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XG-1 or attempt to rewire a Sega Phaser?


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For the purpose of the few lightgun games on 7800, which do you think would be the easier route to take? Attempt to get my hands on a (working) XG-1, or purchase a much-cheaper Sega Light Phaser and attempt to do the rewiring?


I'd hopefully like to hear from both sides, that is, if people here have gone to the trouble of rewiring the Sega gun. It's not incredibly high priority on my list, because for the most part, the lightgun-only games on the 7800 are. . .less than stellar, but it's still something I'd like to eventually do, for the sake of completeness.

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The XG-1 is really not accurate and for the cost of a Sega one, after shipping and modding - may as well just get the "best" gun available. Only $25 and they're much more accurate than Atari's. More comfortable too:





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