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... Another Anthology


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I would LOVE to have the first anthology out for the Gamecube and/or GBA. Or even Windows XP. I'd buy it in a heartbeat.


I bought both of the INTV collections from the Blue Sky folks. Loved them! I'd like to see Activision release 5200/7800 games and, maybe, the Colecovision versions as well.


I'm also very impressed that Mr. Love takes the time to read this forum. Very impressive. Everyone, go buy Activision product now!



** how 'bout some of those wonderful Odyssey games?

*** I've yet to see a Microvision collection...(ok, kidding on that one!)

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I have an old INFOCOM Anthology for the PC, but it gets harder and harder getting this old software to work on more and more modern PCs.


I have Classic Text Adventure Masterpieces of Infocom which contains 30 Infocom games for the PC. It runs fine on my WIN 98 and ME computers.

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You can also extract the game files from those products and use free programs like Frotz to play them on basically anything from Linux to the Gameboy. I even hacked together a web version of Frotz, though it's not working at the moment since I wrote it to run under a win95 web server years ago. And because the Infocom virtual machine format (aka "Inform" or "z-machine") is well known at this point, there's a ton of "homebrew Infocom games" if you will out there too - search for "inform", "interactive fiction", etc. and you'll find them.


I wonder if I can get them working on my new cell phone ;) What could be better than typing "kill troll" and "xyzzy" using T9...



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Nope. Pink Panther wasn't a SALU title.  US Games was at one point in time.


Right, but the only prototype discovered so far hasn't been dumped, so you certainly got my curious. Hmm, guess I might stop trying to hunt down the rights to that one then...


I acquired the title from the people who actually developed the title. I also acquired an unreleased "Street" Baseball title from them as well. :)


Did it have a working title? I don't think I've heard of that one. (Or did it start out as "Catch"? :-).

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Still a little uncertain as to whether or not Anthology will make it to X-Box or not. The outlook at the moment thoug, does look good. Whether it's published by Activision or not, I don't know. It's even looking better that it'll end-up on the PC and Mac platforms. If that happens, you can look for a "REMIX" version of the title. That meaning that you'll get a few more games, video footage, 'new' cartoons and maybe some extra perks that the PS2 version didn't quite get. "Better Controller Support." I'm actually looking forward to working on it, now that I don't have all the pressure on me like as I did with the first one. Same for the development schedule. I plan on fixing everyting that went wrong with the PS2 version. I wasn't very happy with the final REWARDS system, but that was out of my hands. :(


- Ken

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Ken, I'll say this again (hey, that rhymes):


Push for GameCube-GBA connectivity. It makes sense (playing 2600 games on the go as well as at home) and Nintendo will be pushing this feature hard next year. They're going to give all kinds of breaks and incentives to developers who push connectivity. The Anthology is a perfect candidate.


The living...they have no suspicion of your movements?

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Still a little uncertain as to whether or not Anthology will make it to X-Box or not. The outlook at the moment thoug, does look good. Whether it's published by Activision or not, I don't know. It's even looking better that it'll end-up on the PC and Mac platforms. If that happens, you can look for a "REMIX" version of the title. That meaning that you'll get a few more games, video footage, 'new' cartoons and maybe some extra perks that the PS2 version didn't quite get. "Better Controller Support." I'm actually looking forward to working on it, now that I don't have all the pressure on me like as I did with the first one. Same for the development schedule. I plan on fixing everyting that went wrong with the PS2 version. I wasn't very happy with the final REWARDS system, but that was out of my hands. :(


- Ken


Don't kick yourself too hard over the PS2 version. It's MUCH better than the original Activision collection for PS1. ;)

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A C64 anthology would be very cool:


Here's a make shift list of c64 Activision games:

the bold titles are ones I'd really like to see

the titles* with stars are in the Win 95 pack.



Aliens (probably not)

Alter Ego


Borrowed Time

Countdown To Shutdown


Fast Tracks

Game Maker

Gee Bee Air Rally

Ghostbusters (probably not)

Great American Cross Country Road Race*


Hacker II


Howard the Duck (probably not)

Labyrinth (probably not)

Little Computer Poeple*

Master of the Lamps*

On Track Racing

Park Patrol*


River Raid

Rock n' Bolt*


Tass Times in Tone Town

Top Fuel Eliminator*

Toy Bizarre*

Transformers (probably not)

Web Dimension*


Zone Ranger*


Other C64 games, I'd like to see:

Electronic Arts (probably not!)

Cosmi: Forbidden Forrest, Super Huey

Epyx: Summer Games 1+2, Winder Games, World Games, California Games, Jumpman, Jumpman Jr., Pitstop 1+2, Super Cycle, Tower Toppler

Muse: Space Taxi, Castle Wolfenstien, Beyond Castle Wolfenstein

Broderbund: Choplifter, Lode Runner, Wings of Fury



le geek

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first id like to thank you guys for this release. its hands down the best classic compilation for any console.


id also like to thank you for going directly to the enthusists for advice on a sequel.


ill probably just add that i too would like to see AA for other platforms. the cube/gba link seems like a great idea. ive been buying up NES games for my E-Reader, and its great. (although i dont know how the wide screen resolution issue will affect any emus written for GBA). It was strange that Majesco decided against including the 2600 version of pitfall in the rerelease of the Mayan Adventure. That easter egg was the first commercial VCS emulated game, and many people bought the game, just to replay the original (the SNES and Genesis versions of Mayan Adventures).


As for an INTV or Coleco package, the PS2 isnt a great platform for emus for these systems. actually, no console is. The INTV PC/Mac emus at The Blue Sky Rangers Homepage are your best bet (there is also a Coleco package, if my memory serves me correctly). The PC keyboard in addition to a pad is the best way to play the games that required the use of the 12 button keypad. (which the INTV used the most).


As also mentioned before, 5200, INTV, etc versions of Activision games were mostly just graphically enhanced versions of the VCS versions. I doubt many mainstreamers would flock to a package with these games, interest in these version are more acedemic, they show off the capabilities of the other consoles, but rarely add anything to the original's gameplay.


I guess more games is an obvious addition. I still cant belive some of the iMagic game didnt make it :( I also understand that arcade games will have a hard time making any of these compilations, or any games with commerical licenses. But keep up the good work, and thanks again for stopping by.

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Just a few of my own thoughts:


High score saving is a must!


You mentioned Starpath - I think that would be frickin' awesome! Would you be able to do Starpath's Frogger though (what with licensing and all)?


Graphically enhanced (but still 2D) versions of the games on Anthology I would also be a great idea.


If nothing can be done about the controllers, I would suggest skipping any paddle games.


In dreamland I see a C64 anthology like le geek mentioned... :love:


Thanks for listening!

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I know you had some of the Atari carts on the third Win 95 Activision pack. That's what I'd like to see on a volume 2 (in addition to all the stuff everyone else has mentioned.)


I was kind of dissapointed over the lack of high score saves, but it seems like everyone else is mentioning this as well. That, I'm sure, will be in Volume 2, right? :)


I still think, if done properly, an Intelivision pack could be good. I was pretty dissapointed by the first one, but perhaps the technology is better now and that could be done well this time.


And, as already mentioned, interviewers with the programmers. That's about the only reason I've held onto the INTV pack for PSX. The interviews were great!


Still, great work on this one. I think this is going to be the yardstick against which all future retro comps will be judged, and that's a good thing.

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I just got my copy of Anthology for Christmas yesterday and wow what a great game. I only played it about an hour but i already got some patches and tv commercials. I felt like a little kid again, from the moment I selected a game and saw they had manual cover scans, and original box art...what flashbacks of my youth.


I'm really enjoying it so far and I'm glad a company finally decided to release ALL their games on ONE disc rather than forcing us to buy seperate volumes. And I like the way the menu's are laid out and the cartridge rack is fun too. Plus it's nice to see old games video quality look really crisp coming out of my PS2 with S-video. Great job Activision, much much better than i could ever hope for!


So far the only negative thing I see is some sounds are not 100% accurate or just missing altogether, but this is just a minor flaw. I also don't care about the screen effects, and it would've been nice if it saves your high score so I don't have to write it on paper. Unless it does but I haven't read the manual yet.


As doubtful as it is I'd love to see another company (ie: Atari, Capcom, Nintendo) put something so gigantic like this together, and of the same quality and emulation.


There was a C-64 complilation pack about 8 years ago with about 10-20 games on it for PC. I forget what games were on it. I'm pretty sure Activision released it.


Oh yeah I'd love to see Anthology on the Gameboy Advance. This is a must. Even if it was a stripped down version but good emulation I would definitely get it.

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Commodore 64 15 Pack (for Windows 95)

1. Beamrider

2. Decathlon

3. Hacker

4. Little Computer People

5. Rock N' Bolt

6. Zenji

7. Top Fuel Eleminator

8. Alcazar

9. Toy Bizzar

10. Master Of The Lamps

11. Web Dimension

12. Portal

13. The Great American Cross-Country Road Race

14. Zone Ranger

15 Park Patrol

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The protos roms will see the light of day, shortly.. but probably not until the Digital Press guys release more of their unreleased findings to the community. The Activision and Imagic titles in particular.


:? So, it's DP's fault that they haven't been released yet? Unless there's more to the story here, that's a pretty damn weak excuse. Why stop with DP? Why not keep them until Fulop decides what to do with Actionox, or AA releases their UA protos, or some of the rumored Coleco protos surface, or when Ed English and Ed Temple agree to release Looping...


Btw, I have some Activsion proto versions that I don't think are available on the net, so I guess it's my fault too.


:love: Mmmmm. so many protos still out there for us :love:


Who said we need homebrews and hacks to keep this hobby going?! :D







PS: I just couldn't resist ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Foxglove!


Thanks for your kind remarks regarding Anthology. I somehow doubt that you'll see the title on the GBA though. Sales on GBA title right now, are just absolutely horrible.


I recall the Commodore 64 pack. Wasn't very good in my opinion. That's another one fo those titles where I wonder why they didn't cram it full of games. Heck, Activision must've had close to 100 games or so for the C64.


"Oh Well."


If ya' wanna' write me, you can get me at klov@activision.com





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