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Ebay Auction: Out of Control with Manual and Box


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Hi all,


I am completely new here, and I hope that I am not breaking community rules by posting my auction since I am new. If I missed a prohibiting rule, please let me know. I'd be more than willing to take down this post or whatever else you need me to do.


Anyway, I am selling my Out of Control cartridge for the Atari 2600 over on ebay: eBay Auction -- Item Number: 1505833425241?ff3=2&pub=5574883395&toolid=10001&campid=5336500554&customid=&item=150583342524&mpt=[CACHEBUSTER]


The auction includes the cartridge, manual, and box.


I am the original owner of the game, and bought it as a kid in 1984 (I think) at a Zayre department store in Tallahassee, FL. I recall not having very much money and looking at several of the 'budget' titles stacked up on the shelf, which were mostly Avalon Hill games. I think Zayre was sort of like a Big Lots of its day, and my guess is they had bought these games from other retailers that couldn't move them. Anyway, I distinctly remember there were about three shelves with dozens of Out of Control, London Blitz, and other AH games there. I got Out of Control, and a few weeks later I had enough money that I was able to go back and get the London Blitz game.


Fast forward almost 30 years, and I am cleaning out my closet and find a box of Atari carts that I guess my mom had dropped off at my house some time ago. I checked online and discovered that Out of Control was pretty darn rare. Makes me wish I had picked up a few more way back then.


Anyway, if anyone has any questions about the game, condition, etc. just ask. I'd be happy to answer them and provide additional pictures if you like.





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Congrats on your auction....you should be able to get good coin for your game.


Two questions:


1) Does your auction include the cartridge insert...it has the Avalon Hill logo at the bottom?


2) Does your auction include the registration card???


Please advise. :)




- Wonder007

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I just wanted to let everyone know that my auction is ending in less than seven hours. I've had a number of offers for side deals, but I am playing this straight. So, if you are still interested, the auction is still there and ends today.





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I just wanted to let everyone know that my auction is ending in less than seven hours. I've had a number of offers for side deals, but I am playing this straight. So, if you are still interested, the auction is still there and ends today.






Ooooo, side deals! Do share the details.

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...I've had a number of offers for side deals, but I am playing this straight...


Ooooo, side deals! Do share the details.


As soon as this transaction is through, I'll be happy to share a few of them. The names will be changed to protect the innocent! ;)



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WOW $1,825.05,nice price,it was still only $425 with 20 secs to go :D


That's pretty high, considering there are two pieces missing.


Can you interchange inserts and cards from a more common 2600 AH game or are they dedicated to this title. If they are generic then I don't see something like that affecting the price that much.


If they are dedicated to this title then yes that is a problem esp the insert which would be a !@#~# to find by itself.

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WOW $1,825.05,nice price,it was still only $425 with 20 secs to go :D


That's pretty high, considering there are two pieces missing.

That's pretty high considering anything. Collectors are some stupid crazy people...


Yeah, that's one reason I like hanging out here -- since I'm a gamer, and not a collector, I get to laugh at all these people. :lol:

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