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Rare Colecovision Games on EBay


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Are these long lost roms, that the seller put on a cartridge?

The seller in questions didn't put the ROMs on carts, he simply obtained them from someone else who did. Of all those listed, the only "legit" releases are likely the Penguin Land and the Fireman. The rest are cheaply executed repros the seller obtained at an earlier date.

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I'm kind of new at this so bear with me.


Check out this auction:

eBay Auction -- Item Number: 2207378435551?ff3=2&pub=5574883395&toolid=10001&campid=5336500554&customid=&item=220737843555&mpt=[CACHEBUSTER]


Are these long lost roms, that the seller put on a cartridge?


It's all of the rare games that never were released, so how did these come about?


Just curious.


That Fireman game looks like a Zellers 2600 cart. Not sure if they ever did Coleco Vision games. There was a Super Donkey Kong prototype for the Adam that filled in the missing levels, so someone could have done a repro of that. Never heard of Super DK Junior though that could also be a repro of a proto that never got released. They could also be homebrews.

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