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Videogame critic reviewed Failsafe

8th lutz

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While I have agreed with some of the reviews of VGC, I have to say that the game deserves a better rating. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and I have posted before about this game being awesome before. I feel like this game might get overlooked due to not being an arcade port. The simple fact is that this game is excactly what the 7800 library needs...an original title that holds its own. I typically attempt to purchase as many homebrew titles each year, on average about 15-25 a year for the past 5 years(if my humble budget allows me to). Hands down for the year of 2010, this was one of the big surprises for me to play and the specific reason why I am currently playing my 7800 more than any other game system I own. Bottom line is that this is one of several amazing 7800 titles to come out in recent years and anyone who wants a solid gaming experience should pick this one up. I look forward to future projects, and since I am snowed in...guess I will be playing this one today!

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People put far too much stock in the VGC's opinions. Everyone always says the VGC is too harsh in his ratings or that he shows some bias towards a particular console. He's not and he doesn't.


Why does no one ever complain about games that the VGC has been too kind to? :ponder: Instead of giving examples of games that are near and dear to your heart that the VGC considers to be only average, why not give some examples of games that you don't like that you think he has scored too highly. If you do that, you'll see that the VGC is the same as everyone else--he has a unique set of predispositions that cause him to like some games and dislikes others.


He's just one dude with a bunch of opinions; sometimes they match our own, sometimes they don't. Big deal. If you started your own review site, you could bet people would complain about your opinions too.

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People put far too much stock in the VGC's opinions.

I think it's safe to say that very few people put any stock in his opinions, precisely because they are so seemingly random and capricious.

I don't know about that. Plenty of people here sure seem to get upset whenever he gives a game a low rating. But you're right insofar as his opinions seem random and capricious. Opinions are bound to strike us as arbitrary and capricious when they're not our own.

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Generally, I enjoy reading the VGC's reviews. Even if I disagree, it's an entertaining read and I understand why he doesn't like a game. No big deal. We all have differing opinions on what sucks and what's gold. I think my problem with some of his reviews stems from the inconsistency in which he reviews games. For some games it seems like he actually plays them thoroughly. For others it sounds like he tried it for a couple minutes and gave up. Unless you're going to give a game a fair go at playing, don't review it. Having a bad day? Don't feel like running a game through it's paces? Fine, don't write about it. Save it for another time or review something else.

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Opinions are bound to strike us as arbitrary and capricious when they're not our own.

No, they're not. Otherwise VGC wouldn't be getting singled out.

I don't follow your logic there. You can't expect everyone to share the same opinion of a game. You seem to be holding VGC to a different (and unrealistic) standard.


I'm with Christophero, anyone that starts a review site and awards any game lower then a B, will cause the reader to aquire a "feelings of randomness". I find it odd... everything in life is an opinion anyway... what music we like, what books we read, what we believe in. Everything means something... and yet nothing means anything. Can be frustrating but that's just life.

"Love it or just live it".


VGC is the only critic I know of that "consistently" explains in depth how a game is played and what to expect from it... not just how much fun or not fun a game is... because that indeed is just an OPINION.


The way VGC explains each game and how he felt it handles while playing it, is not random at all but shows a lot of sense. That's why I think he's best to read on old/new video game reviews.

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I've always enjoyed reading his site, but I almost never agree with his reviews. He loves games I think are average, and hates games I think are fantastic.


I've always though him unnecessarily harsh and he is all over the board as far as thoroughness is concerned too.


Still, everybody is entitles to their own opinion. Failsafe would get an A- in my book.

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