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atari2600land's Blog - SMB1 Revisited


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So I went to the used gaming store and while I was there, I stumbled across the NES Game Atlas. Seeing maps of SMB1 made me think back to this website I used to run about SMB1 until I handed over the reins to some other guy who apparently stopped updating it. I did a Google search and voila, it was still online! So I grabbed some stuff from it and made my own new page simply titled "The Super Mario Bros. Page" I bought the book and scanned those pages (They didn't come out too well because the pages were in the front of the book) and they're there, as well as some more interesting stuff about the game, including some Game Genie codes. I was having trouble with the bottom of the page, but Random Terrain helped me with that, so it looks good now. And I shall be updating this site on a regular basis now, even when I don't have anything to say or add, I'll poke my head in and say Hi, just like I do with Atari 2600 Land (The Super Mario Bros. Page's...



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