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Opinion of the 3DO

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I was wondering what are people's opinion of the 3DO. The more I look into it and its games the more it seems like a system that should have done better and was very close the the PSX when it comes to power. Do you think it would have done better if the 3DO company had just released it and built it them self's so it could have been sold at a cheaper price. Out of all the consoles out then do you think it was the one that deserved to die the most. What are your general thoughts on it.

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The cost was just WAY to high. It got a bad start for that reason and could never come back from it IMO. That said I still think the right console died.


Its really hard to say what could have been with this one. The cost of getting started with this machine was simply too high for it to get started at all really so we never got a real good look at what they wanted to do with it.

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I never got to play it when it was new but I did try it out a few years ago. Only game I had any fun with was the Wing Commander game with all the famous actors in it. Wasn't worth the price though, my friend has like 30 games for it and we had a hard time finding two or three that were any fun to play.

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I love it, the hardware can be picked up rather cheap these days. Many people like the look of the original FZ 1 but that motorized tray and loading mechanism can break down which is more of a concern with this old hardware. I like the FZ10 version, sleek, top loader with built in memory manager (FZ1 requires a separate disc) that loads everything I throw at it. Since it is old CD tech you can even download and burn any 3DO game and check it out without the worry of committing to buying a full game copy. Well worth it for Road Rash and Street Fighter and even some other titles. YES there is a LOT of crap and full motion video garbage though if you like cheesy full motion video you will not find better quality than on the 3DO lol!

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I just got one recently and I've been really impressed with it. It's incredibly powerful for 1993 hardware. There are several cool games for the system, and many that're so wierd that they're enjoyable in a twisted way if you're into that. It's said that it has a lot of FMV games, but you know what? The video actually looks decent. Just a step below DVD, unlike the grainier video on other CD-based systems of the era and up through the Playstation. Street Fighter's gorgeous, it's just a shame about the hit detection. Free games, though, are nice... just burn & play. Definitely $45 well-spent.

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I just got one recently and I've been really impressed with it. It's incredibly powerful for 1993 hardware. There are several cool games for the system, and many that're so wierd that they're enjoyable in a twisted way if you're into that. It's said that it has a lot of FMV games, but you know what? The video actually looks decent. Just a step below DVD, unlike the grainier video on other CD-based systems of the era and up through the Playstation. Street Fighter's gorgeous, it's just a shame about the hit detection. Free games, though, are nice... just burn & play. Definitely $45 well-spent.

Thanks for the reply's. The thing is where I am at they usually sell for more like 70 dollars. Also Saturn or 3DO?

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The business model Trip Hawkins came up with was not viable on-market at the time, nor do I believe is it viable now. Licensing the hardware to other manufacturers was a bold initiative and really pushed the envelope, but it just wasn't a realistic model at all.



It was especially bold, because Philips had done the same thing a few years earlier with little success. The 3DO was a little better, because it had publisher support from EA. But otherwise it looks like the business models were pretty similar, and failed for pretty much the same reasons.

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I love the 3DO. In particular, Sewer Shark and Casper really impressed me. No flames please. I love Sewer Shark. "MAYBE YOU'RE GOOD ENOUGH DOG MEAT! LET'S FIND OUT."


Flame? No hell no! That is one of my very favorite games ever. It came with my Sega CD back in the day and I have always loved it. It has a charm that many of the FMV games are missing. I have never played it on the 3DO though I can see where it should be a little better quality video and maybe a little smoother game play too. I'll have to look into that.


EDIT: Oh and don't call me Dog Meat, it took a while, but they call me Beach Bum now!

Edited by HatefulGravey
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Thanks for the reply's. The thing is where I am at they usually sell for more like 70 dollars. Also Saturn or 3do?

Saturn is the easy answer--so much so that it's not much of a question.


Of course 3do isn't exactly terrible. Sucker a friend into a game of Return Fire and you'll see that pretty quickly. Actually, thinking back there were a lot of 3do games that I've really liked. Lots of FMV, PC ports, and Fighting games.

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If you are choosing between the Saturn and 3DO, then the Saturn is the obvious and only choice. That being said, the 3DO is a cool little system with a handful of great games, so you should at some point pick one up. I sold mine off a few years ago and wish I hadn't.



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I had a Goldstar 3DO back in the day (still do somewhere) and it was a great system at the time. I thought that the graphics were better than PS1 in many cases. What killed it was that the PS1 was cheaper and had more game developers supporting it..

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Saturn or 3DO? I guess I have to disagree with most other people here. I like the 3DO, true, I don't own one and I do own a Saturn, but that is something very soon fixed. I got my Saturn because I got one hell of a deal. The system and all hookups and like 10 games for under $40. Its a nice system, and there are some really cool games, but the 3DO has a collectors appeal to it for me. There were a lot of people that had a Saturn and most people have seen and played one. Not many have ever seen a 3DO much less played one. Hell most people I know have never heard of it. Sure, its a bit of a shallow reason to go for that first, but I think it is valid to a lot of collectors too.


If nothing else a good deal on a 3DO is harder to find, so if you find a good deal on a working system with some extras I would snap that up first.


Better system, Saturn, better collector piece 3DO. I guess it just depends on where you want to be.

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I really like my 3DO. I think it has pretty darn good versions of Wolfenstein (probably one of the best home console versions), Return Fire, Alone in the Dark, Gex, Road Rash, and Need for Speed. I also enjoy playing the Dungeon and Dragons games and Wing Commander 3. I've read numerous times Crash N' Burn is a really great game too.

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i like the system alittle bit ;) i saw the price of the system in magazines and thought umm no thanks way to steep

i never really thought about the marketing side of things, i was just happy EA kept making the NHL series for Genesis untill 1998 back then :)

i also love the Saturn, most played game is Warcraft 2


games i played like crazy were

Captain Quazar

Corpse Killer - beat it with the controller first

Daedalus Encounter

Dragon Lore - took something like 9 years to finish. i took a long break between playing

Escape from Monster Manor

FIFA Soccer


Lucienne's Quest - the expensive rpg

Guardian War - the cheaper rpg

Incredible Machine

The Horde

Need for Speed - just awesome to play

Off World Interceptor


Return Fire

Road Rash - just awesome to play


Star Control 2

Super Wing Commander

The Life Stage: Virtual House - WHOA! its the king of load times


Wicked 18

Wing Commander III - a sci-fi legend and a porn star all in one game


just to name a few


i didnt get a 3DO untill early 1997 when a funcoland store opened in my area. i got ahold of these

a 3DO Goldstar from funcoland for $50 then a New FZ10 system last one on the shelf for $45 5 months later from Media Play, by the end of 1997 i bought 42 3do titles, many buy 1 get 1 free or buy 2 get 1 free sales in stores


these pics are from 2003

7 items in the first pic and Dino park tycoon in the 2nd pic have been sold :(

also atleast 11 games in the 3rd pic have now have boxes. i was heavy into attachments and the odd controller or 2 thats why those were the first to sell




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I agree with all of you. 3DO is a good little system but was WAY too expensive for the time, kind of like the PS3 of it's day. Graphics aren't bad and there are some good games. Got mine, FZ-10, in the box at a Best Buy in Cleveland, that and a couple games. That was around the time it was nixed and the price had dropped to clear them out. Super Wing Commander and Star Fighter are two of the games I play the most. Crash and Burn isn't bad but I like Need for Speed better, if you can find it.

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The system might be worth it for "The Need For Speed" and "Road Rash". I've never played either, but the latter is always showered with praise (I remember reading those glowing reviews in Gamefan back in the day), and the former looks pretty amazing for a 1994 racer.

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The system might be worth it for "The Need For Speed" and "Road Rash". I've never played either, but the latter is always showered with praise (I remember reading those glowing reviews in Gamefan back in the day), and the former looks pretty amazing for a 1994 racer.


I can attest to how good Road Rash is. I borrowed my friends 3D0 way back when we were in middle school, of all the games I borrowed Road Rash got the most play. I've, on more then one occasion, thought of buying a 3D0 just for Road Rash.

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