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Watch out for this knucklehead


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So I list this auction eBay Auction -- Item Number: 3305499029051?ff3=2&pub=5574883395&toolid=10001&campid=5336500554&customid=&item=330549902905&mpt=[CACHEBUSTER] which ended last night and near the end, I check the bids and see who the high bidder is - tomek_1972. Ok I check his ID and it says POLAND. Well the auction clearly said no international shipping (I've had problems before shipping to Europe) and canceled his bid which was $130 US BTW (WTF?)


So today I get this email:








I ignored it. A few hours later I get another one:


If you have honour ansewer my e-mails. It was easy to cancel my offer an lie.


What the hell? I lied? I have no honor because I cancelled his bid? So I finally wrote back:


What do you want to know? You're from Poland. I don't ship to Poland. You want me to ship to a friend in the US on your behalf? You ask me BEFORE you bid. That is what others from Europe have done. So don't talk to me about honor, you tried to sneak in and bid when you knew you shouldn't have. The games have already been sold and shipped so just leave me alone.


I figured that was what he was getting at from his broken english was that he could bid but I could ship to a US address, which I did for someone else no biggie, but that person asked before he bid which I would expect. I always ask a seller if they're willing to work with me first. I don't just bid and expect special treatment.


Anyway, I get another one just a few minutes ago which I haven't responded to:






Thes facts:


1.?????? Bid rules: no international shipping.


2.?????? You canceled my bid ? reason ? no international bidding and shipping.


3.?????? You wrote in last mail sth about shipping to my friend or sth ? ?first it isn?t your business, second ? I have my own address in the US -? to sum this up IT ISN?T YOUR PROBLEM.


4.?????? You wrote in last my about ?about asking first?. What for I didn?t break any rule.


5.?????? As you se I offered 130 USD. I was determined to buy it. ?


6.?????? You don?t answer my mails. You could only write I made a mistake. Sorry.




You made mistake and still try to convince me that I did sth wrong. ?So as I said, you are man without honor. Chicken ?



He's going a little nuts for someone who just couldn't bid on some games. It wasn't THAT great of a lot to get all worked up over. I think the "without honor" and calling me a chicken is a little lame but hey I guess I'm a dishonorable chicken for not shipping to Poland.


Anyway, just wanted to pass along in case anyone else runs into this lunatic.


I will say where I faulted was not programming the shipping exceptions properly in the auction or he wouldn't have been able to bid anyway. I thought I did but apparently didn't.

Edited by AtariLeaf
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Why don't they require mandatory psych evaluations prior to using eBay?


What is with the dishonest chicken comment???


In any case, look at the bright side...I found you a new avatar Mr. leaf!!!







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Isn't there a selection to block international bidders, where you can check off boxes for regions and individual countries? I think I remember that. But still, if it says "NO INTERNATIONAL BIDDING" then that should be clear. This person has no recourse, eh? Ignore him and he'll go away.

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If you set the international options on the eBay listing and the bidder does not have a registered US shipping address then eBay will not allow them to bid.


Other than a language problem and him getting a little loopy about your canceling his bid; it could have been avoided in the first place by setting the eBay item preferences. If he has a registered US shipping address with eBay then he would be allowed to bid and the shipping address would have been in the US so he would have been correct in bidding. If he didn't have a registered US shipping address and the preferences were set, he would not have been allowed to bid.


In the meantime just add him to the blocked bidders list and ignore him.


It has to be added that he has only positive feedback of 38 including a recent item for $1,975. So he probably is not bad to deal with.

Edited by kheffington
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Isn't there a selection to block international bidders, where you can check off boxes for regions and individual countries? I think I remember that. But still, if it says "NO INTERNATIONAL BIDDING" then that should be clear. This person has no recourse, eh? Ignore him and he'll go away.


Yes and I thought I had it set correctly but apparently I didn't. I've since gone back and corrected it. That was my mistake or I wouldn't be a dishonorable chicken. ;)

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If you set the international options on the eBay listing and the bidder does not have a registered US shipping address then eBay will not allow them to bid.


Other than a language problem and him getting a little loopy about your canceling his bid; it could have been avoided in the first place by setting the eBay item preferences. If he has a registered US shipping address with eBay then he would be allowed to bid and the shipping address would have been in the US so he would have been correct in bidding. If he didn't have a registered US shipping address and the preferences were set, he would not have been allowed to bid.


In the meantime just add him to the blocked bidders list and ignore him.


It has to be added that he has only positive feedback of 38 including a recent item for $1,975. So he probably is not bad to deal with.


Absolutely. I probably wouldn't even have known he was in Poland for that matter. If he had a US account I'm surprised he didn't just use it in the first place. I'm sure people in other countries use that kind of thing all the time to get around these issues and I wouldn't have had a problem with it.


My main issue was with him going bat shit crazy about it.


@ bennybingo - love the pic :D

Edited by AtariLeaf
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I'm half Polish, so I'm not sure if I should be ticked at you or my disgrunted countryman. :P

I really enjoy Polish sausage (with garlic) and pierogies and will drive 2 hours to get them and I'm not sure if I should be ticked at you or because my town doesn't have a good Polish meat market.

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tomek_1972 actually is a good guy. He has a U.S. shipping address but he does live in Poland. He wanted me to ship to Poland but was ok with me shipping to his U.S. address.


Again, if he was fine with that, he should have asked me before he bid. As a Canadian, if I see someone who says they don't ship to Canada and I want an item, I email the seller FIRST and ask if its ok. If so, great, if not, I don't go ahead and bid anyway. There were still 3 hours left in the auction, all he had to do was send an email saying that yes, he was from Poland but I have a US address you can ship to, would that be ok?

I would have absolutely agreed to that.


However he didn't bother to do that, all I know is that someone from Poland, a country I don't ship to, bid on my item which said "NO INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING" in big bold letters and that was it. How he handled himself after the fact was completely childish and uncalled for. The fact that you had good dealings with him and the fact that his feedback is perfect is completely irrelevant to this situation.

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tomek_1972 actually is a good guy. He has a U.S. shipping address but he does live in Poland. He wanted me to ship to Poland but was ok with me shipping to his U.S. address.


Again, if he was fine with that, he should have asked me before he bid. As a Canadian, if I see someone who says they don't ship to Canada and I want an item, I email the seller FIRST and ask if its ok. If so, great, if not, I don't go ahead and bid anyway. There were still 3 hours left in the auction, all he had to do was send an email saying that yes, he was from Poland but I have a US address you can ship to, would that be ok?

I would have absolutely agreed to that.


However he didn't bother to do that, all I know is that someone from Poland, a country I don't ship to, bid on my item which said "NO INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING" in big bold letters and that was it. How he handled himself after the fact was completely childish and uncalled for. The fact that you had good dealings with him and the fact that his feedback is perfect is completely irrelevant to this situation.


To prevent this kind of problem, as a buyer I also ask first before bidding on items that don't list the US as allowable destinations.

If it was the buyer's intention to have it shipped to a US address he has in eBay, I can see why he would be upset his bid was canseled, because he didn't do anything wrong. Your auction doesn't say no international bidders, it just says "Shipping is $7.99 Airmail to the USA and Canada ONLY No international shipping on these items"

If he doesn't have a US address then he was wrong to bid on the auction and screw it up.

I have bought items without any problems from several people who are from other countries and have US shipping addresses and/or bank accounts.

I know you can have more than one shipping address on your eBay or PayPal account, so he may not have a US account to use, just a US address.

If I were a seller, I wouldn't have canseled his bid without sending an email to remind him of the Canada & US only shipping restriction.

Being so close to the end of the auction, maybe he wasn't around to see your canselation until it was too late.

The closer to the end of the auction the less chance there is for either of you to straighten it out.

I understand the bidder's frustration trying to communicate in another language and don't fault him at all for his broken english and definitely don't think it means he's a knucklehead or loopy. It isn't easy to communicate in other languages than your own, so please don't put people down who are trying to speak yours.

I know there wasn't anything major in the auction, but just to have a bid canseled without saying something to the bidder first seems harsh.

Edited by Defender II
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(1) There was no way for me to know if he had a US address since it was so close to the end of the auction and he never communicated. If he didn't have a US address, then what? That happened to me once before. Sniped by a guy in Italy and he's now claiming he didn't get his items and I have a case against me with him so you can understand why I'd have an itchy trigger finger on European buyers who don't tell me they have a US address coming in and bidding at the 11th hour. He didn't respond to the cancellation until the next day so chances are he wouldn't have seen an email I sent reminding him of such. To expect the seller to KNOW a buyers intentions is impossible. Sorry the onus is on the buyer to communicate what his intentions are if he's in a country that I don't ship to and to do it BEFORE the auction ended.


(2) When I say no shipping internationally, I mean no bidding too. I didn't know I needed to specify that in an auction. I, rightly or wrongly, assume that when you bid you live in the country you bid from and that is where the shipping goes to. There are scams where people try to get you to ship to an address different than the account holders confirmed address and time and again they say to ship to the address attached to the account only.


(3) I assume you read what he wrote and the tone he took in the emails. This wasn't a language issue. He communicated quiet clearly what he intended to say.

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(1) There was no way for me to know if he had a US address since it was so close to the end of the auction and he never communicated. If he didn't have a US address, then what? That happened to me once before. Sniped by a guy in Italy and he's now claiming he didn't get his items and I have a case against me with him so you can understand why I'd have an itchy trigger finger on European buyers who don't tell me they have a US address coming in and bidding at the 11th hour. He didn't respond to the cancellation until the next day so chances are he wouldn't have seen an email I sent reminding him of such. To expect the seller to KNOW a buyers intentions is impossible. Sorry the onus is on the buyer to communicate what his intentions are if he's in a country that I don't ship to and to do it BEFORE the auction ended.


(2) When I say no shipping internationally, I mean no bidding too. I didn't know I needed to specify that in an auction. I, rightly or wrongly, assume that when you bid you live in the country you bid from and that is where the shipping goes to. There are scams where people try to get you to ship to an address different than the account holders confirmed address and time and again they say to ship to the address attached to the account only.


(3) I assume you read what he wrote and the tone he took in the emails. This wasn't a language issue. He communicated quiet clearly what he intended to say.


All of your points are well made and I understand your position after you were treated badly by a european bidder. I don't envy eBay sellers.


He was buying items in an auction in another language and part of the responsibility to understand the rules is his, but I think he followed the rules. If he has a valid US eBay address, then he followed eBay rules and his bid was canseled anyway, so he would have a valid reason to be upset. The onus is on the seller to set the auction options for the countries they are willing to accept bids from and/or ship to and state these in the auction. Believe it or not, this is a communication problem and it is made worse because you both have different primary languages. Anyone reading your auction can see shipping to a US address is OK. It doesn't say you can't bid if you live in a european country. When I was overseas I bought things and had them shipped to family in the US even though I had an overseas address. I would have been upset to have my purchases canseled because I had them shipped to another country.


I did read his emails, and I believe when you cansel a bid you must mark the reason. I think he is saying the reason you used was 'not correct' translate~ 'not true' translate~ 'a lie'. Things do often become harsher/rougher during translation, not many words equal eachother 100%, there is usually some variance. Yes, it is easy to see in his emails he is frustrated and upset. What made it worse was he didn't receive a reply to his first email and felt you were ignoring him. No one likes to be ignored so he became more frustrated. He has a right to have his purchases shipped to a valid eBay US address if the auction offers shipping to the US. You may have marked the most appropriate box, but maybe it wasn't 100% accurate. I have studied several languages and when I was overseas I sometimes found myself frustrated by my inability to get across what I wanted to say. I think all he meant by chicken was that you were afraid to sell to him. He wasn't being childish or looney, it was just the way he thought to say it and he doesn't understand why you didn't sell to him. Having 'honour' and/or 'face' are very important to many cultures and I believe your bidder is truely taken aback that you would treat someone the way you treated him. The idea of honour and face may seem petty in the US and Canada but are taken more seriously in many other countries. I often felt embarased by the way I saw other Americans treat people in their home countries.


I hope my input helps you in the future.

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I understand Defender II and as I said from the start, it was my mistake that I didn't set the exceptions properly. I thought I did but apparently did not. From now on I will state specifically that Shipping is to the US and Canada only and any overseas bidders must contact me FIRST if they would like to bid and do have a CONFIRMED (I think thats important) US or Canadian address to ship to.


At least when he called me a chicken, he didn't ask me to fight like a robot ;)

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