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sega 3050 light phaser work on 7800 ?


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you can build an adapter without needing to mod your actual controller.




I built that adapter. Used that very link to do it. The 100k resistor didnt work. The gun kept firing.

I think I used a 10K and it worked great.


**I did email him about it. Maybe he updated the page since and I'm wrong. :) I'll have to search my old emails.

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Ok , so I made the adapter in this link:


but it didn't work. I got it to work by changing the value of a resistor.

Here is the email I sent the author of that link:


Hi there. I made the adapter you describe on your page here:



It didn’t work. The XE didn’t see trigger pulls and the 7800 was like in auto fire mode.

So I replaced the 10K resistor with a 100 ohm resistor. That did the trick. Maybe the 10K resistor as listed is in error?


Just wanted to let you know. Thanks so much for that page. I've been shooting at my monitor all night!


Anyway, it works. I've been using it for a long time now

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