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Atari 7800 in Brazil?


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Hi, everybody. I'd like to know if somebody here has information on the Atari 7800 being released by Polyvox/Gradiente in Brazil. It's a bit weird (first, because I'm brazilian), since I remember, circa 1990, TV ads here saying something like "Ask Atari", and then displaying the screen of the game Xevious (was it a dream - wait, I didn't know 7800 by that time). I know we had the "Phantom System", by Gradiente (owner of Polyvox) wich was a NES under a 7800 hood (wich I own 2), and I think it's way too much coincidence that there were those TV ads (or am I crazy?) and then they release that strange mix between NES and 7800. What do you know/think about it? Could be possible that Gradiente/Polyvox first intend to release 7800, and then changed to NES internals, due to this console popularity?

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I can't help with your query I'd love to see some pictures of your "phantom system".

Thanks for your answer. My camera is currently broken, but I'll take some pictures of it as soon as possible. In words, it´s a 7800 console with NES internals and Genesis gamepads. It was the best NES clone available here.

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A few years ago, I sent an email to Gradiente, asking if they could release information about the "Atari years" (I think Polyvox, owned by Gradiente, was, at least in the begining, Atari's licensee here). They took sooooo long to answer, and, when they did, they just said "yes, we produced Atari in the past", but also "that info is company matters, can't be released to the public" (not with these words). :(

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A NES clone, in an atari 7800 case, with megadrive controllers. That's crazy!


Yeah there are some very weird consoles like that in Brazil. I remember seeing some strange MegaDrive thing that had two cartridge slots and I came across an NES emulator system that used an N64 controller. Too bad I couldn't grab one and bring it home.

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A NES clone, in an atari 7800 case, with megadrive controllers. That's crazy!


Yeah there are some very weird consoles like that in Brazil. I remember seeing some strange MegaDrive thing that had two cartridge slots and I came across an NES emulator system that used an N64 controller. Too bad I couldn't grab one and bring it home.


The Tec Toy company still producing the Mega Drive and the Master System here. There are 2 versions of the Master System (one portable, a joystick you connect to tv), and 2 versions of the Mega Drive, onde called Mega Drive 4 Guitar Idol and MD play, wich is a portable system with lcd screen. Here are the pictures:





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Fala Rodrigo,


Cara, eu encontrei um phanton system desses no ferro velho semana passada heheheh. Achei um dynacon que usava cartuchos de atari 2600 com um joystick de pc.


@ English.


Hey all,


I've found a phanton system that is a really crazy hardware in a dumpster last week.


Since Brazil have huge taxes some companies still produce old school video games for the people that can't afford it.

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Fala Rodrigo,


Cara, eu encontrei um phanton system desses no ferro velho semana passada heheheh. Achei um dynacon que usava cartuchos de atari 2600 com um joystick de pc.


@ English.


Hey all,


I've found a phanton system that is a really crazy hardware in a dumpster last week.


Since Brazil have huge taxes some companies still produce old school video games for the people that can't afford it.

É meu amigo, nós tivemos e temos umas figurinhas difíceis por aqui. Quanto ao 7800, mandei novamente um email para a Gradiente, solicitando mais informações a respeito. Quando vierem, posto a resposta.



Yes, my friend, we had (and have) real odd stuff here. Regarding to 7800, I've sent another email to Gradiente, asking more info about it. As soom they reply, I'll post again here.

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