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LEGO Retroids

Brian O

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Ranthulfr had commented in my new boxes for common carts thread that the box comps I created looked like the black LEGO Architecture boxes, and it got me thinking what it would be like if LEGO sold retro game sprites as sets. So, I created an imaginary line of LEGO sets called LEGO Retroids. I didn't have enough LEGO pieces to create any model comps, so I downloaded LEGO Digital Designer (http://ldd.lego.com/download/default.aspx), and was able to create 3D versions of the Berzerk Robot and Pac-Man sprites from the 2600 versions of the games.


If you like LEGO, and haven't messed around with LEGO Digital Designer, you're missing out on a lot of fun. Plus, anything you create you can get specially made by LEGO, along with Instructions and Custom Box (it's pretty damn expensive though).


Anyway, here's the fruits of my labor. My imaginary LEGO Retroids boxes. Hope you like 'em:










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awesome - now do et


Hahaha, I'd love to make some of those, but LEGo charge an arm and a leg for custom boxes. They probably wouldn't even let me make the box since Atari is trademarked. For now, I'm going to play around with the LEGO Designer and see what other ones I can create.



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One last one for tonight. Philsan, this one's for you:







Brian, I am a big fan of Lego, thank you!

Shouldn't we add Lego pieces in L.E.M. box?

In the last years I collected Lego Star Wars and bought some Mindstorms sets (unfortunately I had no time to do experiments).

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Here's Master Chief, from Halo 2600:





This one is nice!!!!!!!!!


Thanks! It lends itself nicely to a LEGO model, since it's all connected. Some of the sprites have horizontally adjacent pixels, or non-connected pixels, or even some (like Mario's mustache in Donkey Kong), where the background fills in for missing pixels. Makes creating those more difficult, if not impossible :(


I'm going to make a few more and see how it goes. I may have to hit a LEGO store soon! :)



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One last one for tonight. Philsan, this one's for you:







Brian, I am a big fan of Lego, thank you!

Shouldn't we add Lego pieces in L.E.M. box?

In the last years I collected Lego Star Wars and bought some Mindstorms sets (unfortunately I had no time to do experiments).


Haha! Including LEGOs in the box would be great, but it would cost you some serious $$$. You'd need to purchase the pieces, and then create the instructions/illustrations.


You really should download the LEGO Digital Designer software (http://ldd.lego.com/). I've been having a lot of fun with it.



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Those are cool. LEGOs are blocks and Atari graphics are blocks. With LEGOs you could even do an entire screen shot. PERFECT!


LEGO Retroids might make a cool homebrew game. Maybe a Tetris game where a picture is in the corner, the blocks fall in order, and you have to have them land in their correct spot.


Thanks! I like that game idea, too. Wish I knew how to program :(


PS -- Nice avatar. You watching the new V series on ABC?



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OK, last one for the night. One of my favorite homebrew games, Conquest of Mars:





Like with some of the other, I couldn't match the colors perfectly (since LEGO Digital Designer doesn't offer too many color options), but I think it turned out okay.


G'night all.



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Those are cool. LEGOs are blocks and Atari graphics are blocks. With LEGOs you could even do an entire screen shot. PERFECT!


LEGO Retroids might make a cool homebrew game. Maybe a Tetris game where a picture is in the corner, the blocks fall in order, and you have to have them land in their correct spot.


Thanks! I like that game idea, too. Wish I knew how to program :(


PS -- Nice avatar. You watching the new V series on ABC?




Hopefully someone that makes homebrews will see this thread. I would buy a LEGO Retroids game.


Thanks. I got the Original Miniseries, Final Battle, original TV show, and season one of the new show. I started watching season two but missed one episode. I don't want to skip anything so I'm waiting for it to come out on Blu-ray before finishing. I'm kinda scared to keep watching though because there is always the chance that the show will be canceled like Earth 2 and Firefly.

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PS -- Nice avatar. You watching the new V series on ABC?

Thanks. I got the Original Miniseries, Final Battle, original TV show, and season one of the new show. I started watching season two but missed one episode. I don't want to skip anything so I'm waiting for it to come out on Blu-ray before finishing. I'm kinda scared to keep watching though because there is always the chance that the show will be canceled like Earth 2 and Firefly.

I am watching V too.

I hope the show will not be cancelled!

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PS -- Nice avatar. You watching the new V series on ABC?

Thanks. I got the Original Miniseries, Final Battle, original TV show, and season one of the new show. I started watching season two but missed one episode. I don't want to skip anything so I'm waiting for it to come out on Blu-ray before finishing. I'm kinda scared to keep watching though because there is always the chance that the show will be canceled like Earth 2 and Firefly.

I am watching V too.

I hope the show will not be cancelled!



I don't think it'll be cancelled. The last few weeks have been really good. Lots of action. If they keep this up, it should continue to do well. I'm a huge fan of the original miniseries, and even read the V: The Next Generation book that Kenneth Johnson put out a few years back (it sucked). I was extremely psyched for this show, and I have not been disappointed.



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In the early 70's, I had the original LEGO building blocks, the small ones which the common main blocks were about 1.5-2 inches long, and had the green building platforms. Anyway, I've lost them over the years and have not been able to find them in the stores anywhere.Stores here only carry those fancy kits, with motors, prebuilt people, etc.I used to build huge mansions, so much fun, the best toy i ever had, and IMO, the BEST invention in toys of all time. :thumbsup: The "RETROIDS", look close to the blocks i had, but different colors.My blocks were the basic white, red, yellow, black,with green platforms.

Edited by Rik
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