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5200 homebrews


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I found this site tonight and it made me wonder why they have so many more 5200 home brews and finished protos available than the Atari Age store. Is it that these developers choose to sell on that site over AA? Has anyone bought games from them?


Any word on their version of Battlezone? They do not offer screenshots, but I had hoped for a 5200 Battlezone done in arcade vector graphics fashion.

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So far, I've acquired:

5200 Battlezone proto- playable, but collision is wacky :|

5200 Xevious proto- very playable :cool:

5200 Sinistar- very playable, though collision is slightly off :)

5200 Beef Drop- good, though I'd rather the A8 version. Bought this one since A8 is never in stock :sad:

5200 Castle Blast- lovin' this one :love:


As for buying from "them", every time I've tried to order the items I wanted came up out of stock.

Edited by zylon
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5200 Castle Blast- lovin' this one :love:


You love Castle Blast? Am I thinking of the same game that is like the boss level of Phoenix??


The Pac-Man music doesn't drive you insane ??

Or the way too slow increase in difficulty making the game not so exciting ??


I met the author at a Nava meeting once... A really nice guy. I know this was one of if not the 1st homebrew sold for the 5200 but it is more like a tech demo kinda thing than a well executed game. Just my opinion....

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5200 Castle Blast- lovin' this one :love:


You love Castle Blast? Am I thinking of the same game that is like the boss level of Phoenix??


The Pac-Man music doesn't drive you insane ??

Or the way too slow increase in difficulty making the game not so exciting ??


I met the author at a Nava meeting once... A really nice guy. I know this was one of if not the 1st homebrew sold for the 5200 but it is more like a tech demo kinda thing than a well executed game. Just my opinion....

The difficulty does ramp up rather slow, but it's a fun easy game. Just pick up amd play. Of all the after-death releases on the 5200, I've played this one the most.

BTW: I loved 2600 Phoenix. :D

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5200 Castle Blast- lovin' this one :love:

I met the author at a Nava meeting once... A really nice guy. I know this was one of if not the 1st homebrew sold for the 5200 but it is more like a tech demo kinda thing than a well executed game. Just my opinion....


That's Old Guru from our own forums years ago, and it was the 1st 5200 homebrew. Yeah it might not have the polish that other later homebrews (2600, 5200, or 7800) but as you see, there's always a fan of a shooter to be found.


Back then, going from no new 5200 games to Castle Blast was very exciting for a lot of us. Some of us (ahem) started to homebrew in the first place solely based on early homebrew works-in-progress including this one. Old Guru, being an adult and family man didnt have unlimited time so he kept the game rather short & sweet. HE got feedback and made more inclusions that he had originally intended - the different shots and so on. Yes the Pac-Man music doesn't fit (but the author loved Pac-Man and told me thats why he included it), but the other music fits VERY WELL and beats pretty much all other 5200 homebrew's music attempts, certainly including mine. There's a secret - shoot the ufo's (you can't destroy them) on left and right alternately and get his initials, did you know that?


I always thought it would be cool to make a Castle Blast 2, where more stuff was added and the game was speeded up, and maybe a scrolling starfield added.

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You know, if the Fast Eddie they are selling is the same one released here by Steve, it has a known problem and is not playable.

Well, not properly. $30 is a lot of money for a broken game! Maybe it's a conversion done by someone else?


And with that I will leave my little plug that I hope Steve is fixing the issue with Fast Eddie as mentioned in another thread. ;)

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I found this site tonight and it made me wonder why they have so many more 5200 home brews and finished protos available than the Atari Age store. Is it that these developers choose to sell on that site over AA? Has anyone bought games from them?


Any word on their version of Battlezone? They do not offer screenshots, but I had hoped for a 5200 Battlezone done in arcade vector graphics fashion.


I blame BatariBASIC and the AtariAge community for most of the 2600 homebrew popping up here. 5200BAS doesn't seem to be in active development and seems to rely more on inline assembly than bB.


The magic mix of non-developer amateurs and hardcore assembly hobbyist (plus active developers for BASIC compilers) just doesn't seem to exist for the 5200.

Edited by theloon
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Does anyone have Atlantis or Demon attack? fun on 2600 how are they as converted XL games? are they worth picking up?


I have the Atlantis for the 8-bit computers and it's great. It's very similar to the 2600 version. So, hopefully the conversion to the 5200 would be equally great.

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So far, I've acquired:

5200 Battlezone proto- playable, but collision is wacky :|

5200 Xevious proto- very playable :cool:

5200 Sinistar- very playable, though collision is slightly off :)

5200 Beef Drop- good, though I'd rather the A8 version. Bought this one since A8 is never in stock :sad:

5200 Castle Blast- lovin' this one :love:


As for buying from "them", every time I've tried to order the items I wanted came up out of stock.



How does the 5200 xevious proto compare to the 7800 version?

I love Xevious, but that game just frustrates me. Maybe I haven't put enough time into it, as I always have trouble once I get to the end of what appearsto be the first wave. [big city or whatever it is that you engage]

Edited by peedenmark7
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So far, I've acquired:

5200 Battlezone proto- playable, but collision is wacky :|

5200 Xevious proto- very playable :cool:

5200 Sinistar- very playable, though collision is slightly off :)

5200 Beef Drop- good, though I'd rather the A8 version. Bought this one since A8 is never in stock :sad:

5200 Castle Blast- lovin' this one :love:


As for buying from "them", every time I've tried to order the items I wanted came up out of stock.



How does the 5200 xevious proto compare to the 7800 version?

I love Xevious, but that game just frustrates me. Maybe I haven't put enough time into it, as I always have trouble once I get to the end of what appearsto be the first wave. [big city or whatever it is that you engage]

Been a long time since I've played 7800 version, but I believe the 5200 is harder. I usually don't quite last till 20k or make it through a stage. The AI has really good aim so knocking out the bases is far more important in this one. I like to hold in the fire button and just roll my thumb a little to drop bombs. Sound and video are good, motion and collision seem fine. It probably could've been released as-is.

Otherwise, it'd depend on your view of 5200 controls.

Edited by zylon
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I ordered Battlezone and Jr. Pac Man for 5200 tonight. Will I be disappointed?


Jr Pac-man is great. There is a bug in it when the moving special object hits a power-pellet it never stops destroying it making the level unbeatable.

I think someone has hacked it to fix that. Lets hope the version your getting has that fixed. I know they cost a bit but you should think about the atarimax USB or SD carts. You can drop these roms on them and play.

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I would consider the Atarimax cart but there is basically nowhere to download rom's these days, ever since Nintendo went sue-crazy.

Most of the 5200 roms can be donwloaded here except for some homebrews and the Activision games and it is very easy to find the Activision roms on the Net. I think your missing out big time if you don't get Classic's Atarimax cart and you like the 5200.



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Got my games today, and am highly unimpressed. Not with the game play, but with the condition of the games themselves. I could not get either Battlezone or Jr. Pac Man to go past their respective title screens until I scrubbed away copious amounts of blue-green oxidation residue from the Battlezone cartridge contacts. After much scrubbing, it now plays. Jr. Pac Man never did come to its senses, even after much scrubbing off of black residue with a cotton swab and alcohol. Its not my 5200 console, as my other games all play fine. I have contacted Good Deal Games and asked how to return Jr. Pac Man for an axchange. All this is frustrating and I wonder if they look at the condition or even test the games before shipping them out. :|

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Got my games today, and am highly unimpressed. Not with the game play, but with the condition of the games themselves. I could not get either Battlezone or Jr. Pac Man to go past their respective title screens until I scrubbed away copious amounts of blue-green oxidation residue from the Battlezone cartridge contacts. After much scrubbing, it now plays. Jr. Pac Man never did come to its senses, even after much scrubbing off of black residue with a cotton swab and alcohol. Its not my 5200 console, as my other games all play fine. I have contacted Good Deal Games and asked how to return Jr. Pac Man for an axchange. All this is frustrating and I wonder if they look at the condition or even test the games before shipping them out. :|

That's gotta suck! :x

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