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... Another Anthology


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Hey All.


Alright.. "What would you like to see in Another Anthology?" That is.. "If we were to do one." ;-)


Hang Tight and Ten!


- Ken


Ken, I personally vote for an Anthology of every Activision game for Atari 5200; released and prototypes alike. If you need more games to make it worth the while, contract a few developers for their ROMS. And this time, include some interview footage with the developers. I expect if it does hit the market, whatever it is, it will be another EXCELLENT product!!! :D

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8=======D ~° ~° ~°



Guess the buzz on the first one was good enough! Whooopeeee!! :D


Umm.. to answer the question, I'd have to think about it. But then again, how many old school games does Activision have really? :? I'd say of course completion of the entire Act. /Imagic catalog (and whatever other ones you have the rights to.. Parker Brothers??) as well as perhaps 5200/8-bit versions as said above.


Also, keep all the cool stuff you already put in there. But in addition I'd love to see writeups and interviews. Sort of how it was done with the Williams Arcade Classics on the playstation. Now those interviews were *tight* and really gave you some background/perspective on the games. And the little essays describing the history behind the games both market-wise and design-phase-wise were great as well. :)

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Oh! Another suggestion. Something that would be really cool to see is having the option of not only playing the original games but also the games with somewhat "updated" graphics with the gameplay still intact. :) If this were to be done, my suggestion would be to forget 3D polygons and the ilk. Good old SNES style graphics would be fine imho. :D


Also, someone here suggested doing it like the Game and Watch Galleries for the GBA... But those had the original game, then an "enhanced" version where not only the graphics were enhanced, but the gameplay was slightly evolved as well with additional elements added. But I'd imagine this would probably require quite a bit more work and time. Still though, we're just brainstorming :)

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Let me expand on NE1's idea. How about redo the current anthology, add any of the games you couldn't before, update the graphics for your originals, but put the original arcade version for your arcade ports (That's what, Kung Fu Master and Double Dragon?). Add interviews, cart scans, interactive manuals, commercials, hidden Intellivision/5200/7800/C=64 games, and you've got yourself one h*ll of an anthology.

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For the 2600? Stuff we haven't seen in any other collection. Mountain King, Wizard of Wor, Entombed, Fantastic Voyage, Mattel's games.


A really big (40+, like Activision Anthology) collection of arcade games, also with fresh input. Venture, Frenzy, Reactor, Vanguard, Moon Cresta, Phoenix, Zaxxon ... more goofy stuff like Cinematronics and Exidy. Can this be done? We certainly don't need any of the big name releases from Atari, Midway, or Namco, since Pac-Man, Defender, and Asteroids have been PLAYED OUT.


Random favorites: Dreadnaught Factor in all its iterations. Rescue on Fractalus. Ballblazer. Miner 2049'er. Pick Axe Pete. K.C. Munchkin. Jungle KING preferably, but Jungle Hunt if you must. I, Robot. S.T.U.N. Runner. All Points Bulletin (A.P.B.). Star Raiders. All the Imagic games for all the platforms (THANK YOU for Demon Attack on AA). Vector graphic games.


Whatever you do, make sure you include a number of 1980s tunes equal to or greater than those in the Activision Anthology! That really made the set for me.

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All those unreleased prototypes that we know exist somewhere. Several of the Activision alums said they had unreleased games, and they all thought they had a copy somewhere. Stuff like the Keystone Kapers sequel, the dam game (where you had to patch a leaking dam), David Crane's unreleased motorcycle game. I don't know how much stuff you have access too, but getting them to donate those prototypes would be neat.


I wouldn't mind seeing Intellivision and Colecovision titles.



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I know it is not Atari based, but I would like to see and Intellivision one. It would be nice to play some on the games with out the bad controller.


There's already one of these for PS1. It wasn't THAT great, IMHO.

I like the Intellivision anthology, but there's a lot of room for improvement. It would have been nice to see more extras present. A good example of giving an upgrade to an anthology is the difference between the Activision Classics anthology for the PS1 and the newer improved anthology for the PS2. Both anthologies have a large number of games, but the PS2 anthology has enough extras to keep gamers like me engaged after owning it for several weeks.


BTW: has anyone unlocked all of the patches yet? I can't get the Barnstorming one. Is there anything to unlock related to this game worth putting in the hours of frustration it will take for me do it?

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Well, my thoughts for Another Anthology are a little along these lines..


- Starpath

- Imagic

- M-Network and / or maybe the

- US Games catalogs


- Interface for it takes place in the video game section of a Department Stor for tha era


- Multiple consoles surroundng the 2600. Colecovision, Intellivision and perhaps the 5200. All of which you would be able to play. Like in the old days.


- Music Video's


- More prototypes


- Onlince capability


- Reward Cartoons featuring original Activision characters and what not.


I've already looked into the Parker Bros and CBS catalogs. They would REALLY be a licensing nightmare. not only do have to track down the code owners, but also the IP holders. Some of which jus no longer exist. "Where do you go from there?" So now, even if I do find these people... We'd be paying the IP holders one hand, and then the Code holders on the other. "Licensing ain't cheap."


Alot of these people think they're sitting on a gold mine, just waiting to be discovered (IE- "The people who didn't want to play ball with us on this one.")


On another note... "Does anyone out there have any un-answered questions about Anthology?" Why we did this or that or Why we didn't do this or that?


- Ken

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yeah... why is it PS2 only? Because it's difficult to write a 2600 emulator as it is? Let alone on 3 different computers?


I really really wish the next release is not Sony exclusive... I'm not the only person that is stuck because of this am I?


Well does not being able to open up your ps2 until Christmas count? Then I'm right there with ya dude :lol:

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Hi Ken!


My one request for a "volume 2": More. Of everything.


I like the idea of changing the interface. You wouldn't want that to get boring, using the same one over and over.


I'll also ask you directly the one question many of us want to know:


Will any of these make it out on systems other than the PS2?


Given the problems Sony gave you with the online content, wouldn't jumping to XBOX (with it's online friendly atmosphere) or GameCube (with Nintendo unlikely to get in your way) make sense? Even to people in marketing?


Also, consider a Game Boy Advance version. Can't you picture it? Link cable 2600 games... 2600 games on eReader cards... Upload and download between the GCN and GBA... It's synergy man! Synergy!


Ah well. Good luck, and I suppose I'll be hearing from you. ;)

I'm chief around here. I take what I want.

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All those unreleased prototypes that we know exist somewhere. Several of the Activision alums said they had unreleased games, and they all thought they had a copy somewhere. Stuff like the Keystone Kapers sequel, the dam game (where you had to patch a leaking dam), David Crane's unreleased motorcycle game....


Which were supposed to originally be included on the Anthology package. Then it was stated they'd appear on the website (still waiting btw - what happened with that?). And now possibly on a 2nd package? Why are the releases of these being dragged out?

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Pending that the sales of PS2 version are really good, you'll more than likely see Anthology make it's way towards the Xbox.


I can tell ya' this, honestly... "I have an EARLY Xbox version here on my desk that I've been playing with."


It, in my opinion actually look's a ALOT better than the PS2. I've got all of the Activision ROMS playing on it as well. Including the licensed titles and the unreleased prototypes. Not Kabobber or Thwocker, but good 'ol Venetian Blinds, Human Freeway, The '2' Un-named protos and '2' other new unreleased protos as well. I'vealso got Pink Panther, Ninja Fighter and Twister (unreleased Salu titles) running on it as well.


The protos roms will see the light of day, shortly.. but probably not until the Digital Press guys release more of their unreleased findings to the community. The Activision and Imagic titles in particular. AtariAge will more than likely be the site that releases them to the public as well. "Well, the binaries anyway."


I'm actually working this out with our Legal group as I type this.


- Ken

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