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2600 cart blanks?


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I'd like to get some "blank" carts - a cart with socket that will allow me to burn games, drop the chip into the socket, and use in my 2600. Does such an item exist for sale somewhere? I would think so but I haven't found anything yet (maybe I don't know where to look since I'm new to the 2600 hobby - my main hobby is collecting classic arcade games btw). Wouldn't matter too much if it's a DIY kit or pre-assembled. Would be nice if they came with enclosures but I'll take what I can get. EPROM's not necessary - I like to keep a supply of 2732's (and others) anyway.

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I'd like to get some "blank" carts - a cart with socket that will allow me to burn games, drop the chip into the socket, and use in my 2600. Does such an item exist for sale somewhere? I would think so but I haven't found anything yet (maybe I don't know where to look since I'm new to the 2600 hobby - my main hobby is collecting classic arcade games btw). Wouldn't matter too much if it's a DIY kit or pre-assembled. Would be nice if they came with enclosures but I'll take what I can get. EPROM's not necessary - I like to keep a supply of 2732's (and others) anyway.


I got one of those off eBay a while back. It is homemade as hell, but it works. I see them now and again for sale, but I have no idea how one is made, nor would I know where to find the socket. I would be happy to post pics if you want to see one.


You might try and ask CPUWIZ. He has been very helpful to me since I joined and has answered many similar questions. Best of luck!

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This is very cool. I'm not new to working on circuit boards, but I've never had boards made. If I just want to get a handful done, what's the best place from a cost standpoint on getting it done? Or is it only practical in higher quantities?


How about cartridge shells? Have those been reproduced by anyone?


Any HOWTO guides on getting started with this stuff? Not so much from the programming side, but just from the hardware side (my main interest at this point is having the ability to burn a game I'm semi interested in at a moment's notice to play on my 2600 as opposed to being stuck in stella). I'm guessing that once I get hooked up with a good pcb shop this will be pretty straightforward, but at this point I don't know anything about gerber files and whatnot.


Thanks for the feedback!

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That's really cool of Joe to do that!

Totally agreed!



This is very cool. I'm not new to working on circuit boards, but I've never had boards made. If I just want to get a handful done, what's the best place from a cost standpoint on getting it done? Or is it only practical in higher quantities?


How about cartridge shells? Have those been reproduced by anyone?

For small board runs BatchPCB seems to be where most folks go.


Shells are invariably taken from common commercial carts.


To give you a heads-up, the bank-switch carts also have PLD component that needs programming, which may complicate things if you haven't done that before.



Any HOWTO guides on getting started with this stuff? Not so much from the programming side, but just from the hardware side (my main interest at this point is having the ability to burn a game I'm semi interested in at a moment's notice to play on my 2600 as opposed to being stuck in stella)...

If you're just after an easy playing experience, check out the most excellent Harmony cart!

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No problem, and I agree that Harmony really is an excellent value!


To my knowldge, no cart seller after the big crash has invested in the injection molds that would be necessary to build their own carts from scratch. The scale of business that would make molds economical just isn't there, and commons 2600 games are common because there are a millions of them. :)

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No worries! It's not the first time I've seen someone called their title instead of their nick, and I'm sure it's not the last. Given the placement of the user's title, it's an easy mistake to make.


Still, it always gives me a chuckle when I hear it, because it sounds kind of para-military. :)

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