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7800 Light Gun: Options & Opinions

Dr Manhattan

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I'm in the market for a 7800 light gun. I hear the Atari XE Light Gun works well on the 7800. I've also read that you can convert the Sega Master System LG for use with the 7800. And according to the 7800 guide on this site, Best Electronics sells a light gun as well. (alghough I can't find it on their site.)


Which light gun is best for use with the 7800? Which do you prefer?


What are the games that work with the light gun? My list so far includes Alien Brigade, Barnyard Blaster, Crossbow, and Meltdown. (I've heard Cracked is a light gun game without light gun support. Is that true?)


And one last thing. I found this C64 Light Gun on ebay. Do you think it would work with the 7800? (Here's another C64/XE/7800 light gun.)


I look forward to hearing your opinions.

Edited by Dr Manhattan
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Here is an older thread which discusses the various light guns, and it includes a link to a wiring diagram for an SMS Light Phaser adapter. The Best Electronics site is a nightmare to navigate, but I found this "Quick Reference Guide" which includes a picture of the light gun (it's $24.95).


I've only used Atari's light gun, and it works okay as long as you stick to small CRT televisions (mine is a 13" Samsung). The gun is always just a little bit off, but I generally learn to compensate for that when I aim. I've got an extra Light Phaser kicking around, so I really need to build an adapter for myself and try it.

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Here is an older thread which discusses the various light guns, and it includes a link to a wiring diagram for an SMS Light Phaser adapter. The Best Electronics site is a nightmare to navigate, but I found this "Quick Reference Guide" which includes a picture of the light gun (it's $24.95).


I've only used Atari's light gun, and it works okay as long as you stick to small CRT televisions (mine is a 13" Samsung). The gun is always just a little bit off, but I generally learn to compensate for that when I aim. I've got an extra Light Phaser kicking around, so I really need to build an adapter for myself and try it.


Thank you for the reply. That is a really helpful topic. (And Atari Joe is right, that Red XE gun is sweet!)


I'm glad I'm not the only who has trouble navigating Best Electronics. (Although now that you've directed me to that page I'm going to purchase a bunch of stuff.) Speaking of which, I see a product called "BE's Sega Controller to Atari Systems Adapter." Do either of you know if I could use this adapter with my SMS light gun? That would save me a lot of trouble. I'm only a novice when it comes to soddering.


One last thing. Hasn't anyone tried that C64 gun? I'm just curious because I think it looks kinda cool.

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I see a product called "BE's Sega Controller to Atari Systems Adapter." Do either of you know if I could use this adapter with my SMS light gun? That would save me a lot of trouble. I'm only a novice when it comes to soddering.

You might want to ask Brad at Best Electronics to make sure, but I doubt it. The SMS Light Phaser adapter circuit includes an inverter for the trigger switch signal, and Best's adapter looks too small to have one inside it. I've never used that adapter, but it's probably designed only to use the Genesis gamepad's action buttons.

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What are the games that work with the light gun?





It also works on 2600 Solaris. icon_shades.gif


I think you mean Sentinel.





yea...it was ridiculously late when I wrote that. Thanks for the correction.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I find the XE gun works fairly well, adjusting the contrast and brightness on TV helps.One thing though, i can't be more then 2-3 away from TV or the XE'S accuracy goes to %0.

Edited by Rik
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Too bad the manner in which they work, doesn't allow them to be used on flat-screens (no electron beam to base timing off of and thereby correlate screen position.) The new systems have guns that work with the new screen. I wonder how outrageous an adapter one would need to encode and translate the data...

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