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Dead 5200?


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Hey guys... I have a 5200 that will not work. I was given a system sans switchbox. An Atari age member was kind enough to give me a "broken" one for shipping cost(it works for routing power to the console, but no video)...


I received the box and hooked up everything in the normal configuration to see if maybe the switchbox would work anyways. the power light lit up,

the switch box clicked, but no video. I then removed the casing to hook a rca cable directly to the board and use a standard game switchbox(like for the 2600 etc.)and now I dont get any power light or clicking sounds whatsoever. All I did was removed the plastic casing. I have performed a number of mods:

saturn modchip install

coleco a/v mod

turbo grafx a/v mod

Nintendo true stereo sound mod


I was very careful in the removing the case and I am fairly sure I could not have damaged anything. there are no signs of burn or damaged components on the board and no burning smell from the system, power supply or switchbox. Is there something I am missing about the 5200?

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I really don't understand what you did with the standard switch box....


The 4 port model must have the special switch box if it has had no power mod done to it.

Single wire form the console to the switch box, power to the switch box and switch box to TV RF.


If you don't get video, and the person who gave it to you says the problem with it is no video....

well, you have to repair it or find a working switch box.


I've read in this forum, people who can repair them. Maybe someone will offer to look at it for you.

Good luck!

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mike99mccarthy, let's focus on the 4-port switchbox, and let's see if we can get that working.


Hook the system back up using the 5200 4-port switchbox. When you power it on, do you get a power light on the 5200, right? Do you get anything on screen? By anything, I mean, does the sytem display a solid black screen, a pattern of any kind, or garbled video? Or, do you just see static/snow? If you see just static/snow, confirm that you do have it on channel 2 or 3, and doublecheck the channel 2-3 switch on the 5200 motherboard. I've seen a few boards with damaged channel 2-3 switches before. Not common, but it happens.


If you are getting power to the system (red light comes on), but only static or snow, take a look at the switchbox. First, check the RF connection carefully on the switchbox. Is there a center wire in the RF cable that goes into the back of the television? Is it damaged? If not damaged, there is probably something inside the switchbox that has failed. Check or replace Q1 or U1. i fixed 0078265317's switchbox, and his problem was the U1 chip.


PM me if you would like to send your swithbox in for me to test. Just cover cost of shipping, and I'll be glad to test. I also have extra U1 parts, so I can replace if necessary.


Good luck!


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My main concern is the first time I tested it the power light would come on followed by a clicking in the rf switch box. it seem like it was working fine(other than no video). then I removed casing and hit the power button an got no power light and no clicking sound. I thought maybe there was some failsafe where it wont work while open(some coin ops have this) but I didnt see any switches or anything.

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mike99mccarthy, let's focus on the 4-port switchbox, and let's see if we can get that working.


Hook the system back up using the 5200 4-port switchbox. When you power it on, do you get a power light on the 5200, right? Do you get anything on screen? By anything, I mean, does the sytem display a solid black screen, a pattern of any kind, or garbled video? Or, do you just see static/snow? If you see just static/snow, confirm that you do have it on channel 2 or 3, and doublecheck the channel 2-3 switch on the 5200 motherboard. I've seen a few boards with damaged channel 2-3 switches before. Not common, but it happens.


If you are getting power to the system (red light comes on), but only static or snow, take a look at the switchbox. First, check the RF connection carefully on the switchbox. Is there a center wire in the RF cable that goes into the back of the television? Is it damaged? If not damaged, there is probably something inside the switchbox that has failed. Check or replace Q1 or U1. i fixed 0078265317's switchbox, and his problem was the U1 chip.


PM me if you would like to send your swithbox in for me to test. Just cover cost of shipping, and I'll be glad to test. I also have extra U1 parts, so I can replace if necessary.


Good luck!


I used a volt meter and discovered my power supply is good. then I plugged it into the switchbox and hooked up my leads to the place the "single" power/video wire connects. I had a little power coming thru, but it was only like 2 volts. so it must be something inside the box. I am thinking about just performing the 5200 power mod.

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mike99mccarthy, let's focus on the 4-port switchbox, and let's see if we can get that working.


Hook the system back up using the 5200 4-port switchbox. When you power it on, do you get a power light on the 5200, right? Do you get anything on screen? By anything, I mean, does the sytem display a solid black screen, a pattern of any kind, or garbled video? Or, do you just see static/snow? If you see just static/snow, confirm that you do have it on channel 2 or 3, and doublecheck the channel 2-3 switch on the 5200 motherboard. I've seen a few boards with damaged channel 2-3 switches before. Not common, but it happens.


If you are getting power to the system (red light comes on), but only static or snow, take a look at the switchbox. First, check the RF connection carefully on the switchbox. Is there a center wire in the RF cable that goes into the back of the television? Is it damaged? If not damaged, there is probably something inside the switchbox that has failed. Check or replace Q1 or U1. i fixed 0078265317's switchbox, and his problem was the U1 chip.


PM me if you would like to send your swithbox in for me to test. Just cover cost of shipping, and I'll be glad to test. I also have extra U1 parts, so I can replace if necessary.


Good luck!


I used a volt meter and discovered my power supply is good. then I plugged it into the switchbox and hooked up my leads to the place the "single" power/video wire connects. I had a little power coming thru, but it was only like 2 volts. so it must be something inside the box. I am thinking about just performing the 5200 power mod.



The power mod is great. You can put a normal RF cable on the female jack that is on the 5200 mother board.

There is a good thread here in the forum with pictures and it is not a hard mod to do, if you can solder a bit.

I did the more simple way of drilling a hole in the rear case and mounting a jack on the case vs mounting a jack on the mobo. That sounded way too hard for me to do. :)

Good luck!

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