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ST2205U 6502 based?


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Has anyone had any experience with the ST2205U?



I've read that it's based on the 6502. I'm not sure how compatible it is. It has features such as RAM, OTP ROM, RTC, LCD controller and programmable sound generator. Sounds neat, but I guess it's only been used for commercial picture frames. Seems like it would be a neat chip to work with.

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Seems it is (did a search). Used reasonably commonly in keychain LCD devices.


First half of zeropage has Control Registers mapped to it, aside from that it appears to behave the same.


Found a Datasheet and User Manual, but neither mentioned the 6502 heritage. Only got that info from a few hackers type blog entries found elsewhere.


If this could be interfaced to our old computers/consoles it could make a good slave processor, and apparently these things are only worth a few bucks each.


Of course, it'd need to be able to interface to external RAM as well (it's got 32K internal).

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