasingly distant from the hobby. My involvement has waxed and waned. Chimera was going to be the big epic swan song and when Delicon disappeared, it was like all the air going out of the balloon. What I think is really informing me that "it's time" is the fact that Harmony has become so close to what Chimera was intended to be, which is awesome, and yet I'm so "meh" about it. I should be all excited about it! I should be playing around with it and contributing feedback to the project and all that, and I'm not. Groundbreaking stuff is going on and I'm just completely out of the loop. It's no disrespect to the work being done by everybody, it's just me.


When I agreed to make AtariVox...



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